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Writing Habits

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Active Ink Slinger
How strict are your daily writing habits?

Do you write at certain times of the day, for a certain amount of time?

Do you find it helps you avoid writers' block if you're more structured about the time you spend on it each day?
Active Ink Slinger
I write daily, usually late at night when it's quiet. Don't know about it helping avoid writer's block, but it helps my concentration.
i write poetry but don't have a routine. i usually just do it whenever i want to get my emotions down on paper.
Quote by Lisa
How strict are your daily writing habits?

Do you write at certain times of the day, for a certain amount of time?

Do you find it helps you avoid writers' block if you're more structured about the time you spend on it each day?

I try to be a disciplined writer and set aside time each day to practice, but I'm fighting non-stop distractions like kids and dogs, so it's a constant battle.

One day I see myself sitting at a tidy desk beside a window overlooking a landscaped garden, where only the sound of chirping birds disturbs my thoughts. One day.

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by love2write
Quote by Lisa
How strict are your daily writing habits?

Do you write at certain times of the day, for a certain amount of time?

Do you find it helps you avoid writers' block if you're more structured about the time you spend on it each day?

I try to be a disciplined writer and set aside time each day to practice, but I'm fighting non-stop distractions like kids and dogs, so it's a constant battle.

One day I see myself sitting at a tidy desk beside a window overlooking a landscaped garden, where only the sound of chirping birds disturbs my thoughts. One day.

Good luck with that. Can you find somewhere like that for me, too?

Active Ink Slinger
i write in the mornings. it's my most productive time of day and i find that i am more structured and energetic. usuaully it's at my desk and i put on something that fits the mood of what i want to write. i have the house to myself so there are no distractions, and i usually just let myself go, no time limit or expectations. oh, and there is usually a cup of coffee at hand and kittens underfoot. smile
Rookie Scribe
for me it's mornings as soon as I've had my first cup of coffee. If I get too distracted my day is shot, and I cna't get back in the zone.
Active Ink Slinger
It seems like I'm constantly writing something, in my thoughts.

Every few days, after my chores are caught up, I come to some planned quiet/downtime, and I will type furiously.

Then I add by removing through zealous editing. Slicing out extraneous material.
Tell me a fact and I’ll learn. Tell me a truth and I’ll believe. But tell me a story and it will live in my heart forever. I heard this from Steve Sabol about his father.
Active Ink Slinger
I do my story planning in my head on the train commute into/from work. When I'm at work I open up a word doc and type a few lines here and there when I have some quiet time. I'd love to work at home but by the time I get home after a long day at work and cook and do some light cleaning I just want to veg...Weekends are full of social,cleaning and other things so I don't normally write then unless I'm grabbed by the urge to do it.
New Poem out

The Observer
Active Ink Slinger
I'm highly flexible and highly undisciplined, so there's the good and the bad.

I will write at any time of the day or night, anywhere and anytime... but there is no consistency in terms of when these bursts of writing energy will seize me. I tend to go through spurts of intense writing, followed by periods of writer's block or general exhaustion. During the latter phase, I don't force myself to write. I have in the past (writing for the sake of writing), but I'm never happy with what I produce.
Rest in Peace
I don't write every day...just seems like it...
I find lately I'm more likely to write poems in the morning, stories later in the day...often late at night...
But, I think about ideas any time of day...
I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...

Me I don't have any habits as of yet for writing. I am only just starting to try and play around with writing full stories. I dabble a bit with poetry but there is no set time or place right now for me to do any real writing. Though I do wanna get into it more the little bit I have done so far I have enjoyed it and find it to be a great release now.
Active Ink Slinger
I write my dreams down in bed after I've woken up ha ha, I write in the book lysing on my side crazy I know but I feel if I sit up I'll forget what happened.
I also write in bed late at night after or before reading.
I like to write my stories on the p.c I let myself waffle until I run out of steam this is most often very late night at night, when I've switched the telly off and the kids are asleep, Its a lovely time to write.
The editing stuff I leave that till the daytime.

Oh yeah nearley forgot, I love writing in the car too haha.
Active Ink Slinger
Going to and from school, I write story ideas and poems on the train. At home, I keep a real journal that details my day and my thoughts on everyday life before I go to bed. Some of my ramblings are on my Facebook page.

Rest in Peace
Hey, you were the one in front of me this morning with the lap top on her lap trying to steer the car with her knee...
Now I know...can't you get a ticket for writing and driving??? I know around here you can't even text and drive...
I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...

I've tried writing during the day with no success. I just end up staring at a blank screen. The best time for me is when everyone has gone to bed and when I'm totally exhausted. Often when I wake up the next morning to edit the story, I cannot remember most of what I wrote the evening before but for some reason, it works.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Shelley
I've tried writing during the day with no success. I just end up staring at a blank screen. The best time for me is when everyone has gone to bed and when I'm totally exhausted. Often when I wake up the next morning to edit the story, I cannot remember most of what I wrote the evening before but for some reason, it works.

never argue with what works, even if it there doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to it. smile
Rest in Peace
I saw this and thought someone might relate...

I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...

Rookie Scribe
I write when I have somthing stuck in my head and I can't stand it anymore. I usually find the stillness of the late night/ early morning works the best for getting things down on paper.

Eaditing though, I edit during the day. Most clear headed that way - My grammer and spelling is the better too ;)
Active Ink Slinger
I find it fluctuates depending on mood and general commitments.
Advanced Wordsmith
When I had a job, I wrote every day. On every break, when ever I got an idea I had to sneak off to the lil ladies room and write it down. I couldn't stand loosing a thought, having it caught up in the machines and never to come back. One of my story ideas I have yet to write is composed there. I'm already proud of it, but I know I need to practise more on writing before I will actually have the skill to write it good enough for its potential.

I've noticed I have a difficulty reading a book when I got an idea in my head. Every second row is my own story. It's really annoying when I am trying to do my homework. If I put the book aside to write my idea, it's almost gone. But back again between the lines when I pick the book up.

Like many I seem to write best in the morning, after I have struggled with an idea the day before, I go to bed. Wake up. Take my laptop from the desk and just write.
If you can read this I'll enjoy your company.
I try to write everyday to purge my soul of the characters and Ideas buzzing throughout my head. Music is a major part of my inspiration and I need noise around me to write - it's crazy - I know, but that is just me. Pausing for a moment to multitask, change the baby, load of washing in the machine, dinner begins simmering away just after the breakfast dishes have been done. Snacks and juice pilied high to keep baby happy while mum writes...pauses for a cuppa, check the dinner, turn off stove, change baby, lunch for baby, baby down for nap and back to writing...3 hours of uninterupted bliss (usually) and back to writing - the same ol' daily grind. Sure would be mice to a) have a live in nanny, b) have a live in cook and c) have a live in cleaner. Any one know when cinderella will be available? - Just kidding heart CB
Rookie Scribe
Personally, I can only write when no one is around. When my wife is home, I feel guilty ignoring her for hours while I'm on the computer.