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My Daughter and I (Her mostly)

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Well, where to begin! Lot's happening. My book, "Death & Taxes" is out on Amazon and now Amazon Europe.RzWS6UspskRRobSu Two nights ago I sent a friend a poem since I was very moved by the death of her son and the strange circumstances surrounding his murder in New York City. She was visibly moved by my writing, and decided to share it with a good friend of hers last night, Diane Sawyer. Yes, THE Diane Sawyer! It was passed around the newsroom and others were moved by it too. Diane called it raw and clean poetry and suggested strongly that she should put my poem on the back of her book. I was thrilled of course.

The other news at the same time was my daughter's recital was placed on Youtube. Now you can view it too - right here, and I'd be so happy if you would leave comments on both songs - your call. Cheers, Don (Proud Dad)
I thought you might like to hear my daughter at her first Recital. Please comment if you would like to. Note she has no microphone. Cheers and Blessings Don (Proud Dad)
Active Ink Slinger
Thank you for sharing the video with us, Don. I love that song and your daughter did a wonderful job singing it. She has a beautiful voice and really hit those high notes.

Congratulations on your book and the interest your poem is receiving. The story behind it is a sad one, but I'm glad your efforts are appreciated.

It looks like things are going well for you!