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YES it IS! Plus YOU'RE just nuts!
At work i sometimes have to clean and stack the trays. There is an M in the center so when i stack them they have to be facing the same direction.
Quote by the_enchantress
Quote by LarryFNigh
My OCD is quite simple. A place for everything and everything in its place.

me too

and load the dishwasher a special way

Everytime my mother tries to load the dishwasher i have to leave the room, for i will try and rearrange it to the way i do it, (which not only gets everything get clean but leaves more room to load dishes) she tells me idk what i am doing and leave it as is.
Advanced Wordsmith
When I put my paper money in my wallet all the notes have to be facing the same way with the denomination order from smallest at the front to largest at the back with NO dog-eared corners and no wrinkles in them lol.
I will now tri-fold my paper money and put dog-ears on EVERY one of them, and think of you!

Active Ink Slinger
My panties and bra have to be a matching set.
My make-up has to be applied in a certain order.
When shopping, I never pull the first thing from a shelf. I feel as if they are either shop worn,
touched far too much by others or a return. I always dig two or three back. Same thing with
books and magazines.
I've been doing the same morning stretches, in the same order before my morning
run for years.
"I'm Coming Out" by Diana Ross plays in my mind before every major guest lecture program or panel I participate in, or speech I give. Suddenly I'm not nervous, back's straight and head is high with a sly smile.
Don't get me started on my skin care regiment. 👀
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My little OCD is when I place something somewhere. I don’t like it when someone moves it some place else. Even when it’s not in it’s proper place, like meds next to the sink and not in the medicine cabinet and someone put it where it should be makes me a little upset.

Oh and like with my knives (I’m very super superstitions about), I don’t like people touching it without me handing it over to them. Even if someone closing it when I opened it.
Rest in Peace
Quote by trinket
When I put my paper money in my wallet all the notes have to be facing the same way with the denomination order from smallest at the front to largest at the back

Yeah...I thought everyone did that btw...just seems to make sense...

Quote by trinket
with NO dog-eared corners and no wrinkles in them lol.

I'm afraid to ask what you do here though...let me you iron your money if it's wrinkled?
I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...

Active Ink Slinger
I am very particular about the concrete testing equipment that I use for work. I keep it very clean and if I find that somebody else used it and didn't clean it properly so concrete has hardened on it I become quite vexed.
It is funny to watch my ocd manager freaking out over the amount of cups and stuff she has put in storage for the next day. Funnier still when another manager decides to make things neater and reorganizes the store in spite of the other manager.
Rest in Peace
Damn...that's just cold...

I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...

Every night, before going to bed, I always make sure that my coffee mug/tea cup is put in the kitchen. I have, in the past, got out of bed to do this if, by chance, I'd forgotten to do it!

Also, when I used to smoke, I always ensured that I emptied all of the ashtrays before going to bed. That is one habit I am delighted to have shed!
All my cans in my pantry have to be perfectly aligned.
Active Ink Slinger
I won't ever comment on how there is no traffic, and I get mad when anyone else does, because as soon as anyone says it, there is always traffic.
Rest in Peace
Apparently the new parking valet is a bit OCD...

I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...

Active Ink Slinger
As I was cleaning my car mats yesterday, this thread popped into my mind: I am freakishly clean when it comes to car mats. I am always cleaning them. If I get into someone else's car when it is raining, or the ground is kind of dirty, it always crosses my mind "how do they stand that I am getting in their car with wet/dirty shoes?" Signed, Anonymous
Rest in Peace
These are serious questions that keep people stressing for hours...and yeah, I say just eat the four eggs, problem solved...

I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...

Chasing Dragons

I like multiple light switches to be the same way. If by switching the upstairs light on the switch will be opposite to its downstairs neighbour, I will go up in the dark and switch on the light when I get to the top. Weird, yes? 😳

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana