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I am an Emergency Department nurse. And a long term occasional writer, which I find totally relaxing. Mostly stories (I don't really rate my poetry,) and they tend to be plot rather than character heavy. Love to chat about writing, my stories and yours too.
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Cold Comfort Love

Self-love, my liege, is not so vile a sin, as self-neglecting. ― William Shakespeare, King Henry V

With no breeze, the glassy lake reflected winter back on itself. Though, in that chilling mirror, the bare trees were even better defined, seemingly less shrouded in mist. That was so very different from the previous time Selene had hiked to the isolated...

Happy First Birthday

The days are long but the weeks short.

Snips and snails And puppy-dogs’ tails. Asleep, compliant, Momentarily silent. Dreaming of nips? Or plates of chips, Plus yogurt drops, And paddle pops? Defined. Ironic, dude You love sweet food; Sugar and spice, And all that's nice. That grin, your grin,...
