I just submitted another story for Tam’s challenge. There was no limit. 👍
I did so to test the submission process. It was smooth but still some bugs to work out. Picture gets narrowed and text is blurry. No copyright info. Fewer editing options including not showing a preview, edit, or save function. It’s submit only. No choice for title removed from cover picture. No notification that the submission was sent to be reviewed and verified.
I suspect this stuff will eventually be addressed. One thing at a time.
Story just got posted. Tags were not included, which for some stories, are very important queues to the reader. The tags were not displayed on the copy that was sent to me awaiting verification. I'd hoped the tags would show up once verified, but they were not.
In addition, the spacing between lines in text box when adding body of story needs better definition (more between paragraphs). Space between lines in paragraph versus between paragraphs seems to be the same, or at least it did, when I submitted the story from my phone. In this post, there is a little more space between the paragraphs that the lines within. This last paragraph, I double spaced between it and the paragraph above, just for reference.