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Over 90 days ago
United States


Active Ink Slinger
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And I have reached out for help from the site...havent heard anything

Active Ink Slinger
Alright guys, let the woman in
I have a bomb to defuse,
and Roadrunner you stay
right in that chair,
Hey Paul and Larry,
the rest of you too,
Everyone be ready to clear the room,
Countdown 3,2,1,.......

Did we get a boom?
Or did we make it
to the end of the Line?

(The new kid in town)
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by paulus
Chris, publish it!

Thanks, Paul

I just submitted it so its up to the powers that be now...Thanks for the encouragement!!
Active Ink Slinger
if the last names of 2 of the 3 start with an s and a g , then I am very familiar with their work...thank you for the tips!
Active Ink Slinger
Really? It would my first submitted here, so wanted to make sure it might go over well. Thank you for the enthusiastic encouragement.! I appreciate your time to read and post. Thanks again!
Active Ink Slinger
To Submit or Not Submit
That is today's Question?

Leave yourself open
To ridicule and jest
Critics might hate you
Or like you the best

They could pick it apart
Or not at all
They could tell you in private
Or share on your wall

Just because you love it
And think that it’s great
Others might not
And maybe even hate

So make sure your ready
To show what you have done
Because many may like it
But so could no one.

CM Turville
Active Ink Slinger
Arrested for having city property in your posession. ( aren't road signs the property of the city government?)
Active Ink Slinger
I would think since I'm new here
that spot would be mine
way at back
the end of the line.
Active Ink Slinger

this site was recommended to me from several friends on different sites as a good place to start sharing my writing instead of keeping it to my self. So obviously I listened to them, because here I am. I mostly write poems, but occasionally a story wants to leave the dusty cobwebs in my mind and see the light of day.