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Over 90 days ago
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Active Ink Slinger
The contest looks really exciting. I am certainly going to put something together. Maybe even a couple of things if you're allowed multiple entries smile
Active Ink Slinger
Hi All,

We're running another short story competition over on my site, The Great Escape. This time we're looking for romance.

You can find all the details here - Writing Competitions

We're offering a small prize of £10 in Amazon vouchers or cash via PayPal, and publication on the site. We may also be doing a print anthology later in the year.

Deadline Sunday 5th February.

I hope some of you will consider entering.
Active Ink Slinger
Personally I tend to avoid anywhere that charges a reading fee. As if it's not enough that they will make money off whichever submissions they choose they want you to pay for that privileged. It's like a builder expecting the brick maker to pay them to use their bricks!

It's bad enough that publishers pay writers in peanuts without encouraging them by volunteering your money up front. There are plenty of places out there that will read submissions for free.
Active Ink Slinger
Thanks Lisa, a helpful little post there. As a reformed ellipses addict I hate seeing pages covered in them, pretending to be other kinds of punctuation.
Active Ink Slinger
I recently submitted a flash fic piece to this journal -

They are looking for prose up to 1500words, poetry and graphic art (photos, drawings etc). They do not pay contributors, but they seem fairly generous with including links and author profiles etc. If you have something suitable it might be a good way to try and get some exposure.

We seek poetry, prose, & graphics that depict elements of human interaction and speak of the physical, emotional, and/or universal, spiritual Touch of humanity, i.e.:


Spiritual (universal spirituality)

Men/Male Issues (related to the above)

Women/Female Issues (related to the above)

Or check them out on Duotrope -
Active Ink Slinger
Your workshop :P

If you could be a fly on the wall at a historic event, which event would you choose?
Active Ink Slinger
It's the last day to enter our writing competition.

We'll be accepting entries right up until the end of Friday - so long as it is Friday somewhere in the world we will still accept your entry.
Active Ink Slinger
Bumping this back up as there is only four days left to enter. I hope some of you will consider entering.
Active Ink Slinger
We're excitedly waiting for our first entry but we've had lots of hits on the page.

I hope a few of the talented Stories Space writers will consider entering. If your story is picked we'll include a link to the site of your choice as part of the post, be it a blog, twitter account or maybe your SS profile page.

It's only 1500 words and you have until the 25th November to enter.

Active Ink Slinger
Managed 1333 words on day 1. Not quite the daily target but not too far behind. Given I had a splitting headache most of the day I call that a win. How's everyone else's start gone?
Active Ink Slinger
Hey Louise, you can be a rebel too!

How about setting yourself a writing goal which is achievable in the time you have? That way you can join in with the spirit of the challenge with your own personal challenge.

I've pantzed before too. I do love just letting a story evolve. This whole outlining thing is actually a bit of an experiment for me to see how I get on with it.
Active Ink Slinger
Scratch truly disciplined, I need to to be truly inspired to churn out the pages.

NaNo is good for motivation more than anything else. Encouraging each other, setting goals and keeping track of your progress.
Active Ink Slinger
I tried Camp NaNo in August with an unplanned story and ran out of steam at 30k. This time I'm going in with a substantial outline. It's a story I've had on the back burner for about two years and I have a whole notebook full of brain storming, plot development and character profiles etc.

My outline is pretty detailed up to about the half way mark then I have a skeleton plan for the rest. I'm aiming for around 85k total.
Active Ink Slinger
Yay, Lisa that's a great idea. There are lots of people who take part with projects other than novels. You even get your own section on the NaNoWriMo forums called "NaNo Rebels"

Good luck with your stories. Have you got any idea what they will be about yet?
Active Ink Slinger
Are any Stories Space writers taking part in this year's NaNoWriMo?

November is National Novel Writing Month and all over the world people are challenging themselves to write 50,000 words in 30 days.

It all starts tomorrow (or today depending on what time zone you're in)

If you're taking part, let us know what you're writing and how you're getting on. If you're not taking part but want to, you can still register and get writing, even after the challenge starts.

I'm going to be working on a supernatural thriller/mystery called Mime, a story I've had brewing for a couple of years now. Find me on the NaNoWriMo site as "Chrissey"