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Save Me: Book One of the Gatekeepers, Chapter One

One concert, 5 Men, Nothing will ever be the same.

1 "Lucy! They're coming to town, it's the last stop on their tour! We have to go, we just have to!" Mia exclaimed, excitedly showing me her computer screen. "Tickets are seventy five bucks, Mia. Can we afford that?" I asked, squinting at the tiny text. "S...

Save Me: Book One of The Gatekeepers, Preface

Enter the world of The Gatekeepers: their star is on the rise, so hop on board for the ride.

Preface Lucy "Ms. Combs, I realize the school year is coming to an end, but that does not give you an excuse to not pay attention," Mr. Peters said, snapping me out of my daze and bringing me back down to earth. "Sorry," I replied quietly, wishing I could...