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Over 90 days ago
United States


Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Dreamcatcher
OK AD.. that's enough about me.. let's talk about you.. what do you think about me?

That's a loaded question! It is also too intelligent for werds, so......

Active Ink Slinger
Your heart is my heart?
But how can that be?
Do you feel what I feel?
Do you see what I see?

It can't be!
We can't share the same heart!
When did this start?
Can we share other body parts?
Active Ink Slinger
Another friend
No longer around
Driving through
Your sleepy town

Active Ink Slinger
I am covered in Deep Woods OFF. I am not sure how well it repels, but it tastes awful
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by gillianleeza
Yes we do and have, although not all have been intelligent. (I did find those kisses in the freezer.) Slurpee and kisses, a great midnight snack, lol)

ughhhh I awoke to half a fun size Milky Way on my nightstand. Completely your fault!

CK and I are always least our souls are. Don't you think? (looks like is C K. Dave)
Active Ink Slinger
smile Thank you and yes. How are you? AND....we can talk baseball
Active Ink Slinger
Gillian. I love you more than words. More than hugs, kisses, glitter, and...Ice Cube. I will always FOREVER carry you in my heart. I am grateful for our unconditional love, and ever growing relationship. Thank you. For taking care of me and holding my hand through this crazy little thing called life.
Active Ink Slinger
I love the person above me. Yes, you Will. You are such a beautiful soul. Hard not to love someone so loving. I also wanna give a shout out I need some more self love smile
Active Ink Slinger
Spokesperson for Creative Cuts? Receptionist? Owner?! Who do I talk to about this laser cut?
Active Ink Slinger
I love x-files and don't feel like using the shift key to capitalize or use proper punctuation.'s the Windy City area?
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by rolandlytle
I am going to see 'Batman vs Superman' tomorrow morning at 9am with my wife.

I am curious. Was it a good movie?
I am also tired. Still