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Inspirations, the Stories Space Coffee House: If you're reading this it just might mean I'm back, sorta. If you're not reading this, well, congratulations.

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👑Magic Cookie FAIRY 🍪

Busy day yesterday but here I am

Today's coffee is Cafe du Monde since its the first thing I laid my hands on . Today's tea is lemon zinger and Earl Grey.

Braves are doing OK in spring training

Off to church in a little bit

There are a few cookies in the emergency cookie tins if Beignets aren't your thing.

Today's treats are Beignets.

Tomorrow I'll deliver cookies .

Beautiful pics Gill

giving the adorable critters fresh water and treats

My Competition Story : 💜 Milly's Adventure


Quote by DenimAngel
There are a few cookies in the emergency cookie tins if Beignets aren't your thing.

How could Beignets not be your thing!? I'll have 17.

Teeth of the Sky - Myths and Monsters competition, first place

Fire and Ice - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words competition, first place

Monster - Survivor competition, first place



How can there be no customers!? We have frikkin BEIGNETS! Plus the usual assortment of coffees and teas.

Another neuro test today. Lots of getting poked with needles and shooting electrical impulses into my muscles. Fun! Actually, the last time, it was kind of interesting, and less scary than it sounds.

I hope everyone is well this fine Monday morning.

My last post of the Canada trip is up! Read how stupid and reckless a young man can be!

Teeth of the Sky - Myths and Monsters competition, first place

Fire and Ice - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words competition, first place

Monster - Survivor competition, first place

Crazy old ape

Quote by verbal

We have frikkin BEIGNETS! Plus the usual assortment of coffees and teas.

You ate 17. How many were even left?

I am kind of all over the place these days, including hammering away at a story that just refuses to go away but also doesn't really seem to be coming together. I mean, I like what I've got written but, damn it, there's no meaningful backstory, nothing to say why the characters (two of the leads from Shadows of Tan Maldrin) are where they are.

I'll try to be around more but, honestly, it's getting hard being a cheerleader for a forum site that's this dead. We're running on fumes, I think, and I'm not sure how we change that.

Anyhow, there's a new Author's Publish thread going up if you're looking for markets. Watch for it.

Attending a wedding reception as "cover" for a friend opens the door to some revelations and discoveries.

Plus One - A "Not What It Looks Like" comp entry

Story Moderator

Sarah, I hate highway driving. It makes you doubt the future of mankind.

Did someone say beignets? I would have been in earlier if I knew. I'll take a couple and have a Coke and sit quietly and contemplate my list of things I should be doing.

It was almost 70° today so I am enjoying having the windows open and earlier sitting on the back deck trying to decide the next project I need to tackle for the upcoming wedding.

Have a good week everyone. Cheers.

Carey’d away.

I haven't died...but I did get a smart TV almost two weeks ago.

Mostly I'm just glad I can watch Drew on Pluto without it lagging or freezing like it does through my cable box.

My heart has wi-fi and the password is Drew Carey.

Crazy old ape

An ape comes in, dancing and whistling a merry tune.

Um, yeah, we're getting an early Spring here so I got a bit carried away.


Coffee du jour is an Ethiopian Yirgacheffe from Fire-Roasted. Teas are Russian Caravan and Assam.

I washed up the pitchers and there's fresh unsweet iced tea and lemonade in the fridge.

Hot chocolate, marshmallows, and other teas are stocked up.

Goooooooooooooood Morning!!!!

Attending a wedding reception as "cover" for a friend opens the door to some revelations and discoveries.

Plus One - A "Not What It Looks Like" comp entry

Crazy old ape

Quote by JustAnotherSapphic
I haven't died...but I did get a smart TV almost two weeks ago.

We ended up replacing our old TV which was nominally smart but not very and I ended up augmenting with a Chromecast to make up for.its deficiencies. New one is quite nice. Been looking at the Tubi app but Pluto is on my radar, too.

Attending a wedding reception as "cover" for a friend opens the door to some revelations and discoveries.

Plus One - A "Not What It Looks Like" comp entry


Hey, perhaps those beignets livened this place up.

Elise, I know you are over your June Lynch phase, but we’ve been watching her on Two and a Half Men. She’s very funny. That show is better than I expected.

Writing and a walk in the cold today. Writing some tough memories today.

The Canadian adventure is done though! Thanks for reading it Red.

A coffee please, AND 17 more beignets.

Teeth of the Sky - Myths and Monsters competition, first place

Fire and Ice - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words competition, first place

Monster - Survivor competition, first place

Crazy old ape

Coffee is brewin'. Went with Nicaraguan dark roast.

Teas are English Breakfast and Raspberry Royale.

Good morning!

Grey and drizzly. It does appear that we are into Spring though, to be honest, Winter was so mild and snowless that it is hard to tell the difference.

Attending a wedding reception as "cover" for a friend opens the door to some revelations and discoveries.

Plus One - A "Not What It Looks Like" comp entry

👑Magic Cookie FAIRY 🍪

Morning folks

Fresh cookies today.. tulips,carrots. Bunnies ,bunny paws. Eggs and bunny ears sticking out of flower pot .

Today should be relatively quiet in my neck of the woods .

*cleaning out the glass jar and putting it away and putting out the bunny shaped cookie jar smile

filling it to the tippy top with fresh cookies then giving the adorable critters fresh water and treats

Pouring myself a large coffee and settling down with cookies and coffee

Stay safe everyone:)

My Competition Story : 💜 Milly's Adventure


Good morning all!

Those cookies look tasty, Sara, but they can't match those beignets of yours.

Sunny and nearly 60 today. Getting a late start, but looking to be a fine day. Writing about some tough stuff today, so the fine day is a help.

I'll have the usual coffee and cookie.

Seize the carp!

Teeth of the Sky - Myths and Monsters competition, first place

Fire and Ice - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words competition, first place

Monster - Survivor competition, first place

1 like


Same ol, same ol. I might sneak out to an afternoon show of Dune 2, with the help of some medicinal gummies. Have to go online and see if the theater is crowded.

Other than that, still playing with memoir. My Canada story is up if anyone cares to read it. Here's part one:

Those cookies look yumsters, Sara. I'll have 17. Coffee and tea is ready and waiting.

Seize the carp!

Teeth of the Sky - Myths and Monsters competition, first place

Fire and Ice - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words competition, first place

Monster - Survivor competition, first place

Story Moderator

My oldest son and his wife saw Dune 2 this past weekend. They loved it and saw it in IMAX to enhance the experience. I haven't been to the movies lately. I blame the pandemic for not wanting to go out much. There is something very cozy and comfortable about being in your home watching a movie. I wouldn't say I like the price of tickets too.

I'll take some of Sarah's cookies if Verbal hasn't eaten them all yet. Happy Friday, everyone. Cheers!


Quote by gillianleeza

My oldest son and his wife saw Dune 2 this past weekend. They loved it and saw it in IMAX to enhance the experience. I haven't been to the movies lately. I blame the pandemic for not wanting to go out much. There is something very cozy and comfortable about being in your home watching a movie. I wouldn't say I like the price of tickets too.

I'll take some of Sarah's cookies if Verbal hasn't eaten them all yet. Happy Friday, everyone. Cheers!

If anything can get you out of the house, it Dune 2. Really good! I enjoyed Dune 1, but it was a little slow and portentous, and I was worried Dune 2 would be too. But it’s action packed and exciting and the world building is mind-bending.

In other news, I sold the first chapter of the book to a magazine! Yay! Now to sell the actual book….

Coffees and teas are doing their thing. Cookies are springing forth from Sara! I’ll take a coffee and 3 cookies.

Teeth of the Sky - Myths and Monsters competition, first place

Fire and Ice - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words competition, first place

Monster - Survivor competition, first place

Crazy old ape

Quote by verbal
Cookies are springing forth from Sara!

That inspires some ... interesting images. 😲 I am tempted to plug that into an AI image generator but the results would probably not be usable on here.

Quote by verbal
In other news, I sold the first chapter of the book to a magazine! Yay! Now to sell the actual book…

Yay on the first and good luck on the second.

Good afternoon! It is now end of day Friday so I am able to escape the wonderful world of work for a couple days.

Got a few things brewing for the weekend and I am in a writing dry spell anyhow so not sure much will come out of it. If I get a few hours, though, I'll take another swing at my WIP (work in progress).

Putting on some green tea and Canadian Blueberry herbal since it's getting a bit late for caffeine. Oh, what the heck, there's some coffee, too. Just random beans I found in the cupboard and ground so no idea what it is.

Attending a wedding reception as "cover" for a friend opens the door to some revelations and discoveries.

Plus One - A "Not What It Looks Like" comp entry

Crazy old ape

Raindrops keep falling on my head...

Yeah, doesn't get more Spring than this. Rain started yesterday evening and continues falling and falling.

So, I shall put on some dark roast coffee along with pots of Scottish Breakfast and Earl Grey teas. Washed the pitchers from the fridge and made fresh batches or lemonade and iced tea. Hot chocolate, marshmallows and other teas are stocked up.

And since it is my cleaning weekend ...

Pulls out mop, broom, and vacuum

Attending a wedding reception as "cover" for a friend opens the door to some revelations and discoveries.

Plus One - A "Not What It Looks Like" comp entry

👑Magic Cookie FAIRY 🍪

Guess what guys ...

Got a new pup yesterday so we have another critter to add to the ones that hang out here ..

The puppy is Milly and she's 4 months old.she's a yorkiepoo

Cookies today are doggie theme... food dishes,bones , paw prints and dog houses in honor of the new pup

filling the cookie jars to the tippy top with fresh cookies

A large coffee would be perfect and then off to run errands

giving the adorable critters fresh water and treats

My Competition Story : 💜 Milly's Adventure

Crazy old ape

Yay! Hello Milly.

scarfs a paw print and a dog house

Attending a wedding reception as "cover" for a friend opens the door to some revelations and discoveries.

Plus One - A "Not What It Looks Like" comp entry


Quote by DenimAngel
The puppy is Milly and she's 4 months old.she's a yorkiepoo

Welcome Milly! What the heck is a yorkiepoo?

Hope everyone is doing well. I'd love a coffee.

Teeth of the Sky - Myths and Monsters competition, first place

Fire and Ice - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words competition, first place

Monster - Survivor competition, first place

Crazy old ape

Quote by verbal
What the heck is a yorkiepoo?

Yorkshire Terrier crossed with a poodle.

Attending a wedding reception as "cover" for a friend opens the door to some revelations and discoveries.

Plus One - A "Not What It Looks Like" comp entry

Story Moderator

Sarah, congrats on the new pup.

We had a rainy day today, and tomorrow will be windy. I love windy days. It was a good day to stay in and watch a movie. I watched Poor Things, and I am still not sure how I feel about it. It was different, and I can see why Emma Stone was nominated for an Academy Award.

Hopefully, everyone will remember to set their clocks ahead for daylight savings. Enjoy the rest of your weekend, everyone. Cheers.

Crazy old ape

Rain yesterday, snow today, tomorrow. A season a day seems to be rule here right now, but the general thrust is still towards spring.

We've got a medium roast Jamaican Blue Mountain in the coffee pot. Teas are Irish Breakfast and Raspberry Royale. Lookin' good on other beverages.

I was slingin' flapjacks this morning so here's some for the rest of you.

Attending a wedding reception as "cover" for a friend opens the door to some revelations and discoveries.

Plus One - A "Not What It Looks Like" comp entry


Quote by gillianleeza

Sarah, congrats on the new pup.

We had a rainy day today, and tomorrow will be windy. I love windy days. It was a good day to stay in and watch a movie. I watched Poor Things, and I am still not sure how I feel about it. It was different, and I can see why Emma Stone was nominated for an Academy Award.

Hopefully, everyone will remember to set their clocks ahead for daylight savings. Enjoy the rest of your weekend, everyone. Cheers.

We couldn’t finish Poor Things. I liked it better than Talia, but it got a little long. Emma Stone is very good in it.

Lots of coffee please. I hate Springing Ahead. Grrr.

We are the embodiment of laziness today.

Teeth of the Sky - Myths and Monsters competition, first place

Fire and Ice - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words competition, first place

Monster - Survivor competition, first place

Crazy old ape

Quote by verbal
We are the embodiment of laziness today.

I wish. Helped Mrs. Ape with some computer problems, did my part of the cleaning (wash hard floors, clean toilet bowls if needed, vacuum carpets), cooked breakfast and helped with lunch. I've actually been pretty ambitious for a Spring Ahead Day. Now it's tea time, I think.

Attending a wedding reception as "cover" for a friend opens the door to some revelations and discoveries.

Plus One - A "Not What It Looks Like" comp entry


Good morning everyone. Coffee and teas and fine cookies await you! Our coffee is Iowa’s finest - Hawkeye Roasted Finest. Teas are Des Moines Delight and Ames Aromatic.

Still struggling with daylight savings time. Woke up late. We are about to enter a busy phase, a concert in Denver and the drive to Oklahoma for the eclipse. I guess that’s not that busy. It’s busy for us retired folks.

Looks to be a fine day. Sunny and cool. Time to get to it. Seize the carp!

Teeth of the Sky - Myths and Monsters competition, first place

Fire and Ice - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words competition, first place

Monster - Survivor competition, first place

Crazy old ape

Good afternoon. Sunny here and getting warm again after a one day return to winter yesterday. Snow is almost all gone so it is almost like yesterday never happened, at least weather-wise.

Putting on some green tea and Lime Fizz herbal for evening drinking.

Attending a wedding reception as "cover" for a friend opens the door to some revelations and discoveries.

Plus One - A "Not What It Looks Like" comp entry


Good morning everyone!

Sunny and warm, but snow is coming in! We're off to IHOP before the crappy weather hits. Coffee and teas are a-perking and a-steeping.

Seize the carp!

Teeth of the Sky - Myths and Monsters competition, first place

Fire and Ice - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words competition, first place

Monster - Survivor competition, first place

Story Moderator

It was a beautiful sunny day here in the seventies. Spring can't be far off, which is good, but I've already started having allergy issues, and that's annoying. It will stay warm for the next few days, so I'll take some antihistamines and hope for the best.

I'll take a few cookies and a ginger ale to go. Have a good Wednesday, everyone. Cheers.