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No. We, as a species, don't like change. Knowing the future would in all probability increase our mental stress and fears.

Do you ever wish you had been born somewhere else?

Yes, you never see a u-haul behind a hearse. You can't take it with you.

Sacrifice financially in the interest of equity.

Winter. Like the snowscape and winter sports - skiing - both downhill and cross-country, hockey, skating.

Yes. On my bucket list.

Would you ever make a major, like-altering decision on the spur of the moment?

Lightening/Thundering. Nature is the best stress relief.

Bicycle or walking for exercise.


Blessed with three beautiful, healthy daughters

Blessed with a loving, commited husband and father

Blessed with health

Blessed wit freedom from need and want

Yes, with the proper equipment and preparation and planning. Not on the spur of the moment, i.e., spontaneously. Easy to be courageous with the proper planning and preparation.

Would you ever ride at speed with a NASCAR driver at the wheel?

Quote by Cora

Would you ever deep sea dive to 120 feet?

Yes. Have, but only with a least one other diver and with a safety person on the boat. You have to be careful to decompress property. Definitely not for an inexperienced diver.