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Over 90 days ago


Advanced Wordsmith
that is a tough one... for aesthetics i'd rather play vinyl

WYR: Walk home from a bar in the rain (its relatively warm outside) OR call an Uber?
Advanced Wordsmith
I love, love, LOVE the ocean so definitely by sea.

At the movies: Junior Mints or Cracker Jacks?
Advanced Wordsmith
Almost all of the Pixar movies, but Toy Story easily surpasses the 5x threshold!

Advanced Wordsmith
I am loving this idea! My brain is already churning.

Me -> "Lets get off that couch and get to work, brain!"

My Brain ->
Advanced Wordsmith
This was such a fun contest!

Congratulations to the top three and to all who entered.

A big thanks to Molly and everyone at this site for organizing the competition. It is a lot of thankless work, but know it is very much appreciated. I am already looking forward to the next contest, whether it be a comp (i know they are not easy to organize) or even just a writing challenge. smile
Advanced Wordsmith
I am loving this contest! All the entries are so clever and fun. I have thoroughly enjoyed them all, and now I want more...

I demand more entries!!

Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Survivor

Good morning, Tamara and Scott. Tam, you might be interested in knowing there is a Moon challenge still in effect right now. It's had only three entries so far. This is the thread announcing the challenge.

Thanks, L. I will plant that seed and see if a moon story grows.

I have Tuesday and Wednesday off which means tonight is Friday for me. Yay! I'll have some more coffee to get me through the last hour of my shift... then we will switch to something harder. smile
Advanced Wordsmith
*whispering so not to wake Sharon's sleeping angel*

I'll take a donut too.. *modestly flashing my shiny new Challenge Champ badge*

Thanks to all who read my whacky tale. I'm looking forward to the next challenge idea.

At work again today, so free coffee for all.. we have a lot leftover from National Coffee Day yesterday, but hey, free is free, right?
Advanced Wordsmith
Morning all... I will take a coffee.. Wait, Im at work so maybe i should be the one serving the coffee?

I finally finished my edits (with some help from friends) and my back to school challenge story is up. Thank you, Molly!

You can click the banner in my signature below. It should take you to the story. Hope you will let me know what you think. smile
Advanced Wordsmith
Thanks for all the warm welcome messages. I've already made some new friends and found some from another realm.

I'll take some tea please... working on final edits for a BTS Challenge entry. Should be up soon if i can get my butt in gear.
Advanced Wordsmith
Coming out to my mom. <-- that's my adult answer.

Truthfully, I hope i never grow up!
Advanced Wordsmith
Thanks oh hairy one.

I will sip some green tea and head over to your catalog.
Advanced Wordsmith
The muffled yips of my dog barking in her sleep.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Survivor

Good morning folks.

Finally have my first cup. Have to let it cool a bit. Now I can get this poem done this morning. I'll move on to the Moon challenge later.

The pup is settled down next to me for his first morning nap.

That is so cute! If your puppy is anything like mine, he wakes up.. eats.. plays for a New York minute then passes out for a long nap. Life is tough.

I'm relatively new here (joined in Jan but just decided to give the story writing a go). I will take a coffee while I get acquainted. smile Also.. I have a new story on my page for those interested in a quick, fun read.