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2 months ago
United States


The pair of wheels beneath my seat
moving with help from my peddling feet.

The thoughts within my brain
make me wonder if the guilt and pain will ever wane.

The headphones on my head
help my expression not to be easily read
as the rain covers any and all trace
of the salt water running down my face.
The customer during the holiday season that not only paid for his own order, but for the man's ahead of him. That was a wonderfully touching thing to witness.

And that not everyone is as lucky as I am. There are many who never made it to my age. I will never forget that.
My favorite teachers have always been my music teachers. I don't know where Ms. Phillips has gotten off too- she was my first music teacher, way back in kindergarten... she taught us the months of the year and the days of the week (and which months had 30 or 31 days, plus Feb with 28) by teaching us songs. smile My elementary (or primary) school music teacher was Mr. C... Christiansen... I learned to play the recorder and the ukulele in his classes, grades 3-5. He kick-started my love of choir, because each grade was their own choir... such small class sizes back then, lol. Maybe 100, hah. He was kind and a little silly, as I remember it, but very respectful... patient and, of course, strict in a not-strict way... ya know? Umm Char in middle school (or junior high as some may know it), grades 6-8, had a love for Charlie Chaplin, the Beatles and Elvis that was insanely catching. We watched numerous Beatles movies and a Charlie Chaplin silent film, as well as My Fair Lady on odd days when we weren't singing. His style was a bit more pop culture oriented than most choir directors'... we even did "Eye of the Tiger" once with him on guitar... Choir in middle school kept me mostly afloat. It kept me coming to school and it got me out of bed. Music became one of my passions and my escape. Seventh grade was the first time I wrote a song :) It sucked, but I wrote it, so it was awesome, lol.

Then... Stenson... I think, of all of them, he is my absolute favorite. He's intimidating, encouraging, insanely caring... and an advanced choir director all in one, which means various degrees of control and very little praise to your students. Fellow students give praise enough, he is there to point out what you did well and what needs improvement. But he's also there to care. From the way he gave the speech on depression (saying we could always come to him if we needed someone to talk to) my freshman year when something.. happened.. to the younger sibling of one of his students.. to how he showed us all the ultrasound pics of his baby, bouncing about the room first-time-dad excited after saying that we were like an extension of his family and he wanted us to know him and his. I don't know if you could find a better teacher than him. He's very well balanced between personal and professional. :)
Tonight was Dad's b-day dinner. He had oysters (ewwwww!) and tilapia and a salmon burger. There was tilapia, rice, salad, salmon burgers, fish sticks... to choose from.

Tomorrow, I don't know. I won't be home anyway. I work.

Sunday, I'm making dinner. Getting up at 6:30am to start on the dessert: Chocolate pudding pie in a graham cracker crust smile I was gonna do a Chocolate Satin pie, but the recipes I found used raw eggs...

Dinner Sunday is stuffed bell peppers, stuffed with ground chicken and quinoa browned and such in a harissa-infused olive oil (Yummy!). I'm hiding veggies in the stuffing by making a spinach sauce type thingy and mixing it in... there are some people that just don't eat veggies, so I must go to extremes, lol. I'm making the drink too... It's kind of a Virgin Pomegranate Cosmo... 'cause the original uses triple sec (orange liqueur) and vodka, limes and pomegranate juice, so I'm using a blend of fresh squeezed orange juice, tangelo juice (because ya can't find tangerines ANYWHERE nowadays), grapefruit and lime juice, and some Pom Wonderful 100% pomegranate juice. Hopefully, they'll like it...
Quote by TheSensualLady
All Of Me - by John Legend

Good song. Plays at work every however many songs. smile Can't ever get tired of it.

I'm listening to "Stupid & Anxious" by Joel Faviere..."Chorus: Can you just shut up, let me finish a sentence. Just let me finish a sentence. (Rep 2x)"
Quote by littlemunchkin
When I was a kid, I thought the moon followed our car everywhere we went... lol

Me too, haha.

When I was a kid, I thought "we" would be friends forever. No boring details, but we'll say I learned how wrong I was far too early and crashed and burned in my junior high years because of it.
Quote by littlemunchkin
When I was a kid, I thought the moon followed our car everywhere we went... lol

Me too, haha.

When I was a kid, I thought "we" would be friends forever. No boring details, but we'll say I learned how wrong I was far too early and crashed and burned in my junior high years because of it.
Quote by littlemunchkin
When I was a kid, I thought the moon followed our car everywhere we went... lol

Me too, haha.

When I was a kid, I thought "we" would be friends forever. No boring details, but we'll say I learned how wrong I was far too early and crashed and burned in my junior high years because of it.
Walter Denesha and Nick Konkler. One was murdered a couple years ago, the other passed a couple months ago due to leukemia. I didn't know either myself, but I was friends with Walter's older sister, and, the last year of Nick's life, I FELT like I knew him. My whole school came together--I've NEVER seen that before--to support him and his family. If I had had the money, I'd have given as much as I could to help him win his fight for the THIRD time, but I don't know if that would have been enough.

Sadly, deaths of wonderful children with hearts of gold happen almost daily. Doesn't our higher power (whoever you believe in: Allah, the Christian God, the Pagan God and Goddess or some other God or Goddess or higher being) understand that we need MORE of these selfless, loving people in our world- not less?
Ummm lemme check my British-English to American-English translator in my brain... crisps are like Lay's and Frito's and Doritos and stuff right?
In that case, crisps, which we call chips over here...

Ummm tea: loose leaf or bagged?
Just found this thread, and it is lovely indeed. My favorite toppings for toast are also butter and honey or butter and orange marmalade. Yum! I don't eat white bread anymore, so mine goes on toasted whole wheat or dark rye.
It is okay to be against war...

but why do so many hate on soldiers who are only doing what they can... to keep us free?

I can't stand war, I wish with all my heart for a day when peace, true peace, is possible, but that does not mean I don't love and respect every single one of our men and women in uniform, both retired and active duty.

...been thinkin' about this a lot...
Quote by AriesDragon
Quote by Circle_Something
Right, so I write a poem, designed to make people cry. What happens? The buggers laugh. Why? Do you not get that there's a poignancy to death, and to the poem? The man is in the ground for goodness sake! Yeah, it's absurd, but that doesn't mean that absurd can't be poignant. I do write absurd and silly things, but not all the time. Sometimes I am being serious, and I'd really like people to stop trying to fit me into a genre. I'm not funny. Not intentionally. Sometimes my poems and stories take a bit of interpretation, so maybe bear that in mind next time you read something of mine.

I was one of the only two people, or rather, 'the buggers', who took the time to comment on your poem. The fact that you write absurd and silly things had absolutely nothing to do with my interpretation of this piece, and right now,the only genre I would place you in would be that of egotistical. Yes, there is a poignancy to death, and if poignant was what you were hoping to achieve, then perhaps wording it differently would have had the desired effect.
As Joss Whedon, (American screenwriter, film and television director and producer, comic book author, composer and actor) says... “All worthy work is open to interpretations the author did not intend. Art isn't your pet -- it's your kid. It grows up and talks back to you.”

I shan't apologise for apparently 'misinterpreting' your poem . I enjoyed reading it, I wouldn't have bothered to comment, had I not, and yes, I did find it humorous, and a little morbid, and it appealed to my rather dark sense of humour. And, to quote part of your comment on your profile.. "It is NOT humorous, and if you misinterpret it, I will tell you as much, and I WILL USE CAPITALS TO DO SO." May I suggest you get off your High Horse and be appreciative that 'the buggers' took the time to read and acknowledge you work and that I hope to read more of it.

I will reply to you and defend him slightly (and NO this has nothing to do with him being my boyfriend and EVERYTHING to do with the fact that I understand why he's a little pissed). While writing is totally meant to be interpreted by the reader, it gets very tiring when it is CONSTANTLY misinterpreted. Like, it happens to me all the time by specific people whom I won't name and I look at their comment and I'm like "I'm glad you liked the story, but would you have liked it had you interpreted it correctly?" Honestly, most of my stuff is so damn straight-forward I don't know how it's interpreted any other way, but whatever. Anyway, yeah. I had a whole rant planned out and it just poofed from my mind so I'm gonna shut up now and talk about how adorable my cat is, staring up at me begging to cuddle. smile
I can't answer for everyone in general, but in my opinion, when I no longer have any passion for life and no one I love is around anymore, then and only then, will life no longer be worth living. Which, for me, is a moot point. I love the whole of the human race (except those who harm, you know who and what kind of person I speak of) even if we are wasteful and, at times, rather stupid. I love the whole Earth and her blessings of life and sustenance. There will never be a point in time when there is no one around me I love.

Same question.

Heeheehee :-P

I love Andrew, my Kitty, loads and loads and loads. Especially when he listens to my forbidding of said things.