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Active Ink Slinger
Now that is a tricky one. A really tricky one. If given the choice I wouldn't go back, but if I have to choose I'd pick August the year I turned 18. Last year at school before Uni and it was a fucking great one. Now I might even have upped my grades a bit considering I know what the exams were =P

Which instrument would you be damn good at if you could choose any.
A signature? Bah! Damned be your signatures and their feeble minded minions. I will have no signature so that every post is unique!
Active Ink Slinger
I am sure if I had a set of drums I would be damn good at it. I would bash out my anger, passions and frustrations on them.
what singer would you be
Bob Dylan or John Lennon
Love colours our worlds in endless dimensions and unifies all aspects of our activities. Just as sunlight filters through clouds and causes the grasses to turn gold so everything is interlinked in our world.
Active Ink Slinger
Dylan. Dude didn't get shot by a fanatic fan

If you could rid the world of one evil by snapping your fingers, which would it be?
A signature? Bah! Damned be your signatures and their feeble minded minions. I will have no signature so that every post is unique!
Active Ink Slinger
I think I would get rid of everything to do with terrorism. Because without that, everything would be so much safer and less complicated.

if you could choose one type of artistic talent, what would it be?
We don't know how much we don't know.
Active Ink Slinger
If we're gonna be boring then I'd probably go for drawing. But if we expand the term then I'd love to be an artist with a football, so I'd be the world best footballplayer and play for my dream team in England (picture somewhat related)

If you had to pick one meal that you would eat for the rest of your life, what would it be?
A signature? Bah! Damned be your signatures and their feeble minded minions. I will have no signature so that every post is unique!
Active Ink Slinger
OMG ..anything to do with rice ..i love my rice

Where would you love to go for your dream holiday?
Active Ink Slinger
New Zealand of course.

if you could have dinner with one famous person, dead or alive, who would it be?
We don't know how much we don't know.
Active Ink Slinger
Genghis Khan. Who wouldn't want to meet the man who created the largest empire the world has ever seen?

If you could be famous for something, what would you want it to be(realistic and unrealistic)?
A signature? Bah! Damned be your signatures and their feeble minded minions. I will have no signature so that every post is unique!
Active Ink Slinger
Finding a cure for Cancer

Would you chase a robber if it meant you could get hurt?
Active Ink Slinger
Depends on what he robbed. If he mugged an old lady then yeah, but if we're talking Two-Face like bank robbers then I'm leaving that to the cops.

If you were offered to become dictator over the world for a year, and you would never have any reprocussions for anything you did, would you say yes?
A signature? Bah! Damned be your signatures and their feeble minded minions. I will have no signature so that every post is unique!
Active Ink Slinger
If I thought I could do some permanant good, then yes

If you could change what you did in school (hs or college), would you?
We don't know how much we don't know.
Active Ink Slinger
Certain things, yes(more or less gradewise).

If you ever wrote a best seller book, what genre would it be?
A signature? Bah! Damned be your signatures and their feeble minded minions. I will have no signature so that every post is unique!
A coffee table book of beautiful photographs.

* * * * *

If you could be a professional athlete making millions ... what sport would you be involved in?
Active Ink Slinger
"It's Elit, coming through the midfield, it's up for grabs now!!!!"

Do you think today's youth is worse than the former generation when they were young?
A signature? Bah! Damned be your signatures and their feeble minded minions. I will have no signature so that every post is unique!
Active Ink Slinger
depends on what way you mean. I think many kids lack the discipline of past generations and are much more coddled in some respects., but world is also a scarier place than it used to be. i know school wise, they seem to be worse off in some respects, not learning basics like we did. But they have many more opportunities for education, sports and other things than when I was a kid.

If you had the chance, is there a friend or acquaintance you would like to reconnect with?
We don't know how much we don't know.
Active Ink Slinger
Probably, but not that I can think of atm.

If you could make something accessible for everyone on the entire planet, what would it be?
A signature? Bah! Damned be your signatures and their feeble minded minions. I will have no signature so that every post is unique!
Active Ink Slinger
decent health care at a reasonable cost or free

if you had a choice, would you rather you were born where you were, or somewhere else?
We don't know how much we don't know.
Active Ink Slinger
I live in what's been ranked as the best country in the world several years in a row. Of course I'm gonna pick here. But if I had to pick somewhere else then I'd say where my girlfriend lives so we wouldn't be so far apart

If you were an actor, what sort of movies would you star in?
A signature? Bah! Damned be your signatures and their feeble minded minions. I will have no signature so that every post is unique!
Active Ink Slinger
romantic comedies

If you could be any weight you wanted, would you gain or lose weight?
We don't know how much we don't know.
Active Ink Slinger

If you could have any drink, all the time what would it be?
Active Ink Slinger

would you ever kill someone?
We don't know how much we don't know.
Active Ink Slinger
Depends on what happened........

Would you run around on a playground, like a lil kid just for the fun of it
Active Ink Slinger
yep, and I have

would you ever steal something from a store?
We don't know how much we don't know.
Active Ink Slinger
I wouldn't say I stoled it I just payed for something cheaper in it's place.... I didn't have the extra 75 cents smile

Would you every go bungee jumping?
Active Ink Slinger
i've thought about it, but I rather doubt it

would you go skydiving?
We don't know how much we don't know.
Active Ink Slinger
I would try it once but it's expensive smile

Would you swim with sharks?
Active Ink Slinger
depends on the sharks and if I was in a cage or not

How about hangliding?
We don't know how much we don't know.
Active Ink Slinger
NOPE be afraid I'd hit a tree or mountain side

Do you take fruit & eat it while you shop?
Active Ink Slinger
maybe one or 2 grapes, just to check the taste, ohterwise, no

what type of music do you prefer?
We don't know how much we don't know.
Active Ink Slinger
Alternative Metal.... BUT I listen to a lot of different types

If you found a purse with out any ID & it had hundred buck in it would you keep it?