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5 hours ago



Finished the 3 Body Problem. Started out strong, ended up…meh, but okay. I would watch a second season. At least the showrunners learned to use a SHORT opening credit sequence after that interminable Game of Thrones credit sequence.

Gonna start Fallout tonight.


Glad you are on the mend, Cora. I trust Red is recovering nicely as well.

Me, I had acupuncture yesterday, and therapy today! I’ll be good as new soon. Well, probably not.

I’ll have some Kicking Horse please.

First full No Talia day. Sigh. The cats are looking at me with accusatory glances. She’ll be back soon, I swear! Kitties? I promise…. Hey, put down that cat scr…. Fighfhccjxjxsmsjt


A mild Covid like illness, but when the sufferers come out of their fever they are…changed. Brain structure is different. Zany antics ensue.


Quote by redwriter

Series of rapid dizzy spells lasting only ten seconds each had me being hurried to the hospital for check-up. After several hours wait, much questioning, and a brain scan (when all they found was a tired, over-used old brain) , not having any repeat of the dizziness I was allowed to return home and now remain relatively normal. One thing I did learn after years of emergency treatments, is that if you are merely a "check-up" then waiting is part of the treatment, Arrival at hospital 3.00pm---return home 2.00am. Patience is essential., Although better safe than sorry is a useful maxim.

A hot chocolate and one of Sara's cookies would be most acceptable.

Headline: Scan of Red’s Brain Reveals Nothing!

Sorry, Red, that’s an old Dizzy Dean joke. Glad to hear you are doing well.

Acupuncture went well. Who knew I would become an acupuncture junkie?

Mets won again. Day game today, but I won’t be watching. Talia laves today for a week or so. Wah. The cats and I will be bacheloring it up with Taco Bell and bad monster movies and baseball games. I might buy them some special cat treats to make it through the week.

Coffee and a beignet, if any of those are still lying around.


Plagues are the new zombies. Kill the world with a contagion.


Survived Monday.

Acupuncture day today! I’m psyched! Almost good as therapy day.

Other than that, not much going on. We’ve had beautiful weather lately, perfect for walking. Writing is going well. Mets are playing good ball. What’s not to like?

I’d love a coffee. And one of Sara’s cookies!


Quote by Mendalla

So ever had a band that you've known about forever, knew was very much one you would like, and just never got around to listening to? Much to my embarassment as a fan of prog, that band for me is King Crimson. Yeah, I've heard them now and then over the years but never actually gave them a good tryout. So this morning I had their classic debut album "In the Court of the Crimson King" on in the car. And was not disappointed. This was also an early album for vocalist Greg Lake who later went on to fame as part of Emerson, Lake, & Palmer.

I frikkin LOVE this album. Freshman year dorm room soundtrack


I promise to use fewer exclamation points next post. That last one had 11!


Yes, I’m back, no eclipse monsters. The eclipse and accompanying road trip were Big Fun!

I have galleys to proof today (!!!) for a story com out first week of May! So that’s fun. Talia is leaving in a couple days to visit her Mom, so that’s not fun. But at least I have baseball season to distract me. Mets are playing some pretty good ball! (Sorry Red.)

That’s a mighty fine looking pie Ape. Have you tried writing a flash or micro to break the writer’s block? Or is it more like writer’s ennui?

Looking forward to reading your poem Elyse. It’s been crazy busy here!

Coffee and a cookie please. Seize the carp!


Quote by Mendalla

Got some nice hot Nicaraguan medium in the coffee pot. Teas du jour are English Breakfast and Raspberry Royale. Fresh lemonade and iced tea are in the fridge and hot water is ready for other teas or hot chocolate.

Have a great weekend, y'all!!

Cool gif!

Hey all. We are back from Okie-homa. The clouds threatened to swamp the eclipse - we saw the first 15 minutes, then nothing but clouds for nearly an hour, but minutes before totality the clouds parted. REALLY spectacular stuff. I think the clouds made it even more dramatic.

The road trip was nice too, though got a bit long by the end. I really love that part of the country - even the Texas parts smile. I derive deep comfort from the food and the accents and the culture.

I hope all is well. Acupuncture today! I'm psyched!


You guys should start a WWII memory/snippets thread. It would be read with much enthusiasm.

We’re in Oklahoma (or as a an old girlfriend called it, Oh Glaucoma). Sunny here now. Storms roll in tomorrow but the forecast is improving - I am optimistic we will see the eclipse.

Today we are going to a little country church and a tiny graveyard on a hill covered in wildflowers and wild grass. One of my favorite places on the entire Earth. I’ll be there one day myself.

I hope everyone is well. Coffee for two please.


We are off! See you on the other side of the eclipse. Forecast is for cloudy skies, so pray for a patch of blue sky for us. I'm pumped for a road trip, so we'll have fun regardless.

Elyse, you were kidding about crushing on Tom Petty!? I'm so disappointed....

Hey, Red, glad you had a good day. Enjoy your Italian dinner.

Have fun in the yard Gill.

A LOT of coffee please.


Quote by redwriter

Here we are in this dead haven on April 4th. The big one! ----90!

Ninety! That’s a big one. Congrats, Red. I’m honored to be part of your celebration.

We’re off to the eclipse tomorrow. Rain is in the forecast. I’m really glad I saw the one last year because the weather does not look like it will cooperate. Still, a good road trip, and we can visit my family’s gravesite, now that I am the last one standing.

Beautiful day here. My acupuncture session seems to have done some good with my neurological issues, which is a wonderful thing.

METS DOUBLE HEADER TODAY. (Sorry, Red.) (And sorry for shouting.)

I’d love coffee.


I like the flashback approach, Ape. Start at the house.

And I frikkin LOVE the movie Moon. Didn't know a Bowie made that.

The Mets are winless. It's getting depressing.

Off to the acupuncturist! Gonna let them stick needles into my brain! I am expecting almost nothing, but I am open to whatever happens. We'll see. At least it'll give me something to write about.

Hope everyone is well. I didn't sleep well, so coffee would be swell.


No. I tend to drive my cars into the ground

WYE kill a fly with your bare palm!


Tigers. Though they ARE playing the Mets as I type this

Grassy hillside or sandy beach


Morning everyone.

Slept well, and it’s a beautiful day out.

Slowly preparing for the drive east to the eclipse. We’re getting a little worried by all the hubbub about crowds - there are some counties in Texas declaring themselves disaster areas because they are expecting so many people. We’re going to rural Oklahoma, but still. Worrying.

Today, though, same ol thang. Write, walk, baseball, repeat.

The Mets have yet to win a game. Sigh.

Seize the carp!


Almost certainly

Would you ever leave a boring party early, even if it were held for you?


Tablet. I have tactually never owned an eReader.

When playing as a kid: a cop or a robber?


Quote by JustAnotherSapphic

Yeah...I think I fell for David Bowie without really realizing it. Like, I keep liking/following every page I can find and...yeah.

Anyone alive who doesn’t host at least a tiny crush on David Bowie has a heart of stone.


Quote by Mendalla

With response times of a few days to a couple weeks, the pubs here from a variety of formats and genres will let you know soon if they are interested. Many, not surprisingly, specialize in poetry and flash which are shorter and take less time to review. See if there's anything of use to you.

The Dark magazine has now twice rejected me within a matter of hours. Fast but picky!


Busy day today! Watching the Mets game while I pack for Denver and the Mike Birbiglia concert (he's very funny, you should check him out on Netflix). We'll leave an hour or so after the game.

And next week...the ECLIPSE!!!

Top of the first, no score. Double play, the Mets are out of the inning!

Enjoy the weekend everyone.


Quote by Mendalla

Roger would actually have made a good Wilbury. Right style of music, bit of a sense of humour, well-connected in the industry so some of them would already have known him.

My Back Pages. Bob Dylan, Roger McGuinn, Tom Petty, Neil Young, Eric Clapton & George Harrison. I was there!

I was so much older then, I'm younger then than now.


So nice to see a little action here. Hi everyone! Welcome back Cora!

Petty was my fave Willbury. I once saw him AND George Harrison AND Roger McGuinn play Dylan's songs - Mr. Tamborine Man gave me chills.

It's not even baseball season yet and the Mets game is already canceled. Wah! Still, I'll watch a few games. But I'm bummed.

We're off to Denver tomorrow to see Mike Burbiglia. You should check him out on Netflix. Half comedian, half one man show, but he's VERY funny.

Seize the carp everyone!