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Promoting your writing

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There have been a few members asking how to generate more interest in their work, so I’ve put together a list of suggestions to help increase reads/votes/comments. If anyone has any other tips to offer, you’re welcome to add them!

Stories Space

Being an online community, the more you put into Stories Space the more you’ll get out of it. Several ways to create interest in your writing here are:

1. Get to know fellow members. If you add friends and become active in the forums and chat room, your work is more likely to be read because members will be more familiar with you and your writing.

2. Think about what it is that makes you pick up a novel for a closer look in a book store. Does it have a catchy or intriguing title? Do you read the first few lines to decide whether or not it's a book you want to read from cover to cover? Writers need to make their work irresistible to readers. You only have the title and the opening line to catch their interest. Try to draw them in and make them want to stay once they start reading.

3. Add a link to your latest story (or several of your stories) in your forum signature. This can be done by going to “account” in the menu bar, followed by “settings”, then “customize profile”. In the list of options at the top of the page, choose “edit forum signature” to add links. You can also tap into your creative side and make a banner for your latest story by visiting a site such as

4. Read and comment on the work of others. Most writers I know are avid readers. If you help other members by reading and giving constructive comments on their work, they’re more likely to return the favour when it comes to your writing.

5. Post an update on the mini-blog in your profile letting people know when you have a new submission up. The more members on your friends list, the more people your message will reach.

6. Fill out all of the areas on your profile so people know more about you. This is also a good place to mention what kind of feedback you’d like to receive on your work.

7. Make sure you have an avatar. The featured members section on the home page only showcases members who have their own avatars, so if you’ve kept the default silhouette avatar, you’re missing out!

8. Join our critique forum. It was created as a place for writers to receive in-depth critiques on their work. There's been some really helpful feedback given in there so far, but new members are always welcome.


Each new story posts automatically on the Stories Space Twitter account with a link back to your submission here. It’s also a good idea to open your own account and announce your stories, give updates on your writing progress, or request feedback.

There are plenty of publishers on Twitter so if you follow them you’ll be able to keep track of their calls for submissions. (If that’s the direction you want to head in.)

If you’re new to Twitter, an easy way to start out is to click on the members we’re following on the Stories Space account. They’re all writers, readers or publishers and the majority of them have followed back.


As with Twitter, new submissions post automatically to the Stories Space Facebook page. There’s also the option of creating your own author’s page and inviting people to “like” it so that each time you post a new story, it’ll show up on their timeline. You’ll find the link to create one at the very bottom of the page.


A blog is an easy way to create an independent site to showcase your work. You can promote your writing, meet other bloggers who share your interests and keep all your writing (regardless of genre, subject matter etc) all in one place.

As you can see, there are many ways to get your name out there and find readers for your writing. It does take a little work, but if you're willing to put the effort in, I'm positive you'll see the rewards!

Please add away if you have any further tips.

Thanks, Maggie! I noticed you've just joined Twitter. It's good to see you there.
To me, the challenge has always been for one of my stories to make the rankings - without dishing out free ice cream or going trawling for votes.

It took me a long, long time to reach the magic ten votes. I was so so thrilled when I finally made it and even more thrilled when my hot, girlie warriors also took their place in the hall of storiesspace fame.

Sometimes the small victories can be the sweetest.

I have always felt uncomfortable promating my work. I have this archaic feeling that I should leave the judging to others. Alas that is not how the world works. One can be Nicoli Tesla or Thomas Edison but the world will not reward you for false nobility.
Really good stuff Lisa.. you went to a lot of effort to put it together and there are many members here who will benefit greatly from your hard work.. but I also agree with everything Milik said.. if I didn't know better I'd swear he was me.. I long ago have contented myself with being that dusty book on the back shelf of the library that only a few lost souls who got confused in the aisles reads.. although Steffanie's idea of free ice cream has some merit.. I'll read anybody for a hot fudge sundae...
Thanks, Larry! I agree with you all. I don't think the whole promotion thing is something that comes naturally to a lot of writers. I know it doesn't for me. I'd rather let people find my work on their own. If writers want to get their stories noticed and have the goal of becoming published, though, it's unfortunately all part of the process.
This business of promoting myself does not come easily to me, especially the most effective method I have found, which is...telling people I know in person about my work here. Actually, it's a combination of telling a few people about my only story posted, and taking great care in linking it and my poetry submissions so they follow a smooth progression in terms of both content and style.

Seriously, an email message sent to five people (which they then passed on to who knows how many others) letting them know I had posted a story I thought they might be interested in reading was followed by a substantial increase in both votes and views on all of my pieces. It had to have been more than mere coincidence. And in one case, it resulted in a wonderful opportunity for me that wouldn't have come about otherwise, so I had to grudgingly admit that a little self-promotion can be a good thing.

Connect with Maggie

Like my Facebook fan pages: Maggie Rascal and M.P. WitwerFriend me on Facebook: me on Twitter:
Quote by Lisa
Thanks, Maggie! I noticed you've just joined Twitter. It's good to see you there.

Thanks, Lisa! Yes, I decided to fully embrace the whole social media craze and see what comes of it. As of now, folks can:

• Follow me on Twitter:!/Maggie1Rascal

• Add me as a Friend or Subscribe to my public posts on Facebook:, or

• Like my Facebook Page:

(Or they can click on any of the links in my award-worthy signature below.)
Connect with Maggie

Like my Facebook fan pages: Maggie Rascal and M.P. WitwerFriend me on Facebook: me on Twitter:
Quote by Dreamcatcher
I long ago have contented myself with being that dusty book on the back shelf of the library that only a few lost souls who got confused in the aisles reads..

It sounds nice and cosy there... move over.

BTW Mr Martini started the ice cream thing, I just borrowed it ...
Quote by magnificent1rascal

Thanks, Lisa! Yes, I decided to fully embrace the whole social media craze and see what comes of it. As of now, folks can:

• Follow me on Twitter:!/Maggie1Rascal

• Add me as a Friend or Subscribe to my public posts on Facebook:, or

• Like my Facebook Page:

(Or they can click on any of the links in my award-worthy signature below.)

I think I did all that Maggie...and yeah, your sig line undoubtedly deserves an award for something...sheer size at least...

And Steff, I don't think it was the free ice cream that got your hot, girlie warriors that tenth vote...more likely that picture if you ask me...just sayin'
I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...

Quote by DirtyMartini

And Steff, I don't think it was the free ice cream that got your hot, girlie warriors that tenth vote...more likely that picture if you ask me...just sayin'

You're just jealous of my classy merchandise promotions...

Lovely mug I get a discount if I buy two?

Anyway...the Social Media Examiner is an online resource of marketing how to, research, case studies, news...and you get the idea...they have an e-mail newsletter you can subscribe to as well...check it out...

Social Media Examiner: Your Guide to the Social Media Jungle[/size]
I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...

Thanks so much for this, Lisa.

Promotion comes relatively easy for me (thanks to my non "Diana Shallard" duties) but I'm still confused about the voting process, and I guess I'm a slow learner as I stumble on nuggets of info here and there but have yet to understand:

* Can ANYONE vote on stories or just members only? Seems it's for members since there have been times when I've tried to vote on a story but forgot I wasn't logged on yet, and the site wouldn't let me. So, if that's the case, promoting our work to the Twitter world is good, but has its limits, no?

* Can someone vote or view multiple times? Sorry to be so cynical, but what's to stop someone from clicking on their own (or a friend's) story multiple times and/or voting on it in order to increase the views/ranks? I guess with the sophistication of the site that i've seen so far you might have ways to discourage that, but it's still a point of confusion.

* Friends... I am on the fence about the need/desire for "Friends" simply because I already juggle Friends and Followers on Facebook/Twitter. I guess I'll do as Maggie does and offer my plug here that if anyone does want to "friend" me, they can do a search for "Diana Shallard" on Facebook and/or Twitter. I'd love to have the company!

Thanks again for all your work, Moderators.
“Play the sunset."
― Mr. Holland (played by Richard Dreyfuss) on "Mr. Holland's Opus"

Find my fan page on Facebook "Diana Shallard" and follow me on Twitter too!
Quote by DianaShallard
* Can ANYONE vote on stories or just members only? Seems it's for members since there have been times when I've tried to vote on a story but forgot I wasn't logged on yet, and the site wouldn't let me. So, if that's the case, promoting our work to the Twitter world is good, but has it's limits, no?

Unless a member has configured it otherwise in the privacy settings, guests can give a score of 4 or 5 on non-competition stories. However, only logged-in members may vote on contest entries (until the contest closes). Also, someone must be logged in to give a score of 3 or lower on any story. This is to prevent malicious "voting down" of stories anonymously. Thankfully it's not a problem we've encountered much here.

Quote by DianaShallard
* Can someone vote or view multiple times? Sorry to be so cynical, but what's to stop someone from clicking on their own (or a friend's) story multiple times and/or voting on it in order to increase the views/ranks? I guess with the sophistication of the site that i've seen so far you might have ways to discourage that, but it's still a point of confusion.

I don't know all the technical stuff involved, but only one vote from each IP address or device is allowed, so the answer about multiple votes is no, that isn't possible. As far as views, I believe only one view is counted per session, so someone can't visit once and keep reloading a story to boost the view count.
Connect with Maggie

Like my Facebook fan pages: Maggie Rascal and M.P. WitwerFriend me on Facebook: me on Twitter:
Thanks so much for that info, Maggie! It all makes more sense now and seems like smart rules too.
“Play the sunset."
― Mr. Holland (played by Richard Dreyfuss) on "Mr. Holland's Opus"

Find my fan page on Facebook "Diana Shallard" and follow me on Twitter too!
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Quote by DirtyMartini
Facebook has announced its support of #hashtags

I've done my bit. My images on the forum now support links.

I think I deserve a bug slayer badge because the image link button doesn't do anything. I had to use the create link instead and edit it - Below is a working example of my efforts.
