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I am an Emergency Department nurse. And a long term occasional writer, which I find totally relaxing. Mostly stories (I don't really rate my poetry,) and they tend to be plot rather than character heavy. Love to chat about writing, my stories and yours too.
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Is God A Nihilist?

Do not go gently into that good night - Dylan Thomas

Savour the day, embrace the warmth in life’s fire. Look, dervishes magnetically swirl in bridal pale, Rise, my friend; dance, dance till the embers expire. No future-fretting; it's shrouded, that ending you admire. Let fingers trace life’s pattern, morsels even lurk in braille, Savour the day, embrace the warmth in life’s fire. Take it from me; its new found tastes that inspire. Imbibe the draughts and dregs in existence’...

Sandra and Melanie were talented thespians. Way beyond good; no one had realized they were the best actors in the whole damn school. Melanie was such a chameleon, not even Sandra had twigged to Mel’s self-nomination for leading actress in a goth part. Sandra, though, had the more challenging role. Yet, Mel never asked herself if Sandy, acting like St Theresa’s Catholic School head girls have always acted, was an example o...

Cold Comfort Love

Self-love, my liege, is not so vile a sin, as self-neglecting. ― William Shakespeare, King Henry V

With no breeze, the glassy lake reflected winter back on itself. Though, in that chilling mirror, the bare trees were even better defined, seemingly less shrouded in mist. That was so very different from the previous time Selene had hiked to the isolated tarn. Back then, a spring breeze rustling through the budding trees had whitecaps lapping against the shore. Warmed by navigating the overgrown path up to the tarn, they’...