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Inspirations, the Stories Space Coffee House: If you're reading this it just might mean I'm back, sorta. If you're not reading this, well, congratulations.

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Hi peeps

Still working my way thru the site love that we can post on profiles 

A large iced coffee pretty please . 

*Eyeing the cake * yum 

A beautiful day here not a lot going on at the moment but completely subject to change 

I have fresh cookies to go along with the cake 

*Moving the old cookies to the emergency cookie tins behind the counter and filling the cookie jars to the tippy top with fresh cookies* 

In Big Bird : pecan divines, pumpkin snickerdoodles, oatmeal raisin cookies and raspberry cookies 

In Cookie Monster : ginger snaps, butterscotch marshmallow cookies, snickerdoodles and peanut butter and banana cookies

In Elmo : cranberry-pecan cookies , chewy snickerdoodles, peanut butter cookies and chocolate crinkle cookies 

*Giving the adorable critters fresh water and treats shaped like snowflakes* 

*Taking my coffee and slice of cake and settling down in my favorite overstuffed chair*

Stay safe everyone😊

My Competition Story : 💜 Milly's Adventure

* fills a plate with a slice of cake and some snickerdoodles *

Afternoon tea time. Apparently the one and only Rump is having trouble getting on SS. Passed a message to me via another connection we have asking me to pass it on to Molly. So I imagine he shall join us at some point.

Tomorrow marks 28 years of marriage for the ape. Big 3-0 isn't far off. Might do some hiking or canoeing to celebrate if the weather holds.

Can she find the silence again?

Scream Away The Silence - The Sound of Silence comp entry

A "blog" on my winter stories from my profile.

Have a lovely holiday, Luca!

Like everyone else, I'm navigating my way around our bright and shiny new site. Very exciting!

A lemon and ginger tea with some of your delicious cookies, Sara! 

Morning all 

Hope your all having a wonderful day. Quiet one for me but the weather is beautiful. 😎🌞

Thanks for the cookies Sara… their delicious 🍪

SS 2.0 is starting to grow on me love we can now post on each others profiles again. 👍

Stay safe 😆

Good Morning!

I just submitted another flash fiction story for Tam’s Challenge to test the SS 2.0 story submission process. Some things missing. Some bugs to work out. Submission was smooth. The bugs will get addressed.

Coffee to go, please. I have a haunting to do this evening. Lots of preparation still required. New screamer on staff. We’ve got to work on her shrills. The blood splatter machine clogged again. Damn coagulants.


Iconoclastically incorrigible or just a silly dumb ass...
Quote by Ping

Coffee to go, please. I have a haunting to do this evening. Lots of preparation still required. New screamer on staff. We’ve got to work on her shrills. The blood splatter machine clogged again. Damn coagulants.


You scare me sometimes...😋

Good morning. Coffee and tea are brewing. There some cake left. And, as always, Sara's cookies.

Login seems more stable. Generally like the site now that I've spent a day with it. Still some flaky bits, though.

Can she find the silence again?

Scream Away The Silence - The Sound of Silence comp entry

A "blog" on my winter stories from my profile.

This is not a complaint. It is an observation. I really do not know how to write stories on this new site. I learned how to write stories on this site and our sister site back in 2012 when I joined the sites. I used the submission panels to create my stories. I wrote and edited. I saved the story as I wrote it and returned later to complete or change it. Only when it was in perfect condition did I submit it.

I also used the submission panels to proofread and edit stories for friends. 

All that appears to be impossible on this new platform. I do not know what I will do. How I will learn to write stories all over again and then just take the finished product and plop it into the submission panel on this new site and hit submit.

It is obviously not anyone else's problem. Others are submitting gayly as we speak. I will simply have to find out how to do it. It may be awhile before I submit anything here again. 

For the time being I will have another cuppa java and think about the world.

Quote by Survivor

All that appears to be impossible on this new platform. I do not know what I will do. How I will learn to write stories all over again and then just take the finished product and plop it into the submission panel on this new site and hit submit.


Write it in a word processor. If your computer doesn't have one, there's always Google Docs (my current choice for personal use) which is free and web-based so you just work right in your browser. It saves automatically to your Google Drive, too. If you use , you already have an account for it, just need to start using it. If not, signing up for one take a couple minutes.

Once you have the story written to your satisfaction, highlight all the text  (press CTRL and A if you're using Windows, not sure of the Mac equivalent), right click it, choose Copy.

Come here, go to Stories, click Write Your Own Story. Right click in the Story box and choose Paste. Fill in title, one-liner, tags, etc. and click Submit.

This is how I have done every story I have ever written for here (heck, every story I have ever written, period). The old editor was, for someone like me used to products like Word and Wordperfect, useless.

Can she find the silence again?

Scream Away The Silence - The Sound of Silence comp entry

A "blog" on my winter stories from my profile.

All that said, the editor here makes the old one look good by comparison so I get where you're coming from, Larry.

Took a walk along the local river this morning with my wife. Anniversary is today but we are both not feeling up to anything more ambitious. We might do something more during the week since I am still on vacation.

Tea, anyone? I've got the kettle on and put some nice Japanese red tea in the pot.

Can she find the silence again?

Scream Away The Silence - The Sound of Silence comp entry

A "blog" on my winter stories from my profile.

Has anyone ever started a story on one site and finished it on another?

That is, posted half on the red end and the rest on here (or vice versa) cause I might have to do that with the one I'm working on if I can't figure out how to leave it as it is.

My heart has wi-fi and the password is Tom Petty.

Hi everyonesmile 

A large iced coffee. A beautiful day here

Not too much going on here . Had plans not sure if they are gonna stick or not .

Happy Anniversary Scott 

*Peeking in the cookie jars* still in good shape.

*Giving the adorable critters fresh water and treats*

I usually write the old way (pen and paper) then type it in the submission panel but yikes hearing about all the bugs I'm not sure about the writing at the moment. 

Hope everyone is having a great day .

Stay safe! heart

My Competition Story : 💜 Milly's Adventure

Sara: That's true. It's part of the reason I'm hoping I won't have to split it up.

...and in other news my (not so) little second cousin is turning 18 next Sunday and now I feel old and wrinkly. Plus she's in her first year of college, too.

My heart has wi-fi and the password is Tom Petty.

I like the changes for the most part, though I'm not really looking around that much. I think most of the changes impact a smaller site like SS in a good way. I agree with the One True Ping that larger sites, such as the vermillion-adjacent one, are gonna freak the f out. Eventually the dust will clear, but I'm thinking many will have to be brought kicking and screaming to the new format. Life is change. Change is life.

My favorite country songwriter (other than Merle and Willie) died today. Tom T Hall. wrote story songs, and was an astonishingly good storyteller. My Dad loved him too and passed that love to me. I learned yesterday not to post videos with text, since the text disappears, but PLEASE give The Year Clayton Delaney Died a listen today if you find the chance. If I ever write anything half as good as that song I'll die a happy man. 

Hey - a thought! With the new site, can we get a liquor licence for the place? At least one that allows for beer and wine? Or even (gasp!) a cannabis consumption licence (a real thing, they have them here, legal and everything)?

For now, a coffee. And a cookie!     

Fire and Ice - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words competition, first place

Monster - Survivor competition, first place

Cannabis can be smoked ... outside. Inside is a no smoking of any kind zone. Of course, consumables wouldn't be a problem.

As for booze, we can't stop you from BYOB but we aren't going to stock it.

And I am not a country fan, but recall Tom T. Hall. Was a bit surprised to find he was still alive but I think that's just because I haven't heard anything about him in so long.

Quote by JustAnotherSapphic

...and in other news my (not so) little second cousin is turning 18 next Sunday and now I feel old and wrinkly. Plus she's in her first year of college, too.

Yeah, my brother's kids hitting college (they are a bit older than mine) was the first sign I had slipped into the next generational bracket. Then mine did and my eldest nephew got married. So I guess I am well into old fart territory now, eh.😜

Can she find the silence again?

Scream Away The Silence - The Sound of Silence comp entry

A "blog" on my winter stories from my profile.

Quote by Mendalla

For verbal (and his Dad)

Thanks, Scott. smile

Fire and Ice - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words competition, first place

Monster - Survivor competition, first place

Quote by Mendalla

Yeah, my brother's kids hitting college (they are a bit older than mine) was the first sign I had slipped into the next generational bracket. Then mine did and my eldest nephew got married. So I guess I am well into old fart territory now, eh.😜

Well, I don't know if my being almost 32 counts as "old fart territory," but I hear you. It's like - I remember when she was first born and have watched her grow up over the years, yknow? I feel like I blinked and now she's almost 18.

My heart has wi-fi and the password is Tom Petty.

Quote by JustAnotherSapphic

Well, I don't know if my being almost 32 counts as "old fart territory," but I hear you. It's like - I remember when she was first born and have watched her grow up over the years, yknow? I feel like I blinked and now she's almost 18.
I had a buddy whose oldest brother had his first when we were in our early teens so he was an uncle at like 12 or something so similar situation to you, I imagine, when his oldest nephew went off to university. But only 32? That's not even "old and wrinkly." Jane's older than that, isn't she?

Can she find the silence again?

Scream Away The Silence - The Sound of Silence comp entry

A "blog" on my winter stories from my profile.

Quote by Mendalla
I had a buddy whose oldest brother had his first when we were in our early teens so he was an uncle at like 12 or something so similar situation to you, I imagine, when his oldest nephew went off to university. But only 32? That's not even "old and wrinkly." Jane's older than that, isn't she?
Yeah, I was exaggerating a bit by saying that. And yes, Jane is exactly twice my age - she turned 61 last month - but if I didn't know that, I'd assume she was only in her late forties or early fifties. I might be biased though. 😉

My heart has wi-fi and the password is Tom Petty.

Good morning everyone. No one has made coffee yet, so I will bring some in a vacuum flask, since I don’t know how to w the coffee maker. At least Sara’s cookies are here. 

I am submitting the opening of a novel (actually a modified version of the 2 Chew stories on this lovely site) to my critique group tonight. Nervous. They are nice but TOUGH (and usually correct) and I am a little worried. I have to learn to play with the big kids. So, today I am editing all day. 

Mets lost AGAIN. I think their season is officially over. At least Sara’s Braves woke up.

Found a great podcast about old school country music: Cocaine and Rhinestones.

Enjoy your day everyone. Coffee and a pencil shaped cookie please!

Fire and Ice - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words competition, first place

Monster - Survivor competition, first place

Good afternoon. Hadn't realized no one had set things up this morning. I guess I was too focussed on learning new toys still. It's getting late, but I put a pot on for those who want coffee for their afternoon "tea". Kettle is also on.

Good luck with the critique group. I should probably get involved in something like that. Have never really delved into the literary scene around here. This must be one. Emma Donoghue, author and screenwriter of Room and one of Canada's top authors at the moment, lives in London (originally from Ireland, though) and there's a few other Canadian authors from this area.

Can she find the silence again?

Scream Away The Silence - The Sound of Silence comp entry

A "blog" on my winter stories from my profile.

Please be gentle with me this week cause it's that time of the month.

Also, I ended up starting a totally new story last night even though I've not finished the one I'm still working on. Maybe that will help me finish it somehow?

My heart has wi-fi and the password is Tom Petty.

Quote by JustAnotherSapphic

Also, I ended up starting a totally new story last night even though I've not finished the one I'm still working on. Maybe that will help me finish it somehow?

It's worked for me before, esp. if I am stalled. Or sometimes the new story turns out to be the one I prefer and gets done first.

Can she find the silence again?

Scream Away The Silence - The Sound of Silence comp entry

A "blog" on my winter stories from my profile.

Quote by Mendalla
It's worked for me before, esp. if I am stalled. Or sometimes the new story turns out to be the one I prefer and gets done first.
That's what I'm hoping for, yeah. Neither of them will be posted here though.

My heart has wi-fi and the password is Tom Petty.

Hi peeps 

It's been a quiet afternoon after a busy morning herding kids in the church nursery.

Came home had lunch and a long nap so now im running behind . 

* Moving the old cookies to the emergency cookie tins behind the counter and filling the cookie jars to the tippy top with fresh cookies* 

In Big Bird : oatmeal raisin cookies, butterscotch crunch cookies, salted caramel chocolate chip cookies and coconut pineapple cookies

In Cookie Monster: ginger snaps, butterscotch marshmallow crunch cookies, banana and chocolate chip cookies and blueberry cookies 

In Elmo : oatmeal orange cookies,dark chocolate chip cookies, peanut butter chocolate chip cookies and maple walnut cookies 

*Giving the adorable critters fresh water and treats* 

Hope everyone is having a great day/evening heart smile 

My Competition Story : 💜 Milly's Adventure

Sometimes I wish I was pretty like Jane. 

My heart has wi-fi and the password is Tom Petty.

Quote by DenimAngel

It's been a quiet afternoon after a busy morning herding kids in the church nursery.

Herding kids or herding cats, is there a difference? 😒😀

Good evening. Another muggy one here and apparently that will continue for a couple days more. Oh well, that's why AC was invented, eh. Just saw on CNN that the US, including the states near us, is in for a warmer than usual Fall so I guess we will be, too, though I have not heard Environment Canada's forecast for the Fall yet.

Contemplating my next story. I have an opening scene in my head that brings back the musicians from Song To Keep Monsters Away and starts to get a supernatural mystery of some sort going. It does connect to the events in the current story but I am still sorting out what exactly is going on.

And fresh cookies. Hmmm. Ginger snaps, maybe?

Can she find the silence again?

Scream Away The Silence - The Sound of Silence comp entry

A "blog" on my winter stories from my profile.

Morning, everyone! Ooh, coffee and cookies!

Verbs hope you are stoked by the response from your critique group! 

We're getting a bit of late summer warmth here this week, Scott after a cool and wet few weeks. A last blast of sunshine is just what's needed!