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Over 90 days ago
United Kingdom


Active Ink Slinger
Hi everyone,

We're running our first ever writing competition over on The Great Escape and we're offering prizes - £10 Amazon vouchers and web publication on the site, plus possible print publication in our first print anthology next year.

Come and check it out on the site. Link on my profile page (not enough posts to include it in this post yet)
Active Ink Slinger
From what I've seen, publishers usually give a stance on simultaneous submissions. Some are fine with it, some are very strictly against it and some like DM's example are somewhere in the middle. It's worth doing your research before you make a move. Try your first choice for publication first.

If you're talking short stories, you may have written it for a specific anthology submission, in which case your first choice is obvious. Otherwise you'll have your own reason for choosing where to submit first - rates, reputation, acceptance rate etc.

With novels you'll have far better luck getting published if you can secure an agent rather than going it alone. If you can, they will advise you on how and where to submit your work. I'm not sure how the simultaneous submissions thing works with regards to agents, just make sure you read their submission guidelines.


Another related issue is submitting work which has been published before, either with a publisher or free online on somewhere like Stories Space.

You may see it listed as first publication rights or similar. While it's common, it's not a rule

It is worth keeping stuff you want to publish private until you're ready to submit. By that I mean don't give it away for free; showing it to friends, other writers and test readers is not the same. You may be able to get something published that's already been distributed free, but you may have trouble.

The other thing I've seen is publishers offering different rates depending on whether they are the first to receive it or not. So, if you've given it away free, you might find they won't pay you as much.
Active Ink Slinger
I don't think the badge system is working properly. I published my first story on the site but I don't have an author badge. Something else to go on the to do list.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by gav
Quote by DirtyMartini
MissAdventure's avatar picture shows up in her profile...but, not in this thread...


Also, it shows up on the activity list on her profile page that she added me as a friend more than once...I should take that as a compliment, I guess...under "Friends" the friend adds are appearing in opposite order than they did before the upgrade...

The mismatch between the stories and the forum avatars should be fixed now. You will need to change it again to update the forum.

Hey hey hey, I have a face... sort of. Cheers Gav
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by DirtyMartini
MissAdventure's avatar picture shows up in her profile...but, not in this thread...


Also, it shows up on the activity list on her profile page that she added me as a friend more than once...I should take that as a compliment, I guess...under "Friends" the friend adds are appearing in opposite order than they did before the upgrade...

Hello, yup, my fiends activity thread seems to be all over the place, showing pokes and things that never happened, lol. Might be because it's a new account created after the switch over.

BTW, any luck clearing out the remnants of my old account? I do find it slightly funny that I broke the whole site doing that :P