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Strengths and Weaknesses

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Active Ink Slinger
Modesty aside, what do you do well as a writer and what do you wish you could do better?
Active Ink Slinger
I'm a 'seat of the pants' writer which is a very exciting way to write. I'll never have a concrete plan for how a scene will turn out and the scene will be very character driven. Sometimes I sit and think 'How the heck did that just happen?' as a new twists emerges. On the downside of this there are times when I'll have to redo a scene because it goes off on a tangent or I've written myself into a corner. If I don't feel 'it' I won't write it either.

I think that my strengths are characters and being able to give them a believable voice.

On poetry I tend to only write something that I feel passionate about. This means that I'm not a prolific poet.

so things I wish I could do better:

-Have a disciplined set time to write each day or every second day.
-Finding a healthy balance between life,work,exercise,home,moderating and writing e.g. I'm in a hectic project that launches in two weeks and it is stressful and I'm doing loads of overtime. Even when I'm at home because I'm so consumed with it I can't switch off from it. Which means I won't be doing any writing until it is over.
New Poem out

The Observer
As a songwriter my answer is a little different. I think in general I write lyrics very well, but my music can sound plain and repetitive within my songs. I need to write more complex melodies.
Active Ink Slinger
My strengths lie in developing a good plot to a story, and seeing how a character develops from not enjoying something to really liking it. I'm very weak in the intimate moments, and it's something I'm working on despite school and other things that is going on in my life.

Active Ink Slinger
I wish I could describe characters better.