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What do you like the most about reading?

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It gives me something else to focus on. Most of my reading begins as a stress relief.
It helps me to ecape the world and people around me for a time and reading gives me enjoy if its well writing, the right thickness and cover art too.

But that's me in a nutshell
I guess for me reading is an appreciation of the art of writing. I take it as a compliment that a random stranger clicks onto one of my submissions and taeks from it whatever it is that drew them to the piece in the first place. When I pick up a book - especially if it is by an author I have read before - I already know that as soon as I open the front cover that I am going to have a few hours of inexpensive pleasure.

I enjoy writing that is character-driven; I want to know why that charcter is the way he/she is, why they do/say/think/behave/react as they do. Obviously a good plot is essential, but a good plot with shallow or ill-drawn characters is like a vegatble soup without the vegetables: watery and pointless. I work hard on making the characters in my works as real and human and believable as I am able, hoping that the reader will connect with him/her on some level.

The bottom line as to why I read is very simple: I read for enjoyment and an appreciation of the author's art. In my mind, the two go hand-in-hand.
Active Ink Slinger
I love learning, traveling, adventure and romance, I love exploring, investigating, seeing, feeling, experiencing, I love people, animals, nature and the world, and that is why I love reading, because that offers it all.
If life seems jolly rotten
there's something you've forgotten
and that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing

from Monty Python's "Life of Brian"
Active Ink Slinger
I love reading because I just get lost in it (One page at a time :P) , if the book is great I would be gone for hours, if not for days.
Active Ink Slinger
I love reading. Becoming immersed in different worlds/scenarios, getting to know the characters and developing feels for them, whether that be disgust or happiness at their triumphs. I love it.
Active Ink Slinger
My first love was comics, I just love looking at the pictures and draw them as I read (I've masted multi tasking earlier in life) but I'm a late bloomer with reading. A friend introduce me with reading and that reading takes me to places I never been to, let me do things I never done before and let me feel their pains and happiness they have written. My imagination runs wild. Got addicted to reading. I still fall asleep reading history.


My wandering crazy mind is just doodling in the sands ~ RuNe
Active Ink Slinger
I started early listening to my mom read to me. When I began to read on my own I found a wide open world to travel and experience. I read with more purpose now. Sometimes you just need some bubble gum to chew for fun, other times a deep dive into thought.

I also read as a conversation among millions and across time. I can share the thoughts of those who have devoted lifetimes to a subject and by writing back my thoughts are now fish in the pool waiting to be caught.

I love to taken away by a good writer to strange worlds and strange times and places, it feeds me to grow as well.
May your parchment be smooth, your ink never blot, and your writing never block.
Active Ink Slinger
It allows me to lose myself in it.