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Login 2.0, Coming Soon!

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My latest story The Scarlet Lady has had the comments removed. I'm not worried about scores as they don't count in compititions etc, but I love the comments. 

I keep finding more stuff smile 

Quote by DenimAngel

Where do we go to get the blinky eyed smiley or any other emojis? 

Just type : and ) together for a smiley blindly thingy. I just did it by accident smile 

Blindly? Thanks autocorrectsmile

Quote by Baronvonmonty

Avatars should auto approve, but it's only working for mods or admin as it is a bug. We should have it resolved on Monday, but a mod will need to approve them in the meantime.

May I request that avatars continue to require approval? It only takes a minute to approve them, but hunting down an inappropriate profile pic later can be a challenge.

Quote by Baronvonmonty

Magnificentrascal they are in the admin area, click top right on your avatar pic, scroll down to admin and they should be in there?. I don't have an admin account to do it I'm afraid and the office is closed now to make me one sad

The admin area is where I looked. The image verification queue is empty.
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Quote by Baronvonmonty

Avatars should auto approve, but it's only working for mods or admin as it is a bug. We should have it resolved on Monday, but a mod will need to approve them in the meantime. 

Magnificentrascal they are in the admin area, click top right on your avatar pic, scroll down to admin and they should be in there?. I don't have an admin account to do it I'm afraid and the office is closed now to make me one sad

Thanks for sorting that out. I do agree with MagnificentRascal on having them approved provided the process is fairly swift and easy.

Can she find the silence again?

Scream Away The Silence - The Sound of Silence comp entry

A "blog" on my winter stories from my profile.

Quote by DenimAngel

Hate to be a pest ... Is there a place where we can find the new emojis? It would be nice to have a list of them ❤️

I second that. 

I can't add photos and make them private. How do I do that? How do I add an image to my forum sig? 

Quote by GodsAngel

I can't add photos and make them private. How do I do that? How do I add an image to my forum sig? 

When you use Add Media to upload photos to My Photos on your profile, there's a private option. Just click that on and they should go to your Private album, I think. Not sure about the second question. Haven't tried yet and it is not something I normally do. Hopefully someone has figured it out or knows the answer.

Can she find the silence again?

Scream Away The Silence - The Sound of Silence comp entry

A "blog" on my winter stories from my profile.

Thanks, Mendella. My profile is supposed to be public and it's not,  even though my settings say it is. 

Looking at the forum on storiesspace, threads are presented oldest post first. As in the past. But there is no way to move directly to the last page.

If you implement this on the other you will effectively kill any long-running thread in the forum. 

Quote by RobB

Looking at the forum on storiesspace, threads are presented oldest post first. As in the past. But there is no way to move directly to the last page.

If you implement this on the other you will effectively kill any long-running thread in the forum. 

When you go to a thread don’t click on the thread title, click on the time of the last post (listed below the title). That takes you to that post, then you work backward by clicking previous. 

We aren't supposed to mention that other site but I keep seeing people mention it. Also, I still can't see my profile, with changed settings unless I'm logged in. 😒😕

How do I hide my age and I still need approval to change my avatar? 

I just submitted another story for Tam’s challenge. There was no limit. 👍

I did so to test the submission process. It was smooth but still some bugs to work out. Picture gets narrowed and text is blurry. No copyright info. Fewer editing options including a preview, edit, or save function. It’s submit only. No choice for title removed from cover picture. No notification that the submission was sent to be reviewed and verified.

I suspect this stuff will eventually be addressed. One thing at a time.


With respect to the adult site, heads will explode. I suspect this is the format (similar to the mobile attempt that looked similar to this) that is intended for its update. The bugs found here during this transition will help with the other to make the transition smoother. As we were informed, change behind the screen scene is needed.

Fortunately, with respect to the format changes, this site is not-for-profit and has fewer members. SS is the canary in this changeover coal mine. So far, so good. The needed fixes will be made. It’ll be a little bumpy along the way, but if you wear your gas mask, SS will see the light at the end of that tunnel.

Iconoclastically incorrigible or just a silly dumb ass...
Quote by GodsAngel

We aren't supposed to mention that other site but I keep seeing people mention it. 

We have been pretty lax about that of late. As long as you don't name it and use a very oblique euphemism like "the other site" or "another site I'm on", people don't tend to complain, esp. in discussion of this upgrade since it impacts both. No links or direct mentions though.

Still finding Login flaky though I am starting to think that part of the problem is some of the recent changes to Google's auto-login protocol in Chrome. I am going to try the site in Edge to see if that works better since I know the password manager is one of the pieces where MS does their own thing.

Can she find the silence again?

Scream Away The Silence - The Sound of Silence comp entry

A "blog" on my winter stories from my profile.

I tried to change my background pic but, due to the dimensions set by the site, I can't do it. 

However, there is a much bigger issue that I find seriously aggravating.

When I receive a message notification in my email inbox, if I click on it, I am taken to the message and automatically logged onto the site. This then indicates that I am online and on-site, which I really do not want, The old system showed the message body in the email. If I then wanted to read the message on-site, I would have to physically log in. I feel that the current system could constitute a breach of privacy as it allows direct access to anyone who can read the email.

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana

All I want to know is, will I ever get my comments back. They really do mean so much to me. Thank you

Quote by Verity

All I want to know is, will I ever get my comments back. They really do mean so much to me. Thank you

I looked at your play and saw my comment there. Are you missing some?

Fire and Ice - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words competition, first place

Monster - Survivor competition, first place

Quote by Verity

All I want to know is, will I ever get my comments back. They really do mean so much to me. Thank you

They should all be back now. Even the replies to comments on stories are back since they re-imported the comments last night. And the comments on my profile are there now (you have scroll down a bit to get to comments in the profile, esp. on a mobile device).

Can she find the silence again?

Scream Away The Silence - The Sound of Silence comp entry

A "blog" on my winter stories from my profile.

Quote by Mendalla
Quote by Verity

All I want to know is, will I ever get my comments back. They really do mean so much to me. Thank you

They should all be back now. Even the replies to comments on stories are back since they re-imported the comments last night. And the comments on my profile are there now (you have scroll down a bit to get to comments in the profile, esp. on a mobile device).
No, I had six comments but now I only have two. It's not just me, if you look at Tams story The Mimic, all the comments are gone and I made a comment on your story Saturday Afternoons at the Opera, that has also gone. You had four comments but now you only have one. 
Quote by Verity
Quote by Mendalla
Quote by Verity

All I want to know is, will I ever get my comments back. They really do mean so much to me. Thank you

They should all be back now. Even the replies to comments on stories are back since they re-imported the comments last night. And the comments on my profile are there now (you have scroll down a bit to get to comments in the profile, esp. on a mobile device).
No, I had six comments but now I only have two. It's not just me, if you look at Tams story The Mimic, all the comments are gone and I made a comment on your story Saturday Afternoons at the Opera, that has also gone. You had four comments but now you only have one. 
They did warn us before they re-imported the comments from the old site that comments made since the original conversion would be overwritten. I know that would apply to the comments on mine since that was posted after the upgrade. Would that apply to the ones on your story and Tams? Given that it fixed the profile comments and brought in the replies to story comments that were missing, I think I am okay with the small sacrifice.

Can she find the silence again?

Scream Away The Silence - The Sound of Silence comp entry

A "blog" on my winter stories from my profile.

Quote by Mendalla
Quote by Verity
Quote by Mendalla
Quote by Verity

All I want to know is, will I ever get my comments back. They really do mean so much to me. Thank you

They should all be back now. Even the replies to comments on stories are back since they re-imported the comments last night. And the comments on my profile are there now (you have scroll down a bit to get to comments in the profile, esp. on a mobile device).
No, I had six comments but now I only have two. It's not just me, if you look at Tams story The Mimic, all the comments are gone and I made a comment on your story Saturday Afternoons at the Opera, that has also gone. You had four comments but now you only have one. 
They did warn us before they re-imported the comments from the old site that comments made since the original conversion would be overwritten. I know that would apply to the comments on mine since that was posted after the upgrade. Would that apply to the ones on your story and Tams? Given that it fixed the profile comments and brought in the replies to story comments that were missing, I think I am okay with the small sacrifice.
Thank you. My play The Scarlet Lady had some lovely comments. It was posted on the new 2.0 so I guess they are now lost forever. I hope you managed to read my comment on your story before it was deleted. 
Quote by Verity
Quote by Mendalla
Quote by Verity
Quote by Mendalla
Quote by Verity

All I want to know is, will I ever get my comments back. They really do mean so much to me. Thank you

They should all be back now. Even the replies to comments on stories are back since they re-imported the comments last night. And the comments on my profile are there now (you have scroll down a bit to get to comments in the profile, esp. on a mobile device).
No, I had six comments but now I only have two. It's not just me, if you look at Tams story The Mimic, all the comments are gone and I made a comment on your story Saturday Afternoons at the Opera, that has also gone. You had four comments but now you only have one. 
They did warn us before they re-imported the comments from the old site that comments made since the original conversion would be overwritten. I know that would apply to the comments on mine since that was posted after the upgrade. Would that apply to the ones on your story and Tams? Given that it fixed the profile comments and brought in the replies to story comments that were missing, I think I am okay with the small sacrifice.
Thank you. My play The Scarlet Lady had some lovely comments. It was posted on the new 2.0 so I guess they are now lost forever. I hope you managed to read my comment on your story before it was deleted. 
Actually, thanks to notifications not working for comments (which is something I should post in the the issues/bugs thread, I guess), I never saw any except one Sara did when I was testing something. No worries, though. If you don't want to rewrite it, that's cool. I haven't got around to your play yet so you'll at least have one one it eventually. 😋

Can she find the silence again?

Scream Away The Silence - The Sound of Silence comp entry

A "blog" on my winter stories from my profile.

Quote by DenimAngel

Chat (IM box) isn't working .  When I click on an old story link in my mail it says page not Found... 

So it's sad that friends can't chat here .. sad

I imagine it will come eventually. Just needs work done. They definitely need it working for other sites.

Can she find the silence again?

Scream Away The Silence - The Sound of Silence comp entry

A "blog" on my winter stories from my profile.