Invisible to the untrained eye.
Thank you all for your good wishes. The day went well, highlighted by my niece's three children making it noisy enough to make me feel so young. BUT tonight is the real family party at a recommended Italian restaurant--and you are all invited!! Provided you stay sober. I guess you'll be away at the eclipse, Verbal.. Still, we can expect a detail account of the proceedings!
Random thought---flashback for this particular tale needs a vivid trigger to provoke the recall. Then moving from the lavish, back to the impoverished , needs to avoid being too maudlin, and handling her sudden rise to wealth could run the risk of coincidence. Perhaps a short prologue setting the scene before the involvement of the main character. A sort of double flashback. There will be a small fee for any future advice! 😇
Gosh, Cora, it was such a pleasant surprise seeing you back on-line. And a relief, because in your last message you recorded that you had been forced to take it your bed. I fear it was a health problem that took you away. So glad it was something Holy!! It will be good to read your cheery messages once more. Welcome back.