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Inspirations, the Stories Space Coffee House: If you're reading this it just might mean I'm back, sorta. If you're not reading this, well, congratulations.

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👑Magic Cookie FAIRY 🍪
hi peeps
A overcast day here .. prefect for cuddling up and reading
A large coffee would be yummy
Good to see everyone here!
James I'm glad you are enjoying Scamp's Adventures!

*Moving the old cookies to the emergency cookie tins behind the counter and filling the cookie jars to the tippy top with fresh cookies*

In Big Bird we have : chocolate chip cookies, peanut butter and banana cookies, carrot cake cookies and butterscotch marshmallow cookies
In Cookie Monster we have : ginger snaps, peanut butter and banana cookies, blueberry shortbread cookies and fudgy-mallow cookies
In Elmo we have : lemon gooey butter cookies, peanut butter chocolate chip cookies, blueberry shortbread cookies and white chocolate macadamia nut cookies.

*Giving the adorable critters fresh water and treats*
Have a great day everyone.
Stay safe

My Competition Story : 💜 Milly's Adventure

Active Ink Slinger
Hi my friends.

I have been off my rocker for a few days but started feeling better last night. I am falling so far behind on my reading. Please accept my apology.

I love my father, but he believed in so many of the right-wing conspiracies like Covid-19 was a hoax. So he did not get the vaccine. Last week he got sick. He would not go to the doctor because he did not think it was serious. My sister and her husband, who live with my father, made him go to the hospital on Sunday night with labored breathing and a fever. When they arrived My sister and her husband had their temperatures taken to get in the hospital and found out they both had fevers too. All three were tested and were positive for Covid-19. Last night my father died of Covid-19. My sister and her husband both had their vaccines. My sister still has a slight fever and a sore throat and her husband no longer has any symptoms. Next week I will be going to Charlotte, NC with my family for his funeral.

I am heartbroken and upset. I can not help but think my father threw his life away because of the lies he listened to and believed.

Until I return from the funeral, I will not be writing much, but I will try to read some. I am sure that reading your stories will help keep me sane for the next two weeks.

Death is a part of life, just like birth, happiness, love, and tragedy.

Till later. Be safe, happy, and continue being the great people you are.

Laughter is healing, so remember; chameleons who can not change color are suffering from reptile dysfunction.
You can't get there from here, because when you get there you're still here and here is now there.
Roland, this is tragic and heartbreaking. I am so sorry to read this. My most sincere condolences to you and your family on the death of your father.

Go safely in this difficult time, and may you find solace and strenght in those you love, just as you bring solace, strength and love to them.
Primus Omnium
Roland, you know so well how deeply you are loved here on Storiesspace. Please remember that at this time. We are with you in mind and spirit. Do whatever you need to do so that you get through this time. We are here.
👑Magic Cookie FAIRY 🍪
Quote by rolandlytle
Hi my friends.

I have been off my rocker for a few days but started feeling better last night. I am falling so far behind on my reading. Please accept my apology.

I love my father, but he believed in so many of the right-wing conspiracies like Covid-19 was a hoax. So he did not get the vaccine. Last week he got sick. He would not go to the doctor because he did not think it was serious. My sister and her husband, who live with my father, made him go to the hospital on Sunday night with labored breathing and a fever. When they arrived My sister and her husband had their temperatures taken to get in the hospital and found out they both had fevers too. All three were tested and were positive for Covid-19. Last night my father died of Covid-19. My sister and her husband both had their vaccines. My sister still has a slight fever and a sore throat and her husband no longer has any symptoms. Next week I will be going to Charlotte, NC with my family for his funeral.

I am heartbroken and upset. I can not help but think my father threw his life away because of the lies he listened to and believed.

Until I return from the funeral, I will not be writing much, but I will try to read some. I am sure that reading your stories will help keep me sane for the next two weeks.

Death is a part of life, just like birth, happiness, love, and tragedy.

Till later. Be safe, happy, and continue being the great people you are.

Laughter is healing, so remember; chameleons who can not change color are suffering from reptile dysfunction.

So sorry to hear about the death of your father ... *Big squishy tight hugs* my heart and prayers go out to you and your family

My Competition Story : 💜 Milly's Adventure

Magnificent Bastard
Quote by rolandlytle
Hi my friends.

I have been off my rocker for a few days but started feeling better last night. I am falling so far behind on my reading. Please accept my apology.

I love my father, but he believed in so many of the right-wing conspiracies like Covid-19 was a hoax. So he did not get the vaccine. Last week he got sick. He would not go to the doctor because he did not think it was serious. My sister and her husband, who live with my father, made him go to the hospital on Sunday night with labored breathing and a fever. When they arrived My sister and her husband had their temperatures taken to get in the hospital and found out they both had fevers too. All three were tested and were positive for Covid-19. Last night my father died of Covid-19. My sister and her husband both had their vaccines. My sister still has a slight fever and a sore throat and her husband no longer has any symptoms. Next week I will be going to Charlotte, NC with my family for his funeral.

I am heartbroken and upset. I can not help but think my father threw his life away because of the lies he listened to and believed.

Until I return from the funeral, I will not be writing much, but I will try to read some. I am sure that reading your stories will help keep me sane for the next two weeks.

Death is a part of life, just like birth, happiness, love, and tragedy.

Till later. Be safe, happy, and continue being the great people you are.

Laughter is healing, so remember; chameleons who can not change color are suffering from reptile dysfunction.


You might find some comfort in writing. I know I did when my mom passed. Verbs might have something to say about this matter. His dad passed last year. Rump’s wife too. And many more. However, we all mourn and deal with death differently. Regardless, we’ll be thinking of you. You know where we’re at if you need to chat and drink (ahem) coffee.
Iconoclastically incorrigible or just a silly dumb ass...
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by rolandlytle
Hi my friends.

I have been off my rocker for a few days but started feeling better last night. I am falling so far behind on my reading. Please accept my apology.

I love my father, but he believed in so many of the right-wing conspiracies like Covid-19 was a hoax. So he did not get the vaccine. Last week he got sick. He would not go to the doctor because he did not think it was serious. My sister and her husband, who live with my father, made him go to the hospital on Sunday night with labored breathing and a fever. When they arrived My sister and her husband had their temperatures taken to get in the hospital and found out they both had fevers too. All three were tested and were positive for Covid-19. Last night my father died of Covid-19. My sister and her husband both had their vaccines. My sister still has a slight fever and a sore throat and her husband no longer has any symptoms. Next week I will be going to Charlotte, NC with my family for his funeral.

I am heartbroken and upset. I can not help but think my father threw his life away because of the lies he listened to and believed.

Until I return from the funeral, I will not be writing much, but I will try to read some. I am sure that reading your stories will help keep me sane for the next two weeks.

Death is a part of life, just like birth, happiness, love, and tragedy.

Till later. Be safe, happy, and continue being the great people you are.

Laughter is healing, so remember; chameleons who can not change color are suffering from reptile dysfunction.
Really sorry to hear about your loss Roland. I will keep you in my thoughts. Regards, Verity
Chasing Dragons
Quote by rolandlytle
Hi my friends.

I have been off my rocker for a few days but started feeling better last night. I am falling so far behind on my reading. Please accept my apology.

I love my father, but he believed in so many of the right-wing conspiracies like Covid-19 was a hoax. So he did not get the vaccine. Last week he got sick. He would not go to the doctor because he did not think it was serious. My sister and her husband, who live with my father, made him go to the hospital on Sunday night with labored breathing and a fever. When they arrived My sister and her husband had their temperatures taken to get in the hospital and found out they both had fevers too. All three were tested and were positive for Covid-19. Last night my father died of Covid-19. My sister and her husband both had their vaccines. My sister still has a slight fever and a sore throat and her husband no longer has any symptoms. Next week I will be going to Charlotte, NC with my family for his funeral.

I am heartbroken and upset. I can not help but think my father threw his life away because of the lies he listened to and believed.

Until I return from the funeral, I will not be writing much, but I will try to read some. I am sure that reading your stories will help keep me sane for the next two weeks.

Death is a part of life, just like birth, happiness, love, and tragedy.

Till later. Be safe, happy, and continue being the great people you are.

Laughter is healing, so remember; chameleons who can not change color are suffering from reptile dysfunction.

Hey, Roland.

I am so sorry to hear of this. I do so wish that people wouldn't listen to all these scare-mongering stories. Unfortunately, Covid takes no prisoners.
You are in my thoughts, Roland. best wishes and keep yourself and those closest to you, safe. Anna. 🤗

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana

Quote by rolandlytle
Hi my friends.

I have been off my rocker for a few days but started feeling better last night. I am falling so far behind on my reading. Please accept my apology.

I love my father, but he believed in so many of the right-wing conspiracies like Covid-19 was a hoax. So he did not get the vaccine. Last week he got sick. He would not go to the doctor because he did not think it was serious. My sister and her husband, who live with my father, made him go to the hospital on Sunday night with labored breathing and a fever. When they arrived My sister and her husband had their temperatures taken to get in the hospital and found out they both had fevers too. All three were tested and were positive for Covid-19. Last night my father died of Covid-19. My sister and her husband both had their vaccines. My sister still has a slight fever and a sore throat and her husband no longer has any symptoms. Next week I will be going to Charlotte, NC with my family for his funeral.

I am heartbroken and upset. I can not help but think my father threw his life away because of the lies he listened to and believed.

Until I return from the funeral, I will not be writing much, but I will try to read some. I am sure that reading your stories will help keep me sane for the next two weeks.

Death is a part of life, just like birth, happiness, love, and tragedy.

Till later. Be safe, happy, and continue being the great people you are.

Laughter is healing, so remember; chameleons who can not change color are suffering from reptile dysfunction.

Sir, we have not been properly introduced, but I offer my sincere condolences, especially in what appears to have been a tragic, but preventable, death.

The knaves that tell these lies will be held accountable, if not in this life, then the next. I like to believe they will stand in line before the Throne of God to account for their lives, just behind suicide bombers.

Hope that your reading brings you some peace.

Addicted to words, read and written.

Latest in the Bear & Girl story arc: Girl, Not Frog

Latest Competition Entry: If Only …

Crazy old ape
Quote by rolandlytle
Hi my friends.

I have been off my rocker for a few days but started feeling better last night. I am falling so far behind on my reading. Please accept my apology.

I love my father, but he believed in so many of the right-wing conspiracies like Covid-19 was a hoax. So he did not get the vaccine. Last week he got sick. He would not go to the doctor because he did not think it was serious. My sister and her husband, who live with my father, made him go to the hospital on Sunday night with labored breathing and a fever. When they arrived My sister and her husband had their temperatures taken to get in the hospital and found out they both had fevers too. All three were tested and were positive for Covid-19. Last night my father died of Covid-19. My sister and her husband both had their vaccines. My sister still has a slight fever and a sore throat and her husband no longer has any symptoms. Next week I will be going to Charlotte, NC with my family for his funeral.

I am heartbroken and upset. I can not help but think my father threw his life away because of the lies he listened to and believed.

Until I return from the funeral, I will not be writing much, but I will try to read some. I am sure that reading your stories will help keep me sane for the next two weeks.

Death is a part of life, just like birth, happiness, love, and tragedy.

Till later. Be safe, happy, and continue being the great people you are.

Laughter is healing, so remember; chameleons who can not change color are suffering from reptile dysfunction.

Sorry to hear this, roland. Take care and keep yourself well. Condolences to you and your family. Sending some good vibes your way in this difficult time.

Attending a wedding reception as "cover" for a friend opens the door to some revelations and discoveries.

Plus One - "Not What It Looks Like" comp THIRD PLACE!!

Quote by rolandlytle
Hi my friends.

I have been off my rocker for a few days but started feeling better last night. I am falling so far behind on my reading. Please accept my apology.

I love my father, but he believed in so many of the right-wing conspiracies like Covid-19 was a hoax. So he did not get the vaccine. Last week he got sick. He would not go to the doctor because he did not think it was serious. My sister and her husband, who live with my father, made him go to the hospital on Sunday night with labored breathing and a fever. When they arrived My sister and her husband had their temperatures taken to get in the hospital and found out they both had fevers too. All three were tested and were positive for Covid-19. Last night my father died of Covid-19. My sister and her husband both had their vaccines. My sister still has a slight fever and a sore throat and her husband no longer has any symptoms. Next week I will be going to Charlotte, NC with my family for his funeral.

I am heartbroken and upset. I can not help but think my father threw his life away because of the lies he listened to and believed.

Until I return from the funeral, I will not be writing much, but I will try to read some. I am sure that reading your stories will help keep me sane for the next two weeks.

Death is a part of life, just like birth, happiness, love, and tragedy.

Till later. Be safe, happy, and continue being the great people you are.

Laughter is healing, so remember; chameleons who can not change color are suffering from reptile dysfunction.

Oh, Dude, I am so sorry. What can you say about the death of fathers? It’s a loss no one is prepared to comprehend, because it’s so…big. It leaves a mighty hole. My thoughts are with you.

Don’t linger on the anti-mask/COVID/science crowd. Linger on the memories.

I was happy to meet you on the Forum here, and have someone to talk baseball with. I will be patiently waiting your return. Take care friend.

Teeth of the Sky - Myths and Monsters competition, first place

Fire and Ice - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words competition, first place

Monster - Survivor competition, first place

Story Moderator
Quote by rolandlytle
Hi my friends.

Till later. Be safe, happy, and continue being the great people you are.

Laughter is healing, so remember; chameleons who can not change color are suffering from reptile dysfunction.

Roland, I am so very sorry to hear about the death of your father. Jeff is right, if you can, try and focus on your memories and not the circumstances of his death.

Your presence here always makes everyone smile. You are loved and we will all be thinking of you. Take all the time you need.

Take care of yourself and be kind to yourself.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by rolandlytle
Hi my friends.

I have been off my rocker for a few days but started feeling better last night. I am falling so far behind on my reading. Please accept my apology.

I love my father, but he believed in so many of the right-wing conspiracies like Covid-19 was a hoax. So he did not get the vaccine. Last week he got sick. He would not go to the doctor because he did not think it was serious. My sister and her husband, who live with my father, made him go to the hospital on Sunday night with labored breathing and a fever. When they arrived My sister and her husband had their temperatures taken to get in the hospital and found out they both had fevers too. All three were tested and were positive for Covid-19. Last night my father died of Covid-19. My sister and her husband both had their vaccines. My sister still has a slight fever and a sore throat and her husband no longer has any symptoms. Next week I will be going to Charlotte, NC with my family for his funeral.

I am heartbroken and upset. I can not help but think my father threw his life away because of the lies he listened to and believed.

Until I return from the funeral, I will not be writing much, but I will try to read some. I am sure that reading your stories will help keep me sane for the next two weeks.

Death is a part of life, just like birth, happiness, love, and tragedy.

Till later. Be safe, happy, and continue being the great people you are.

Laughter is healing, so remember; chameleons who can not change color are suffering from reptile dysfunction.

No one who has not lost someone can possibly feel what you are feeling and going through at present.

Stay strong, be safe , and feel the love of all the people here who are thinking of you

Speak soon my friend
There are no strangers here - just lots of friendly folk to chat with and stories to enjoy 👀
Primus Omnium
Good day to one and all. I have gotten all the "morning" things done. The coffee is close to being ready. The water is nearly boiling.

The day is lovely outside.

Try to enjoy what you can of the world today.

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Survivor

Good day to one and all. I have gotten all the "morning" things done. The coffee is close to being ready. The water is nearly boiling.

The day is lovely outside.

Try to enjoy what you can of the world today.

Thank you Larry, I'll have a cup of tea please. I hope your day is going well.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by rolandlytle
Hi my friends.

So, so sorry to hear of your loss, Roland. It's small consolation but please know that your friends here will be thinking of you and your family. Hugs

I'm already sipping on some coffee (no offense, Larry) so I'll just grab a cookie for dunks.

I put my story in for the Inspirators challenge. Now I am off to read Ping-a-ling's. I'm a little nervous after seeing his tag.

Hope everyone has an amazing day!
Hello everyone.

So far all I've got is that the girl in the hoodie and the Vans is a robot. Sometimes I feel like a 12 year old boy.

Hey Roland, try this: I've been carrying my Dad's pocket knife with me since he died. It's not much, but there's comfort in it, and it's even come in handy. Also, you could write about it. You'd certainly have a rapt audience here reading your words.

No Talia day. I am slowly daring myself to get my sh1t together and try to write a novel, and today I'm gonna try to sketch it out on art paper. It should be fun! The cats may help. And I can watch the Mets lose to Elisabeth's Nats TWICE as I write and draw.

LOTS of coffee and some SACs (Sara's Amazing Cookies). Give that lil monkey a hug.

Teeth of the Sky - Myths and Monsters competition, first place

Fire and Ice - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words competition, first place

Monster - Survivor competition, first place

👑Magic Cookie FAIRY 🍪
hi peeps
A beautiful day here.
Not too hot . Nice breeze blowing.
Busy busy morning untangling family trees.
A large iced coffee sounds yummy in my tummy.

Not much going on this afternoon
Looking like it might be a little quiet evening.

*Peeking in the cookie jars* we are in good shape!
*Giving the adorable critters fresh water and treats*
Stay safe everyone!

My Competition Story : 💜 Milly's Adventure

Crazy old ape
Brace yourselves. The new, improved Storiesspace is going to roll out soon per a post from Nic. Let's get ready to celebrate. With cookies and tea, of course. Actually, I will scare up a cake or something.

Attending a wedding reception as "cover" for a friend opens the door to some revelations and discoveries.

Plus One - "Not What It Looks Like" comp THIRD PLACE!!

Crazy old ape
Sigh. Bloody double post.

Attending a wedding reception as "cover" for a friend opens the door to some revelations and discoveries.

Plus One - "Not What It Looks Like" comp THIRD PLACE!!

Story Moderator
Morning, Inspirators. Here's the big news sweeping the sports world.

x x x

The classic baseball film, "Field of Dreams" moves from make believe to real life.

Here's everything you need to know for Thursday's game:

Time: 7 p.m. EST

TV channel: FOX


Location: Dyersville, Iowa

Who is playing in the Field of Dreams game?
The Chicago White Sox and New York Yankees face off in the game on Thursday with the White Sox as the "home" team. The teams will have a day off Friday and then play Saturday and Sunday in Chicago to finish the three-game set.

x x x

Even without all the hype and Hollywood hoopla, this should be a great game. The White Sox are dominating their devision and the Yankees are streaking. Check it out.

Now I'm gonna get the coffee pot and te kettle cranking, fill my mug with java, grab a handful of Sarah's cookies, then go sit an a comfy chair at the corner table and wait for the first pitch. Yeah, I know. That 7:00PM est not 7:00AM est. So it'll be a long wait. ;)

Later, Inspirators.
Magnificent Bastard
Lovin’ the injection of energy on the site.

As per Nicola, the new look SS has an ETA of a few days. After several years of dormancy, we’ve had a few competitions, and with the latest competition, and now the Challenge, SS is on the right track. Funny thing, a disco song about survival just popped into my head. New members. Old members revived. All good stuff. I can see the voluntary offering of ten dollars per annum to cover the cost of competition prizes. The more entries, the more in the kitty to help offset operating costs. But patience. The good ship SS needs to get launched and be reintroduced to the sea first.

What do y’all think about a competition-challenge repeating pattern?

I like it. Have a gap of a week or two between each. One involves judging and some formality, and the other is a friendly outreach for common-themed stories. I haven’t done the math, but this formula could see four to six of each format each calendar year. Now that it appears SS survived a near fatality, it needs to better look after its health. Consider competitions and challenges like regular exercise. They help to keep the interest up and creative juices flowing. Okay, that sounded way dirtier than intended.

Anyway, busy day today. Thanks to those that read my latest. I’ll respond in kind shortly.

Rump, I’ll take a travel mug of that pine tar you call coffee. Darn. I just thought about something. The only batting cage our area has was removed the make way for progress and ‘the public good’. Tragic. It’s something I’d love to take my kids too and swat away our daily frustrations. I guess it’s the driving range we go… until a new batting cage materializes. Sadly, my kids are not allowed to partake in the local offering of ax throwing. I’ve seen them play darts. No ax throwing is probably a good thing.

Good day to you all!
Iconoclastically incorrigible or just a silly dumb ass...
Primus Omnium
Good day, gentlemen. It's going to be a lovely day. I'll start with my usual cuppa java as Victor lounges on top of the futon watching to see if the neighbors have finally moved out. That would be grand. They were yellers and the f-bomb was a frequent shout. Let's hope the next group of renters have more couth.

Carry on, Inspirators.

Crazy old ape
Quote by Survivor

They were yellers and the f-bomb was a frequent shout. Let's hope the next group of renters have more couth.

Good riddance. My first place was in an iffy neighbourhood, something we realized only after the fact. Had a couple ex-con drug abusers on one side and a promiscuous party animal on the other. The party animal's landlady was a pain to deal with, too. Had to sic the city on them once or twice for failing to properly maintain the property. Fortunately, we only lived there a couple years.

Good morning, y'all. Storms overnight but seems to be brightening up now. No more twisters at least. Had a small one (EF0) touch down not far from work the other day.

Kettle is on. Tea is in the pot (a nice breakfast blend unique to my local store).

Attending a wedding reception as "cover" for a friend opens the door to some revelations and discoveries.

Plus One - "Not What It Looks Like" comp THIRD PLACE!!

Advanced Wordsmith
Morning all!

Loving all the stories being thought up by this creative group of Inspirators. For anyone unfamiliar, I offered a challenge which can be found here:

Sorry to hear you have some loudmouths next door, Larry. Hopefully, the next next group are studying to be French mimes.

Ax throwing sounds fun, Ping. Im glad you didnt liken it to: "How far can we throw our significant other?" Although I suppose that would be battle-axe throwing? Either way, I'd lose. My girlfriend is a twig, but my spindly arms get sore when I have to shift around the boxes of paper cups in the supply closet.

Stay safe, Scott. Twisters scare me.

I'll take a coffee if there is any left...
Quote by Ping
Lovin’ the injection of energy on the site.

As per Nicola, the new look SS has an ETA of a few days. After several years of dormancy, we’ve had a few competitions, and with the latest competition, and now the Challenge, SS is on the right track. Funny thing, a disco song about survival just popped into my head. New members. Old members revived. All good stuff. I can see the voluntary offering of ten dollars per annum to cover the cost of competition prizes. The more entries, the more in the kitty to help offset operating costs. But patience. The good ship SS needs to get launched and be reintroduced to the sea first.

What do y’all think about a competition-challenge repeating pattern?

I like it. Have a gap of a week or two between each. One involves judging and some formality, and the other is a friendly outreach for common-themed stories. I haven’t done the math, but this formula could see four to six of each format each calendar year. Now that it appears SS survived a near fatality, it needs to better look after its health. Consider competitions and challenges like regular exercise. They help to keep the interest up and creative juices flowing. Okay, that sounded way dirtier than intended.

Anyway, busy day today. Thanks to those that read my latest. I’ll respond in kind shortly.

Rump, I’ll take a travel mug of that pine tar you call coffee. Darn. I just thought about something. The only batting cage our area has was removed the make way for progress and ‘the public good’. Tragic. It’s something I’d love to take my kids too and swat away our daily frustrations. I guess it’s the driving range we go… until a new batting cage materializes. Sadly, my kids are not allowed to partake in the local offering of ax throwing. I’ve seen them play darts. No ax throwing is probably a good thing.

Good day to you all!

I love the idea of a "friendly outreach for common theme stories." The current one is so relaxed and chill, and I liked that so many people helped me tweak my micro (not a euphemism) (if you read it early on, it's fixed-ish). It takes a village! The big contests are fun, and good for outreach, but between here and the other site I'm comped out for awhile. It's too nerve-wracking.

Another double header today. The Mets actually WON yesterday.

Sadly, i have to go to the dentist today.

I have a path forward on a new novel I think. I still won't start for a month or two. Wait for the perfect pressure of ideas against the front of my head, so when I start, the ideas fly out.

Today, in story land, the guy obsessed with the woman in the dog park gets attacked guessed it...a dog!

I guess, due to the dentist, I'll skip my cookie today. But I'd still love some coffee!

Teeth of the Sky - Myths and Monsters competition, first place

Fire and Ice - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words competition, first place

Monster - Survivor competition, first place

👑Magic Cookie FAIRY 🍪
hi peeps
A beautiful day here.
Had to run to the store for goodies
A large iced coffee sounds good to me

On the competition- challenge repeating pattern not a great idea writers and readers will burn out quick .
have fresh cookies today
*Moving the old cookies to the emergency cookie tins behind the counter and filling the cookie jars to the tippy top*
Big Bird has : peanut butter and white chocolate chip cookies, lemon softies, cappuccino royale and oatmeal raisin cookies
Cookie Monster has : airy berry cookies, ginger snaps, peanut butter and banana cookies and strawberry pinwheels
Elmo has : chocolate chip, oatmeal raisin cookies,fudge cookies and molasses crackles

*Giving the adorable critters fresh water and treats shaped like lighthouses*
Stay safe everyone!
Have a great day!

My Competition Story : 💜 Milly's Adventure

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by rolandlytle
Hi my friends.

I have been off my rocker for a few days but started feeling better last night. I am falling so far behind on my reading. Please accept my apology.

I love my father, but he believed in so many of the right-wing conspiracies like Covid-19 was a hoax. So he did not get the vaccine. Last week he got sick. He would not go to the doctor because he did not think it was serious. My sister and her husband, who live with my father, made him go to the hospital on Sunday night with labored breathing and a fever. When they arrived My sister and her husband had their temperatures taken to get in the hospital and found out they both had fevers too. All three were tested and were positive for Covid-19. Last night my father died of Covid-19. My sister and her husband both had their vaccines. My sister still has a slight fever and a sore throat and her husband no longer has any symptoms. Next week I will be going to Charlotte, NC with my family for his funeral.

I am heartbroken and upset. I can not help but think my father threw his life away because of the lies he listened to and believed.

Until I return from the funeral, I will not be writing much, but I will try to read some. I am sure that reading your stories will help keep me sane for the next two weeks.

Death is a part of life, just like birth, happiness, love, and tragedy.

Till later. Be safe, happy, and continue being the great people you are.

Laughter is healing, so remember; chameleons who can not change color are suffering from reptile dysfunction.

Roland, my heart breaks when I hear of your tragedy. I can only imagine the hurt and disappointment that he listened to the fear mongers and money grubbers that instilled your father's doubts in so many people. Fie on them all and the media that supported their cruelty.
Know that I am thinking of you and your family every day. Wishing you the best in getting through this terrible time. Love you.
Story Moderator
Trying to get all my outdoor tasks done as early as possible this week. It has been in the high nineties with lovely accompanying humidity, so it's too hot and dangerous to be outside working for long.

I hate to wish time or summer away, but I am tired of sweating because I walked outside.

I hope everyone is doing well. I'll be in the corner catching up on some reading and eating some cookies.

Now I'm eagerly awaiting the change over to the new platform.

Have a good day, and stay cool, everyone.

Quote by gillianleeza
Trying to get all my outdoor tasks done as early as possible this week. It has been in the high nineties with lovely accompanying humidity, so it's too hot and dangerous to be outside working for long.

I hate to wish time or summer away, but I am tired of sweating because I walked outside.

I hope everyone is doing well. I'll be in the corner catching up on some reading and eating some cookies.

Now I'm eagerly awaiting the change over to the new platform.

Have a good day, and stay cool, everyone.


Ugh. Low 90s here, and lotsa smoke from California. It's better today than it's been. My afternoon walk is a chore. Still, I do it. I LOVE my afternoon walk. First I have to earn it by writing.

The inspirator stories are so good. I know I've missed some, I'll go through the stories later today.

My critique group is tomorrow. Imposter Syndrome is rearing its ugly head. I don't have any writing in it tomorrow, but I'm submitting for next month. It's a little scary. They kinda ripped up (and rightly so) my first submission.

Talia goes back to work full time today. Wah. The cats and I are going to greet her with showtunes when she gets home. Currently we're practicing "Oklahoma!"

Coffee and hundreds and thousands of Sara's fabu cookies.

Teeth of the Sky - Myths and Monsters competition, first place

Fire and Ice - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words competition, first place

Monster - Survivor competition, first place