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Active Ink Slinger
Quote by kistinspencil
Today was sour, like yesterday
Yesterday will be today tomorrow
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Mendalla
Not sure if I have posted this pair before. Julia Westlin is a Swede but moved to Canada after meeting David Meshow (stage name, real name is Michaud) from Quebec online. She came to visit, things clicked, and years later they are married and also work together on their respective musical careers. While Julia has been putting out a lot of original material of late, she still does covers like this one that also features David.

That’s lovely; she almost has a Celtic twang to her voice. I really enjoyed that. Canada has produced some fine singers over the years. Anne Murray is my personal favourite.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Paperbackwriter
Just been thrown out of McDonald's.

I sat down and ate a Kid's Meal.

His mother complained.
I was thrown out of a cinema once for taking my own food in. I said that I only did it because their food was way overpriced. They said the smoke from my BBQ was spoiling the film for everyone else.
Active Ink Slinger
Q. How many surrealists does it take to change a light bulb?

A. A fish.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Tams

Morning, fellow storiespacers...

Did you all know that yawns are contagious? It's true. Next time you are in a crowd, let out an unsuspecting yawn and see how many around you follow suit. NOTE: I've yawned three times while writing this!

What's the antidote? Thank you for asking! It happens to be some of Rump's fine brew. I'll take a cup, if you don't mind, kind sir.

Happy Thursday everyone...hold strong, the weekend's within reach!
I could be wrong (although as a woman that’s pretty unlikely) I believe that copy yawning is a tribal thing dating way back into prehistory. Back then, we acted as a tribal collective, a bit like The Borge. It’s a signal for the tribe to sleep. A similar throwback is being sick. If someone near you vomits, you feel the need to vomit. That’s because as a tribe we all ate the same thing. If it made one of us sick, it was quite likely poisonous and therefore in everyone’s best interest to eject it from our stomachs. On that note, I’ll have a cup of tea please and a nice cookie.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Ping
Quote by CuriousAnnie
This comp has been a favourite of mine, the friendliness and community is so strong here and that brings out the best in us all.

How dare you! We will have nun of that. Second place is first place looser, and so on. Win at all costs.

Darn upload limitations. I have a funny penguin gif where one smacks the other to the ground. I wanted to juxtapose the tuxedo’d pairing. Penguins & Nuns. I sense a very hot South African catholic school story in the making or a very chilly one from Antarctica. But I don’t think there are any catholic colonies on the big berg.

Good comp. I concur. At the very least, we learned that Verbs was raised by wolves.
Winning isn't everything. As long as you win.
Active Ink Slinger
A story in only ten words, impossible but I'm willing to give it a go.

I won the lottery. Oh wait, that’s a six, bugger.

I thought he’d never believe my excuse, and he didn’t.

When I said I didn’t eat the cake. I lied.

You love me all the world. Sorry, who are you?
Active Ink Slinger
Inspired by the wonderful art of Violet_the_Verbose
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by henrietta_fielding
Popping in for a cuppa here and to catch up with everyone's news. It's probably the last day of our heatwave, so I'm about to sit out in the garden and enjoy the sunshine (covered up and wearing SPF 50!) Hope everyone is enjoying their Sunday!
Welcome back lovely lady. So nice to see you.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Mendalla
Quote by Verity
For the first time in my life I have built up the confidence to write. So far, I have really enjoyed it and actually wish I had started sooner.

I think many of us SS regulars would say we enjoy it and wish you had started sooner, too. Writing has certainly generated some high points of the pandemic for me, too (first comp win, most notably).
What a lovely thing to say. Thank you
Active Ink Slinger
Welcome Angel. I have only been her a little while myself but can say that I really enjoy being here. The people are so nice and friendly. I'm sure you will enjoy it.
Active Ink Slinger
For the first time in my life I have built up the confidence to write. So far, I have really enjoyed it and actually wish I had started sooner. I have a lot of catching up to do. I feel sorry for Molly, you should see the amount of corrections I get. Thank you Molly 🌼🌼🌼
Active Ink Slinger
Good morning everyone. Thank you to all the wonderful people for their birthday wishes. I couldn’t believe that elizabethblack bought me a pony, thank you. Well, it wasn’t exactly a pony, but a ten piece jigsaw puzzle of a pony. I’m feeling really happy with myself. It only took me two days to complete it. I must be really smart because it says 3 to 5 years on the box.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Mendalla
So, fourteen barring any more last minute entries. That's only two short of last summer's Summer Word Bank comp so not bad at all. I shall endeavour to read more tonight. Busy-ness and a bout of depression kind of set me back since my initial run of reading entries. And I love the good comments I have been getting here. So much better than "like it" which is the extent of so many comment I get elsewhere.
Oh Mr Mendalla, sorry to hear you are feeling down at the moment. Let me send you some love. You are never alone on here.
Active Ink Slinger
Why are queues always longer when you’re in a hurry?

Why is dyslexia such a hard word to spell?

Is Schrodinger's cat alive or dead?

If possible and impossible are opposites. Why does flammable and inflammable mean the same thing?
Active Ink Slinger
Finally, I have managed to read all the stories. The standard is very high. Good luck to everyone.z98tiI2MHKB3ITHm
Active Ink Slinger
To anyone interested, this is the voice I use to read my stories. I use it all the time to read my stories back to me. Having dyslexia (why do they make that word so hard to spell) I tend to leave words out or repeat some. She is called Amy and she is a real life saver. As an example, this is one of my 100 word stories recently published here on Stories Space
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by JamesPBear
Quote by Mendalla
Good morning. I visited Stonehenge just a couple years ago but there was neither Verity nor dancing happening. Must have gone on an off day.

I see a mysterious polar bear has wandered into the competition. Hope he drops by to introduce himself though he seems vaguely familiar, eh.

Coffee is on and kettle is boiling. I'm settling in for a rather quintessential Southern Ontario Summer day (high of 30C, humid, chance of evening showers).

Good afternoon, Oh Glorious Leader! Your fame spreads far beyond this humble space.

So – yes, I am, indeed a polar bear – and with respect, Rumple-deWriter, the fur is pure white, not off-white – I just washed it in the Arctic Ocean, off Iqaluit, in Nunavut, thank you very much!

Ladies and gentlemen of Stories Space, please allow me to introduce myself. I am James Polar Bear, a bear of very little brain, but enormous heart. I love people – usually medium rare (kidding – that's a little bear humour, you know) – and am eager to offer bear hugs to any and all comers!

I note, looking around some people that look kinda familiar, but please assume that I'm just ignorant. You won't be far off!

I love words. I love reading them, I love writing them, and I adore those who wield them with aplomb. Or panache. Or both.

I look forward to reading some of the great storytellers here, and hope to contribute my own little bagatelles from time to time.

If I inadvertantly give offence, please forgive me. I'm finding the ways of humans to be…strange. Bears are much easier.

So, hi!
Good day James Bipolar. Very pleased to meet you, again. I do hope you behave yourself. Welcome to the kinder, more gentile world of Stories Space. Regards, Verity
Active Ink Slinger
Its not much but we call it home..

A cottage garden
Active Ink Slinger
I've told you a thousand times. I'm not into that.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Ping

I can't recall if I posted this. Check out the first song. Love it. Mesmerizing. The others are pretty good too.

Psst. Verbs. Left some limoncello for you in the fridge by the men's washroom. Sadly, that fridge doubles as sample storage for the clinic next door. Sorry bud. I forgot to cross out the label on the plastic sample cup for the limoncello.

Take your chances?
Yes, lovely music. I can imagine dancing naked around Stonehenge on the summer solstice. Too much information I guess. Regards, Verity