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2 days ago
United States


Quote by Colors_of_the_Wind

This one again. It's a beautiful song with a beautiful, if tragic, story. I highly recommend you take a listen.
airplane. A train can't get me to Scotland, an airplane can.

Theatre of Tragedy or Nightwish? (bands)
airplane. A train can't get me to Scotland, an airplane can.

Theatre of Tragedy or Nightwish? (bands)
Currently watching "Sala samobójców" or "Suicide Room" a Russian film, I believe, though I can't verify. The speech sounds like it. It is here:

It can be seen on YouTube in it's entirety.

Forewarning though: it is not for those aged 16 and younger. Many scenes are rather... mature.

My wonderful, amazing choir with my brilliant choir director. This was the last concert and last song where I was actually IN the choir. I am still a part of the program, as an alumni, but I miss being in it horribly. Finding this video was a fluke, but it was a stupendous fluke. :')

I have this image in my head of Andrew asking my father for my hand, and my dad reacting this way. I hope that doesn't come true...
Umm... Survival again, but I'll explain this time, I suppose, since that's part of the rules.

Without sounding like I'm whining and complaining: I work again later today which means more screaming kids and grumpy adults and intimidating managers, coming home with a headache from hell and in no way making enough money every two weeks to make up for all this shit. It is 2:30 am and I still have not been on with you-all-know-who and I have GOT to get up earlier later... earlier than I did yesterday (1:51 in the afternoon, woke up from a horrible nightmare). Aaaaand I feel like utter shit, because of... reasons. If you're REALLY that curious, read my latest poem Tired of Goodbye when it pops up on the front page.


Word of the Day: Survival.
Good one, Miss Gypsy...

Banned for.. ummm... being more skilled at writing dialogue stories than I.
Quote by gypsy
Quote by Circle_Something
Can you imagine if pirates liked toast instead of rum? They'd probably be less bloodthirsty, you know, not being drunk all the time.

They'd probably end up being tea-thirsty, to wash down all that toast.

So long as they brew it properly and treat it with the respect it deserves, I don't think I'd mind tea-thirsty pirates. (there needs to be a pirate emoticon... or a tea emoticon... or both).
Those who have less than I... which at this point in time, in this country, is many.
All those children fighting cancer, and the families who support them, as well as those who have lost their fight.
All those 'round the world fighting poverty, living day to day on the love and/or hope they have.
Those with B.E.D., Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, EDNOS or any other eating disorder, losing to the whispers in their mind or slowly fighting to get their life back on track.

You are all on my mind and I would light a candle for you if I had a match... and about a billion or so candles smile Blessed Be heart
Hmmm I forgot to list my least favorite teacher... did I have one? Ummm yes... Yeah, she was one of my PE (Phys Ed) teachers in middle school. She was my teacher when we split in three for a quarter of the school year. Mrs. Burkhalter. She knew I had an asthma problem... the thing that stands out to me about any and all of my PE teachers is the look of disappointment. And boy, did she have that one down.

The one time that really sticks out for me is running what was called the "Bulldog Run" after our mascot, the bulldog. It was basically a mile, but off of the track. Now, if I tried my hardest, I only made it a quarter of the way around the track before I had to slow to speed-walking, but she pushed me all the way to halfway. I pretty much said 'F*** it' at that point, and walked, then she shoved me into running some more. I made it a little ways 'til I LITERALLY could not breathe, and though she saw me hunched over, she didn't ask what was wrong, just tried to push me on. I walked after that. They were trying to make us all run the whole way, but I know my limits and she pushed me past em once, I wasn't about to take the chance of it happening again... only worse. Those middle school PE teachers are the only ones I haven't made an effort to understand or like, because of how they looked at me and talked to me. From the outside, it would have looked like nothing, but every look they gave me, almost every word they said, hurt (didn't help that my self-esteem and such was already shit, of course, buuuuut).