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Active Ink Slinger

I tried to upload a story just now. I filled in all the boxes but when I pressed "Submit" a little circle just kept going round and round. I'll try again later.

Active Ink Slinger
Another little glitch I have just noticed. I have just uploaded a story. After putting it in the box, the only option was to submit it. Usually it lets you look at it and make changes, edit. I can’t see a save draft button. It may just be me being thick. 
Active Ink Slinger

My stories look a bit odd with only a small part of the picture title. All I can see is the middle part of the picture and a couple of letters. The rest has been cropped off. 

Active Ink Slinger

Yessssssssssss, it's here. Hello all you 2.0's out there. I'm back. EDIT. Nooooooo All my story pictures have been cropped. I can no longer see the title, just the bit in the middle. 

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by nicola
The forums have been fixed. Sorry about that!

We will still be running the old site for the next few days as there are a couple of fields missing on the import script.

Hopefully Thursday is the big move.
Things are running much better now, thank you. I'm really looking forward to the new site, I have a story all ready. Regards, Verity
Active Ink Slinger
Everyone sat around, watching, waiting. The time was almost here. A new beginning, the future.
Active Ink Slinger
I'm really going to have to start reading the first post with the rules.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Survivor

Good day to one and all. I have gotten all the "morning" things done. The coffee is close to being ready. The water is nearly boiling.

The day is lovely outside.

Try to enjoy what you can of the world today.

Thank you Larry, I'll have a cup of tea please. I hope your day is going well.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by rolandlytle
Hi my friends.

I have been off my rocker for a few days but started feeling better last night. I am falling so far behind on my reading. Please accept my apology.

I love my father, but he believed in so many of the right-wing conspiracies like Covid-19 was a hoax. So he did not get the vaccine. Last week he got sick. He would not go to the doctor because he did not think it was serious. My sister and her husband, who live with my father, made him go to the hospital on Sunday night with labored breathing and a fever. When they arrived My sister and her husband had their temperatures taken to get in the hospital and found out they both had fevers too. All three were tested and were positive for Covid-19. Last night my father died of Covid-19. My sister and her husband both had their vaccines. My sister still has a slight fever and a sore throat and her husband no longer has any symptoms. Next week I will be going to Charlotte, NC with my family for his funeral.

I am heartbroken and upset. I can not help but think my father threw his life away because of the lies he listened to and believed.

Until I return from the funeral, I will not be writing much, but I will try to read some. I am sure that reading your stories will help keep me sane for the next two weeks.

Death is a part of life, just like birth, happiness, love, and tragedy.

Till later. Be safe, happy, and continue being the great people you are.

Laughter is healing, so remember; chameleons who can not change color are suffering from reptile dysfunction.
Really sorry to hear about your loss Roland. I will keep you in my thoughts. Regards, Verity
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by LucaByDay
I've been meaning to pop over and have a mooch for months. Finally summoned the resolve and conjured a profile (which I have yet to completer.)

I'm hoping a change of colour will inspire me to write a bit more than I have of late. The well has run dry.

Great to be here. See you guys about.

Nice to see you. I too have come from the dark side but I still keep my hand in over there.
Active Ink Slinger
Well, I have mine in. I'm just waiting on a call from Spielberg now...
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Ping
Anyone else feel there are too many words in the English language and many of those words are redundant?

Now one can argue subtlety is a lost art, but nonetheless, too many words.

Woke at 4:30 am. Could get back to sleep so went for a long highway ride. FYI… A sunny 13 C is much different than an overcast 13 C with 120 kph highway wind AKA traveling speed. After a couple of hours, I needed a hot shower and an even hotter cup of coffee.

I may need to change my Tam’s Comp theme. I too was going the assassin route, but with a different ‘ssassin spin. Surprise. Surprise.

Speaking of too many words, the Olympics has become an event for the recreational woke. Too many events that should not be in the Oly’s. Classic thought has this event celebrating human effort events on the land, in the air, and in the water. The stupid steeplechase, yes, the same damn thing horsies do, manages all three.

Not golf, FFS. Not equestrian. Not synchronized swimming. Not BMX. So many more. And fewer team sports too. Egad. Beach f’n volleyball? Come on!?! I studied and managed this stuff a long while ago. The lobbiests win.

Vent complete.
I agree about too many words. That's why I use so few. I don't need to get discombobulated when I could just as easily get confused. Perhaps I could spend more time in ponderment instead of just thinking. Circumlocution has never been a problem for me, as I don't. Now perhaps someone would like to adequately fill my mono handled receptacle with some refreshing liquid comestibles from the camellia sinensis plant. Better still, I’ll have a cup of tea.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Mendalla
Kettle is on and the biggest tea pot is waiting with some Earl Grey in it. Just got in from doing yard work. Muggy out there.

Nice pet beds, Sara. Maybe we get one of each and let the pets sort out who gets what.
Yes please, fill her up.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Ping
Quote by Verity
Hello, only me. I now have my story up but unfortunately Molly changed the line from bluejeans to blue jeans. I hope it’s still okay. Regards, Verity

Fret not. If a Mod alters something in a submission, it’s never to change the story. That’s not what they do. It’s to polish it where a wee more buffing is required. It’s usually a spelling or grammatical edit. If it is more substantial, the Mod will send you a PM asking for clarification on why you did what you did, or advise the writer what they need to amend.

Remember this: a mod is a writer’s best friend. Think of them as a second set of skilled eyes. Your very own personal editor. They want your submission to be the best it can be without altering the essence of what you’ve written and submitted. They will never change the poem or story. That’s not their role. Their role is to make you and the site, via its literary offerings, look good.

Now, if you disagree with something a Mod has suggested, ask them. Send them a PM. Easy peasy. You will ask ways get a clear and respectful response. It is possible that your intention was missed by the Mod. Let’s say, for example, bluejeans as one word had a particular meaning in your story. It had to be one word, or you were using an incorrect spelling for literary effect. Mention that in the notes to the Mod that is verifying the submission. Alternatively, you can message the Mod after the fact, explaining why you did what you did and would like the alteration reverted back to the original form. Done. The Mod will make that change because they have a better understanding of what you intended. It wasn’t just a spelling or grammatical error.

I hope my rambling explanation makes sense. Just remember that a Mod is a writer’s best friend. They’ll tell you when you have something stuck in your teeth and they’ll praise you when you’re looking good.

Keep writing, keep learning, and have fun doing both.
Thank you. All sorted now. I get confused easily. I thought the opening line had to be reproduced exactly as stated. Anyway, Molly has now put it back as it was. It's just me being stupid.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Mendalla
Well, sweet may be stretching a bit given the story, but yeah. Nice micro, Verity. I just started mine but I might be going long on this one. I have an idea but it may be too (bleep)ing obvious so might end up being too much like someone else's, so I might do something else.

Good morning, gang. Nice to see Nic's announcement about the future of the site. Looking forward to seeing it. Might have to spruce up the old cafe a bit to make it fit in with the fancy new digs. Though the wood panelling is non-negotiable. Maybe get a couple new couches. And some cute animal houses for the pets.

Kettle is on for the tea crowd. I'm drinking Irish Breakfast today.
Oh my, Mr Mendalla. How could you think such a thing about a sweet old lady like me. Even though a recent micro of yours may have influenced me is some way, I won’t admit it as I have absolutely no shame. For me, winning isn’t everything, as long as you win. Nobody remembers who came second. Regards, Verity
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Survivor

The freshest pot of coffee is brewing at this moment. It will be ready soon. The tea kettle is always there.

Be careful out there, Inspirators.

I'll have a coup of tea please Larry. As you can see, I've got my Tams story in. It's a bit like me, short and sweet. Regards, Verity
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Tams

I have an idea for a story prompt challenge for whoever would like to enter.

So many fantastic stories start with killer first lines; Call me Ishmael...or...Mother died today, or maybe yesterday; I can't be sure.

I will throw down an opening line and then you can take the story in any direction you'd like. Not saying my opening line will be killer, but it seems like it will be fun to see where each person takes it.

Here is what I have come up with for rules:

- I will give a first-line prompt, every story must have that line as the open.
- From there you are free to take it where ever you'd like and in whatever category and length you choose.
- Please make sure to follow storiespace guidelines for acceptable content.
- Please include Inspirators as a tag. Make sure it is spelled exactly that way so when we click on the tag, it will isolate all of our stories on one page.
- This is just a challenge and all for fun, no prizes or awards will be given out.
- There is no time limit for entries.

Here is your first-line prompt...have fun with it!

"To everyone in the room, she seemed like just a normal girl wearing Vans, bluejeans, and a red hoodie."

Hello, only me. I now have my story up but unfortunately Molly changed the line from bluejeans to blue jeans. I hope it’s still okay. Regards, Verity
Active Ink Slinger
That looks really good. Can't wait to see it in the flesh. Well done to the team. Regards, Verity