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The Random Poem Thread

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Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Rebellious_Soul

A clump of strings in each had,
Threading through the satin fabric.
You brace yourself and tell me to pull.
I yank as more string comes into my hand.
Your frame grows smaller.
Now you have a nice hourglass shape.
Tighter you shout and I yank more.
You're bust looks enlarged.
You speak with airy gasps.
Tighter still you try to shout.
Sweat forms on my brow.
With one last yank, you combust.
The strings snapped in my hands and unraveled.

=d> =d> =d> =d> =d> =d> =d> =d> =d>

Razor claws

Hearing the scratches all over the room.
Roars of the beast in its mysterious state.
It growls
Hissing and tormenting me.
The beast of silence watching me.
I hide in the covers to hide my state.
But it doesn't seem to stop.
It jumps on my bed and claws at my sheets
Holding my breathe as it stares at me.
With one big jump it landed on my stomach.
With a big roar it said, "meow"
Evil himself
My cat, Razor claws
Her courage was her crown and she wore it like a queen -Atticus
Roses are red, violets not blue.
Senpai never noticed you?
As much I wish it were not true.
I guess I gotten over you.

Not that I wanted to.
But what am I to do?
Was I supposed to wait for you?
Such wishful thinking, For you to rue.
It hurts when I smile.
My cheeks get sore after 5 seconds of it.
Laughing makes it hard to breathe.
When I have been so far out of practice.
Many don't see the loneliness surrounding me.
Others do not care to.
Some try to make me feel something real.
Just like I used to.
All fall short.
It isn't what it used to be.
I think I am keen on keeping it untouched and clean.
Hiding behind a resting bitch face.
A stern voice and hollow chest.
And then you make me feel.
And joy brings the pain I felt
Before I was empty.
With a bleeding broken smile,
And open heart.
That only one seems to care about.
Forum Facilitator
It's been a while,
since I had a smile.
It used to be easy,
but now it makes me queasy.

I wake up and I put my face on,
but really, it's tough,
putting on such a bluff.

I just wish that one day
this malady will go away.
I pray and I wish,
that I could eat fish.

Or any food,
that would be good.
Instead I'm trapped in this shell,
this stupid shell is my hell.
Ghosts, flamingos, guitars and vodka. Eclectic subjects, eccentric stories:

Humorous guide & Recommended Read =^.^= How To Make a Cup of Tea
A flash fiction series :) A Random Moment in Time
Editors' Pick! :D I Am The Deep, Dark Woods
And another EP!: The Fragility of Age
The Olive Branch

I wish for you the peace you crave
To find it you will need to be brave:
To assess just what and who you are
And wonder why do you go too far?

It is not easy to understand your mind
And why you are unnecessarily unkind
To folks who would rather take you as a friend
Than to suffer the aggression to which to tend.

Nobody claims perfection, no-one is always right
But is that reason enough to bicker and fight?
Surely a thicker skin and a change of attitude
Would put you in a more amenable mood?

You might even find the odd surprise
When the blinkers fall away from your eyes
That the person you apparently loathe and hate
Could turn out to be a damn good mate.

The turn of a new year is a time for resolutions
And the search for some lasting solutions.
Your case is relatively straightforward
IF you make the effort to climb aboard.

It's all about forgive and forget:
You've a way to go before you're there yet.
When you feel you are I'll be there waiting
And I be the one leading the celebrating!

Who I Am

Who I am
Is imperfect:
Flawed and liable to make mistakes.
I accept that of myself.

Who I am
Is caring
Loving, warm and considerate.
I like that about myself.

Who I am
Is humorous
A comedian, a joker, a laugh.
People like that about me

Who I am
Is thoughtful
A thinker, a ponderer, a considerer.
People respect that side of me.

Who I am
Is angry
A hater of unfairness and injustice.
People know this about me

Who I am
Is honest
Truthful, genuine and unpretentious.
People fear that about me

Who I am
Is unapologetic
I am who I am, nothing more.
People accept that of me.

Who I am
Is nobody special
The same as anybody else.
I am never anything else but me.
Advanced Wordsmith
The night has died and taken dreams;
It's left reality instead.
The sun is cheery, daffodils bouncing...
Stuff that crap,
I'm back in bed.

Chasing Dragons
Just because someone seems different,
Just because they make simple mistakes.
There is no place here for intolerance,
For intolerance soon becomes hate!

No one is perfect, just human,
And humans have foibles, you see?
Why hurt someone because they are different?
It doesn't make sense to me.

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana

Quote by AnnaMayZing
Just because someone seems different,
Just because they make simple mistakes.
There is no place here for intolerance,
For intolerance soon becomes hate!

No one is perfect, just human,
And humans have foibles, you see?
Why hurt someone because they are different?
It doesn't make sense to me.

There is different and there is stupid:
One deserves tolerance and understanding
Where the other deserves highlighting.
It's a free choice to make.
Stupidity for stupidity's sake
Is neither pleasant nor enjoyable
So let's not dress it up in anyway
That is designed to tug on emotions.
That's just crass.
There comes a time in every man's life
When it's better to admit defeat,
And walk away into the darkness
To tread the bleak vale of tears alone,
Leaving the field to the stronger man.

Love is a battleground without rules
Where deceit and lies are the weapons
Employed by an unscrupulous foe
To win the hand of a fair lady,
Against which true love cannot prevail.

Honest pledges of devotion,
Worthy and sincere though they may be,
Are dull and boring, insipid fare
When compared to the thrill of danger,
And the mystery of the unknown.

It is a hard and bitter lesson
That to triumph in this deadly game
One must assume the gaudy mantle
Of guileful words and insincere smiles,
And by base flattery win the prize.
Broken heart.

At first it would heal on its own.
It feels completely fine.
Then after a while it couldn't anymore.
So I used glue to stick the pieces together.
But with the tears it would melt.
And soon there was no more let to use.
I turn to tape and wrapped it all aligned.
But soon the tape breaks and loses its stickiness.
I used needle and thread.
Sew it together tightly with neat little pattens.
But one snap of the cord and it unravels.
Finally I used staples.
Each one painful.
Each one puncturing my heart.
So it holds together.
But slowly bleeds out.
There are some nights,
I get really sad and blue.
Then there are nights,
I am loopy and silly.
Other nights
I am solemn and quiet.
And few nights
I want someone here.
For any reason.
Lately my nights
Have been unending.
No sleep until bitter morning.
None full of laughter nor tears.
Just me staring at the ceiling.
Or at my phone to try and feel.
Reach Out

When your tears won't dry
When your cries are unheard
When your loneliness hurts
When you words are ignored
Reach Out

When your heart is breaking
When the pain gets too much
When you are afraid
When you are alone
Reach Out

When you need a shoulder
When you need a friend
When nothing feels right
When it's all gone wrong
Reach Out

When you are at the end
When the light is all gone
When tonight never ends
When tomorrow is scary
Reach Out

And I'll be there for you - always.
Chasing Dragons
MIKE HARDING's Bombers' Moon Lyrics
A beautiful folk song. (See below)

'44 in Bomber County
young men waiting for the night,
In the hedgerows birds are singing,
Calling in the falling light.

And the captain says,
'Tonight there'll be a bomber's moon,
We'll be there and back underneath a bombers’ moon.
A thousand bombers over the northern sea
Heading out, out for Germany.'

Chalkey White stands at the dartboard,
Curly Thompson writes to his wife,
Nobby Clarke and Jumbo Johnson
Are playing cards and smoking pipes;

And over the hangars rises a bombers’ moon,
Full and clear rising, as the engines croon
And the planes they taxi out on to runway five
And sail off out into the silvery night.

Sandy Campbell checks his oil gauge,
The Belgian coast is coming soon;
Curly Thompson lifts his sextant,
Lines up on a bombers’ moon

And waves are shining there below the bombers’ moon.
The Lancasters flying high below the bombers’ moon
Coming in along the Belgian coast
A thousand silver-shrouded ghosts.

Flak flies up around the city,
Jumbo Johnson banks his plane,
Goes in low and drops his payload,
Turns to join the pack again.

And people are dying there below the bomber's moon,
The city's a raging hell below the bomber's moon,
And the planes head out towards the northern sea:
Young men coming home from victory.

Over Belgium came the fighters,
Flying high against the night;
Curly Thompson saw them coming,
Closing in before he died.

And the young men shot them down below the bomber's moon,
Shot them down in flames below the bomber's moon;
Young men sending young men to their graves
Saw them down into the North Sea waves.

'83 in Bomber County
Mrs White dusts the picture and she cries:
Chalkey White in uniform
Looking as he did the day he died.

And for God's sake no more bombers’ moons,
No more young men going out to die too soon,
Old men sending young men out to die,
Young men dying for a politician's lies.

For God's sake no more bombers’ moons,
No more young men going out to die too soon,
Old men sending young men out to kill.
If we don't stop them then they never will.

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana

Girls Who Wear Glasses

Girls who wear glasses
Are seen a geek or a nerd,
Which is the most ridiculous thing
That I have ever heard!

Girls who wear glasses
Are actually sexy and cool
Whether they’re petite little pixies
Or long-legged and tall.

Girls who wear glasses
Look intelligent and smart
A look that has always
Gone straight to my heart

Girls who wear glasses
Have always done it for me
Which why ended up marrying
A glasses-wearing girl, you see!

NOTE: this gorgeous young woman is NOT my ex!
Quote by authorised1960
Girls Who Wear Glasses

Girls who wear glasses
Are seen a geek or a nerd,
Which is the most ridiculous thing
That I have ever heard!

Girls who wear glasses
Are actually sexy and cool
Whether they’re petite little pixies
Or long-legged and tall.

Girls who wear glasses
Look intelligent and smart
A look that has always
Gone straight to my heart

Girls who wear glasses
Have always done it for me
Which why ended up marrying
A glasses-wearing girl, you see!

NOTE: this gorgeous young woman is NOT my ex!

Good one..we share similar thoughts smile
Creepy Man,

by Circle Something, aka Andrew

He's a creep,
Perverted mumblings,
truer than you realise.

The annonymity of the Internet,
a suitable cloak.
He makes me want to choke.

Proof, I have none,
but it's clear to see.
What he is, starts with "p"
and ends in "e".

This poem is here at Stories Space, but having just reread it, I want to post it here.
And of course, here is the link to it:
Today's poem of the day is by Elizabeth Bishop, and is a villanelle

One Art

The art of losing isn't hard to master;
so many things seem filled with the intent
to be lost that their loss is no disaster,

Lose something every day. Accept the fluster
of lost door keys, the hour badly spent.
The art of losing isn't hard to master.

Then practice losing farther, losing faster:
places, and names, and where it was you meant
to travel. None of these will bring disaster.

I lost my mother's watch. And look! my last, or
next-to-last, of three loved houses went.
The art of losing isn't hard to master.

I lost two cities, lovely ones. And, vaster,
some realms I owned, two rivers, a continent.
I miss them, but it wasn't a disaster.

- Even losing you (the joking voice, a gesture
I love) I shan't have lied. It's evident
the art of losing's not too hard to master
though it may look like (Write it!) like disaster.

Elizabeth Bishop
(I'm Heading) Over the Rainbow

It was fun while it lasted
In spite of being lambasted
For original, unpopular views
That folks would not choose
To agree with or to share
Because they would not dare
To go against the flow:
Can't do that, oh no, no, no!
Better to just follow the herd
And to never, ever say a word
That might be seen as original
No, really, that won't do at all!
God forbid people might disagree
That is just so very unseemly
And to think that someone might be upset
Why, that would be the worst outcome yet!
No, let's play it safe and nicey-nice
That's got to be the best advice.
"Don't make waves, don't cause a fuss
Cos that upsets certain one's of us"
Seems to be the unwritten rule here
Enforced by intimidation and fear.
What's that you say, that's not right!
So tell me what happens whenever there's a fight?
The heavy press of the censor's finger
Makes sure that nasty words don't linger.
At the press of a button all the badness is gone
And the Protected Few can carry right on
Doing what they always do:
Taking the piss out of every one of you.
Well, my presence here and what I have to say
Has run it's course; has had its day.
No more controversy, upset or distress
I'm leaving here under duress.
But what the hell I gave it a good go
Now I'm heading over the rainbow
Where all the nice people apparently reside
And where individuality died
Out of terminal boredom and ennui
I doubt I'll fit in, but I'll give it a try
I've had plenty of practice trying to learn my place
In the time I've been a member of dear ol' Stories Space!
Forum Facilitator
Bright New Day

The sun has risen on a bright new day
Gone is the darkness that kept the light away
It slithers away like a snake in the grass
Looking to darken someone else's ass.

The future here is bright and clear
Full of adventure and raucous cheer
The Demon of Dark is no longer near
The party is on so bring the wine and beer!

Once again our poems and stories
Can be posted and read in all their glory
Rate if you want and comment too
There are no demands being made of you.

Like apple trees in a falling rain
Stories Space is healthy again
The patient will survive, it's not just a rumor
Nicola's house full of good wishes and humor.
Things are looking better every day,
Today is no exception.
Once the exterminator sweeps through,
The vermin who has spewed toxins
will be gone,
Then the air will be clear and we
Will be happy and strong.

So have a drink
or if you'd rather,
prepare your bong,
Not my thing,
but to each their own.

We are a tolerant group here,
this is true,
But our tolerance was shot
through and through,
With lies and abuse,
Which we could not condone.

No dialogue was possible,
The venom was intolerible;
And let up not at all.

The moral, you query,
Is there one?

Yes, of course,
Stay true.
Honour your friends,
That is normal,

Listen to the stranger,
And at the outset give welcome and credence.
But when outrageous abuse begins,
Do not slip and spin,
Or accomodate falacious delirium.

We stay true to ourselves,
And hold our heads high.
And so the day came,
Where I had realized,
I was too far in love with you
To ever just quit.

And I hope you feel the same.
Not just a dream, romanticized.
Because if this were to be true.
I don't think anyone can break it.
I wish we traded hearts,
Such an unusual request yes.
So your not laying there empty.
So I not sitting here broken.
Would it not make sense too?
Thier hearts are small,
There's only room for you.
Mine is too big and hollow.
And yours seems to be missing.
So let's trade hearts,
You can have mine.
So you can return their love.
And I can finally forget the pain.
Because that's how it is, isn't it.
They love you but you don't love them.
They tolerate me for you, yet I try so hard.
Makes me wish I couldn't feel a thing.
Makes me wonder if that is why you choose not to.
Forum Facilitator
It can be said
That when a heart is dead
It never bled
But just dried up instead
Active Ink Slinger
Many times I've tried to tell you
Many times I've cried alone
Always I'm surprised how well you
Cut my feelings to the bone

Don't wanna leave you really
I've invested too much time
To give you up that easy
To the doubts that complicate your mind

We belong to the light
We belong to the thunder
We belong to the sound of the words
We've both fallen under

Whatever we deny or embrace
For worse or for better
We belong, we belong
We belong together

Maybe it's a sign of weakness
When I don't know what to say
Maybe I just wouldn't know
What to do with my strength anyway

Have we become a habit?
Do we distort the facts?
Now, there's no looking forward
Now, there's no turning back
When you say

We belong to the light
We belong to the thunder
We belong to the sound of the words
We've both fallen under

Whatever we deny or embrace
For worse or for better
We belong, we belong
We belong together

Close your eyes and try to sleep now
Close your eyes and try to dream
Clear your mind and do your best
To try and wash the palette clean

We can't begin to know it
How much we really care
I hear your voice inside me
I see your face everywhere
Still you say

We belong to the light
We belong to the thunder
We belong to the sound of the words
We've both fallen under

Whatever we deny or embrace
For worse or for better
We belong, we belong
We belong together

---We Belong---Pat Benetar
You can't get there from here, because when you get there you're still here and here is now there.
Unless more intelligent discourse takes place
The above will serve to express
The annoyance of
Administrative laziness
And disgrace
So here I am waiting,
And biding my time,
For a shipment that was
From a place that's on-line.

Their products are alluring,
Like snacks to consume,
The basket's expanding
There is always more room

For specialty items,
Things new to the store,
Greatest deals of the day,
And more, so much more.

I wasn't enticed,
Well, not all the time,
The items I needed
Remained to become mine,
The others were deleted,
The basket slimmed down,
And now I am waiting,
For the delivery truck's round.
You're shattered like you never been before
The life you knew in a thousand pieces on the floor
And words fall short at times like these
When this world drives you to your knees

You think you are never going to get back

To the you,
You use to be

Tell your heart to beat again
Close your eyes and breathe in

Let the shadows fall away

Step into the light of grace

Yesterday is a closing door
You don't live there anymore
Say goodbye to where you've been
And tell your heart to beat again


Let that word wash over you

It's alright now

Loves healing hand have pulled you through

So get back up
Take step one
Leave the darkness
Feel the sun

Because you story is far from over
Your journey is telling you to go forward
Active Ink Slinger
Time by Joe Massocco

Tick tock...tick tock...
life is counting down on your internal clock.

Memories which were as if they occurred yesterday,
turn to flashes of moments that seem to fade away.

People you once knew
walk by without a clue.

The times you once shared
exist as if you were never there.

Years fly...friends die...
and you never know when you'll say your last goodbye.

Oh, how I wish I could turn back time,
spend it with loved ones and cherish what was once mine.

Or to go back even more,
being a kid in a candy store.

How I miss the way I used to feel
on Christmas day when Santa was real.

But back to reality...back to today,
family is scarce and memories continue to fade away.

Tick tock...tick tock...
how I wish I could control this clock.