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7 Deadly Sins, According to Writer's Digest

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Rest in Peace
Hey Sharon...looks like we get the same newsletters...

I don't think I'm doing too bad with this one, though I do make a few...

1. the example they give about writing the same thing over and over, I don't think I'm guilty...I make it a point to try to not do the same thing, or write what others have written time and again...on the sister site, for instance...I am in 16 categories...more than anyone else on the site...I've always made it a point to write stories that were a bit "outside the box" and anyone who has actually read them, I think would agree...

As far as laziness in general...guilty lately...though it's more a matter of avoiding more "difficult" writing projects, a common thing among writers...and my upcoming projects are more difficult than I'm used to...

2. Trying to be a good student...I've been guilty of that...I don't usually research stories, or even take notes, but in the ones that I have I did seem to feel I had to throw everything in...

3. Marching down the outline...never actually wrote an outline for a story, but I don't know if I would see following an outline such a bad thing...

4. Denying jealousy....I don't feel I'm ever jealous of other writer's success, I think in large part because I consider myself somewhat unique as a writer...if I thought there was a writer who wrote exactly like me, and saw them making the big bucks, then it might be different...but, I don't see that happening any time soon...

5. Focusing too heavily on the business....guilty of that lately...been reading too much about publishing and other assorted stuff in writing groups when I should really be getting back to writing...but, it's something that hopefully won't last much longer...and I have learned a lot on the subject in the last several months...for better or worse...

6. Not reading books...hmmm, you talking to me??? I didn't hear anything...too busy reading...
OK, maybe not...I've never actually been much of a fiction reader...people who have known me for a long time are actually fairly amazed that I actually write anything...
Very guilty here...just to give you an idea, I believe I read one novel in my twenties and thirties...yeah, one novel in two decades...

7. Imitation...well, I guess one of the advantages I have in not reading is that I can't be accused of imitating anyone...I don't have a problem with this one at least...

OK, I'm done here...who wants to go next? Lol...
I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...

Active Ink Slinger
For myself I'm guilty of these three:

1. LAZINESS: I have a tendency to start stories and never finish them.

2. TRYING TO BE A GOOD STUDENT: I only jot down notes when an idea for a story comes to me

4. DENYING JEALOUSY: Yeah, I've worn the green mask of envy when someone gets an ebook published or get a book in physical print form. Who doesn't get jealous every once in awhile?

I use this site a lot for reference materials and prompts I can turn into a story. Speaking of prompts, I have a site I used that served as the basis for a short story on the sister site, called Blackout.

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by DirtyMartini
Here's a somewhat related article some may find of interest...

The 9 Mistakes Most Writers Make That are Keeping Them Poor

So, that's the problem eh?

I somewhat agree with the self-marketing one. As soon as I do a post on my blog, I tweet it and send it as a link to Facebook. It's how I got more followers to my twitter page. When I see my story up for all to see, i do the same thing. Self-promotion does work.

Rest in Peace
Quote by ladysharon
Self-promotion does work.

Once you commit yourself to self-publishing, and a lot of people seem to be going that route these days, you have no choice but to self-promote...

There is nobody else who is going to do it for you...
I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...