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Crazy old ape

Fire In The Sky

(FYI, it's best to post both text and image if you're posting a poster. People with screen readers can't see the image.)

Crazy old ape

I like Asian gardens, so the latter. Been to several nice Chinese ones on my trips there (to visit my in-laws).

WYR have a lawn or do a "meadow" with shrubs and wildflowers?

Crazy old ape

Tough. I'm interested in both. Probably theology. I have very little formal education in it vs. taking several philosophy courses as part of my BA program.

In person classes or an online course?

Crazy old ape

Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood morning!!!! And remember, it's always morning somewhere so you can use this greeting any time you like! My late friend Mike taught me that (who was also a writer but passed away before I knew about this place, else I'd have cajoled him into contributing here).

Coffee? Hmm.

Deathwish Dark Roast sounds good for a Friday.


Raspberry and Darjeeling in the pots, others available. Hot water is ready.

Last working day for those of us working stiffs. And this is a long weekend in most of Canada.


Crazy old ape

Quote by verbal
That Weird Western (yes, it's a genre) I wrote was accepted!

Cool. Yeah, the Weird Western is actually a surprisingly big genre. There's books, movies, even at least one tabletop RPG that I know of (Deadlands). Probably some computer games, too, though I can't think of any right now.

Crazy old ape

I can't think of many movies where he did play that big a role. The Man Who Fell To Earth is the only one I can think of. Even in The Hunger he goes away fairly early.

Crazy old ape

Quote by JustAnotherSapphic
I was going to watch another David Bowie movie this past weekend but the one I had in mind had him dying at the end and that was too close to irl events so I passed.

You could watch Last Temptation of Christ and just rewind the scene with him as Pilate a few times. πŸ˜‰

Crazy old ape

Quote by redwriter
"Where the crawdad sings," is one of the best films I've ever seen on Netflix

A lit influencer I sometimes used to watch on YouTube spent a whole video poking fun at the book so I've been kind of wondering.

Crazy old ape

Quote by verbal
In case I haven't mentioned it yet this year, the Mets again suck.

Mets suck. Leafs suck. Some teams just can't catch a break (or a ball in the Met case 🀣)

Crazy old ape

Quote by redwriter

Losl all writing energy. Yet story is complete and locked in my head. So little time left.

Give it a shot. I'll bet you can do it!! πŸ˜€

I need a title for mine. Don't like the working title. Otherwise, I think it is close. There's one paragraph I might ditch. It kind of sits there and doesn't add much.

Crazy old ape

Quote by verbal
Anyway, the movie "The Idea of You" is really good. Anne Hathaway is really good (and really hot), and the script is solid - real adults having real conversations. It's a movie about grown-ups (even if the male lead's character is a boy band). BIG recommend from Talia and I. AND it has the song "Dance Hall Days" at a crucial moment, and I love that song.

Yeah, I thought the storyline sounded interesting, even if it would probably end up on my other writing site (you know, that one) if I was going to write it.

Crazy old ape

Alice Munro has been a legend in Canadian literature for as long as I can remember. She wrote only short fiction, producing 14 collections over her career. Munro won numerous awards at home and abroad, peaking in 2013 when she was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. Besides being a writer, she was also a bookseller, founding Munro's Books in Victoria, BC in 1963. It is still in operation today. Munro has passed away at 92. Sad to see her go but what a legacy.

Alice Munro, Canadian author who mastered the short story, dead at 92 | CBC News

Love how she credits the bookstore for helping her writer's block by removing the economic pressure to produce.

Crazy old ape

Quote by verbal
They found two polyps I love that word) meaning I can't do the every-10-years things.

Yeah, got to watch those. Someone I know has annual endoscopies and they find polyps almost every time. There's a history of gastrointestinal cancers in their family, too, hence the aggressive monitoring.

Crazy old ape

Coffee and Tea

Coffee and Tea

Bring holy caffeine

For me and thee

After hearing me sing that little ditty, you probably need something stronger but this is a cafe, not a bar.

There's some Tobermory Grotto coffee on along with some English Breakfast and Darjeeling teas.

Fresh iced tea and lemonade are in the fridge and sodas are stocked up.

Hot water is ready for other hot beverages and teas.

Later, alligators! Off to work and to hopefully give my comp entry another pass or two to see if it is "baked" yet.

Crazy old ape

I am going to be in soon. Finally got a story that I like. Needs a bit more editing, especially the ending which I just put on, but looking good. And, brace yourselves, it's going in either Drama or Realistic Fiction. Seriously. No spooks or sorcerors.πŸ˜‰

So how are others coming with ~2 weeks to go (really less than that)?

Crazy old ape

Quote by verbal
Me, I'm off to get a camera shoved up my butt.

That conjures ... interesting images.πŸ˜²πŸ˜‰πŸ€£ But I know what you mean. Hope it goes well.

Crazy old ape

Maybe. There are some Olympic sports I enjoy and the opening and closing ceremonies would be wonderful to see live.

WYE, if you could go back in time, choose a different career or educational path?

Crazy old ape

You know how sometimes, a performer who is otherwise just in the background has that one role they will always be known for? Yeah, stuntwoman Susan Backlinie was one of those. She was the woman killed by the shark in the memorable opening scene of Jaws. Susan passed away at 77. RIP.

Susan Backlinie, Jaws star, dead aged 77 | Metro News

Crazy old ape

Glad to hear all went well, Gil. And that's got to be the prettiest shop door ever. πŸ˜‰πŸ˜ŠOutdoor events of any kind are always a crapshoot where weather is concerned so glad it worked out for your family.

And good morning to the rest of you all!!

Bit grey and wet in my world but I will take that over wildfires, which are once again wreaking havoc out in Western Canada.

Putting on some Biker Blend dark roast for the coffee crowd. For teas, we got Organic Darjeeling and Buddha's Blend (white and green teas with hibiscus).

Hot water is available for other teas or hot chocolate.

Looking good for cold beverages.

Later, alligators.