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Over 90 days ago
United States


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OH Wow! I never expected to win anything! First I'd like to thank the members of the Academy, the producers and director, fellow cast members.... Ops, wrong speech.

I think most of the winners and entrants entered not to gain anything from the competition, but to honor a fellow member of our little community. That is what we are, a community of souls bound together by our love of written word.

Congratulations to Paperboy, Welshdreamer42 and Ping for doing so well.

I am glad I did not have the task of the judges. There several pieces I thought way better than my humble attempt. I think we should all thank them for the unenviable task of trying judge and somehow qualify all entries. Thank you for your efforts.

Thanks to all that took the time to read and comment. Not only on my entry, but all the entries.

One last thanks goes to Maggie for giving us all the opportunity to participate.

Okay, I'm done except for...


Sorry, I could not let that go by.
Forum Facilitator
Felix Baumgartner An Austrian skydiver, daredevil, and BASE jumper.

Forum Facilitator
Fruits and veggies. maybe some nuts thrown in as well.
BTW I also prefer an old time atlas. You can spot out of the way side trips better.

WYR Eat at a Michelin Star restaurant or a local Mom & Pop eatery ( aka Pub )
Forum Facilitator
A & then E have taken my place
I can tell them that I O U
Back at the End of the line
Not much more you two can do
Forum Facilitator

I had thought of others, like Carrie, Camelot, Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, and others but Casablanca is the best that starts with "C". Always will be as well.
Forum Facilitator
Quote by AnnaMayZing

Actually you and I may know each other too well! LOL I do have that in my closet as well. Only it's a black powder Army Colt, not a Peacemaker.

BTW The lift would be nice, but that one looks a bit unstable and hazardous to me.

Forum Facilitator
Quote by AnnaMayZing
Tubing down a snowy slope... I think. What's tubing?

Tubing is a recreation, simply put. I'll try to explain in "Proper" English for you.

Tubing means you sit your "bum" in the center of an inner tube. Preferably one from "Lorry". Holding yourself up with your arms and legs, you can either float down a stream or river or slide down a snowy slope. Some people even tie a rope to them and pull them by a "Launch" around a lake.

Check out....


Cider. Especially if it's warm and has some cinnamon and maybe some "enhancements".

WYR Walk on the beach or hike the woodlands?
Forum Facilitator
Button hole flower also known as a Boutonnière.

To that end I present to you a Steampunk Boutonnière!

Clock parts
Forum Facilitator
I am not Dopey
You can call me Doc.
At the end of the line
I now have the lock.
Forum Facilitator
Definitely by train.

WYR go tubing down a snowy slope or down a lazy river?
Forum Facilitator
Sitting at the end
With some time to spend
As you can see it's me
No longer Ms. "e".
Forum Facilitator
Seems like they are equally good. In fact, here the two terms are frequently interchangeable for the noon meal.
Lunch being a lighter casual meal while Dinner is the more formal and heavier meal.

Family lunch if it's a picnic or reunion, Family Dinner if it's Thanksgiving or some other holiday.
Sorry for the cop out there. LOL

WYR Run a marathon and beat your best time or soak in a hot tub with some wine?
Forum Facilitator
Since as I stated in another forum, his Avatar bears a slight resemblance the Kenny Rogers.

Folding Poker Table for when the "Guys" come over.

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Perhaps Douglas Adams. Because I identify with the Arthur Dents of the world more than I should. LOL

Iced tea or hot?
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Wife had some errands to run, so I stayed home and washed the windows.
Most of them anyway, still have 4 more to do on the inside.
Forum Facilitator
Quote by gav

I have justed tested this on my account, seems ok:

A new comment has been made on your story

testing email comments

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Do you just get a blank email, does it have a subject?

I guess I should update this.

The problem turns out to be my ISP's problem, not with SS. When I read those messages with their web based email format the text is missing. It appears when I retrieve them from the server with Thunderbird or I check them using the email utility MaliWasher.

I did report it to them some time ago, but guess what? Never heard word one from the support people. No surprise there.

Sorry for the confusion guys.
Forum Facilitator
Me "e" can have Anna's cake
And eat it here as well
But I'm at the end of the line
And I can tell you it's just swell.