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Daisy prefers to share herself in the third person, because she feels safer that way. She is generally a very shy and anti-social person, who can fool you into thinking she is confident and friendly when she has to. She's not, really. She suffers from severe depression and anxiety, and when she's got the brain power, she wishes she didn't.

She does love her friends, and being in their company, but she prefers to wander in solitude through both desolate, lonely places, and those twinkling with fairy dust, sparkling lights, and sweeties. She loves giggling and silliness, and one of her favourite phrases is that there should be "More Joy in the World". She regularly attempts to make this happen by being silly and then going to her Favouritest Place in All The Land - bed.

A winding path leads Daisy's imagination through a magical exploration. Sometimes she allows her senses to wander the Realms of the Otherworld, touching the stars with dreamy delight. In fact, Daisy would like to be a star. She says, "Daisies are the shadows that stars leave us so we do not forget them when they go to bed." At other times, Daisy falls to a hard earth with a nasty bump. She tries to find the joy in life, be it through her dreams, her fantasies, her photography, or her fishing, even when her hope has faded. "And the deep, swirling fog rolled in, saturating the air and ground with mystic portents and whispered secrets. When the clouded mists of grey-pearl veils are lifted away, will sunshine and rainbows be the result?"

One never knows where Daisy might wander - it could be to the beach for tiddly fish hunting, or to the moors for contemplation. It might be to her most secret heart's desires that she keeps locked away from the Ordinary World, or to the shop of Frivolity, Glitter, Stripy Socks and Gingerbread Men. She likes to be dreamily pretentious, uttering phrases such as, "For it is only in our dreams that the True Magic is manifest; I sit, I dream, and Magic kisses Hope and brings it life." She also can't believe anybody might have even read this far!
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