Write a 5 word sentence beginning with the last word of the previous post. The subject doesn't have to be the same, unless you want it to.
I took the highway today.
Today , I arrived here early.
Early is better than late.
I'll start with:
This sentence will be first.
first thing tomorrow, we fight!
Fight the battle within you.
Shhh, the neighbours are listening.
Listen! All the dead voices…
Voices clamor to be heard.
Heard that? He is coming.
Coming to fight for freedom…
Cause the world to change.
Change your shirt, it's dirty.
Dirty minds have more fun.
Thing One needs Thing Two.
quick drive away fast Now!
thank you gypsy for my early morning error... (lack of coffee)
Station Five please come in
In the end, we'll reunite.
Reunite my cheek and pillow.
Pillow fight's over! Good night!
Night has come once again.
I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...
Again! You did it again?!
Again his heart is broken.
Broken hearts crumble swiftly apart.
Apart from that, love rules!
Rules exist to be followed.