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Over 90 days ago
United States


Active Ink Slinger
Hello, Tams and everyone else. I am writing some posts for my 31-day challenge, and so far I have 31 post ideas typed up and getting the first few scheduled out. I'm making my graphics on this rainy and stormy evening here in the Midwest. I would love to do a book review and haven't chosen which one to review. I've yet to decide if I'm going to add a video to the venture. I have graphics to make. Just keep the chocolate scones and coffee, four sugars and creams, coming
Active Ink Slinger
The 31-day challenge that is Blogtober will be something I am going to attempt to do this year, as I want to take my blogging a bit more seriously, instead of posting weekly or biweekly. I also have a short story in mind that I wrote in fragments and the characters are starting to talk to me again. Time to go write and devour a box of chocolate chip cookies
Active Ink Slinger
I have a website up and running. It's called The Sharon Project, and it's still finding its footing. Take a look around and let me know what you would like to see on my site. I am starting a reading challenge soon and can use some ideas on which books to read and review.
Active Ink Slinger
Good evening, everyone. I'm writing another blog post and a story is starting to creep into my mind. I was able to jot down a page of a yet-to-be-titled story. I'm also thinking about participating in Blogtober and really push my creativity in creating great content and not sacrifice my writing style. This can be an opportunity to get more readers to my site as well, were I to participate. I don't know. I need some green tea.
Active Ink Slinger
Alabama (V)
California (V)
Illinois (L)
Indiana (V)
Kentucky (V)
Massachusetts (V)
Michigan (L)
Missouri (V)
Nevada (V)
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York (V)
North Carolina
North Dakota
Ohio (V)
Pennsylvania (V)
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
Tennessee (V)
Texas (L)
West Virginia
Active Ink Slinger
The Simpsons
Mad Men
The Twilight Zone
That 70s Show
House of Lies
Veronica Mars
Life Below Zero
American Scandals
South Park (older seasons)
Active Ink Slinger
Good morning, coffee house patrons! My daughter just came into the room and said her colors and numbers from one to ten. Yesterday, we participated in the Beyond a Mammogram 5k that my job is a sponsor for. She had the best seat in the house by sitting in her stroller and taking in the scenery along the lakefront. I am fooling around in Photoshop Elements getting my aforementioned banner ready for debuting and getting a post ready for my website. I'm also thinking about setting up a YouTube channel to supplement my website, mainly with some book reviews and other things. There is a possibility I may vlog my life during the upcoming Christmas season. I also have to find costumes for my daughter and me to wear for Halloween and go trick-or-treating.
Active Ink Slinger
Wow, a coffee bar! Whodathunkit? I think I'll go for a caramel macchiato with extra caramel and a spot by the window to read over some fragments for potential pieces I wrote. One of these may turn into an essay or musing of some sort. Life with a toddler is interesting, to say the least. I went from hard-partying to changing poopy diapers. I guess this is what adulting is like. I have my website up and running, and it needs a banner for this lovely place.
Active Ink Slinger
I like the fall season most, because of the cooler temperatures, changing leaves, Halloween, Thanksgiving and the copious amount of comfort foods I can eat. It's also the time of year where my creative juices can really flow.
Active Ink Slinger
I have friends who live on the east coast and along the Gulf Coast. They did call me and let me know they were safe and evacuated instead of riding out the storms.
Active Ink Slinger
What helped me was another hobby I took up, photography. Once I began looking at the pictures I shot, a few words started to marinate in my mind about what I can write. i would take out a notebook and write fragments until a form of a story looked as though it was forming. Right now, I'm still recovering from a severe case of writer's block and began writing posts for my website. Eventually, I want to get back to short story writing and writing for an online publication. Ironically, I can churn out academic papers that are 10+ pages that includes footnotes, end notes and citations in an instant.
Active Ink Slinger
A situation occurred that's inspiring me to do another musing and maybe carve out a love story of sorts
Active Ink Slinger
Working on a post for my website and thinking of a new and original piece I would love to write
Active Ink Slinger
Getting a steady paycheck and not an intermittent one is what's on my mind right now.