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Kitten Stories



This isn't a story, it's a mewsing *mew*

My laptop screen is too bright, but I can’t be bothered turning it down. I’ll just live with it. I decided to get some food to quell my hunger but all that did was make me even more hungry and thirsty. I have a notification on Facebook, which has turned out to be crap and I’m currently drawing level with my opponent in Tekken 3. Whoopee. My writing endeavours all turn out to be crap, which is fzarking annoying. Yeah, I us...

A Random Rambling

Things from my head...

I hate those times when you want to write something, but either have no drive, or no ideas. You open a word document and just type for the sake of typing. Or if you’re a fan of pen and paper, you do it that way. You have no idea if you’re gonna come up with something good or just a bunch of words strung together. Sometimes, it’s amazing, you actually find that there’s something about just writing your thoughts about havin...

Kitty and kitten share a hug,They kiss each other and be all snug.Thousands of miles and a computer screen,Don’t stop them from making each other scream.Screaming in laughter and joy, they share themselves,They let their minds take little delvesInto each other’s, getting to know one another,Kitty whispers “Kitten, you’re cute as no other!”Kitten blushes and Kitty kisses,His aim is one that never misses.Kitten squirms and...

No Bigger Than My Hand

Getting my kitty-cat...

Ten minutes before eight o'clock and I was out the door, rushing around the corner to the house owned by the woman who'd promised me my kitten at eight sharp. I knocked at the door even though I didn't see any extra cars in the driveway, figuring they'd just dropped him off or something and she had him inside. She opened the door and said I had to wait another day, the younger daughter wasn't letting anybody near the kitt...