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To Kill a Fruit Fly

An assassin bug gives a fruit fly the day of his life.

Just that morning, the assassin bug had thoughts about retiring. Not that he wasn’t doing great; he was at the top of his game. But he had this nagging feeling that he was beginning, just beginning, to lose his edge. And an assassin bug with no edge is in...

The Ombudsant

An ant queen has been kidnapped, and the butler didn’t do it.

The unsung hero of every ant colony is the butler. A butler in an ant colony? What does she do, you may ask, serve drinks? No, or at least that’s not what I do. Not that it stops wisecracking ants from yelling, “Hey, butler, fetch us a drink!” They think...

Sir Harold the Earless Wonder

A rabbit with small ears and big brains saves the day.

Harold the rabbit had exceptionally small ears. They were so small, in fact, you could barely see them. All the other rabbits made fun of Harold. It didn’t matter to them that Harold could hop and nibble like the best of them. Or that he was smart. They s...

Keeper of the Crackling Lights of Sudden Death

Few heed the warnings of the Keeper of the Lights, but it's a steady job.

“Don’t do it,” said the moth to the mosquito. “Don’t fly into those lights.” The old moth was sitting on his perch next to the blue lights, trying to talk some sense into the mosquito. “Those lights will suck the life right out of you,” he warned the mosq...

Selwyn's Fine Signs

Selwyn tries to make a For Sale sign that's at least as fine as his house.

Selwyn decided it was time to sell his house. He had lived in it for many years and had grown tired of it. Besides, it was looking rather worn. There was hardly a spot on the façade of the little house where the paint was not peeling. So Selwyn went to hi...

Lucy's Secondhand Wand

Lucy puts a previously owned magic wand to the test.

Lucy found the magic wand at a garage sale. It was obviously used and the asking price was two dollars. “How do I know if it really works?” she asked the man behind the table. “You drive a hard bargain there, missy,” he replied. “I’ll give it to you for a...

Flightless in Cleveland

The Federation of Flightless Birds holds its most recent convention in Cleveland.

The most recent convention of the Federation of Flightless Birds took place in Cleveland. There had been a lot of bickering about where the convention should take place. The emus and kiwis wanted New Zealand. The penguins pushed for Antarctica. The ostric...

Misadventures in the Royal Word Cellar

Theo Sorris, page to the king, seeks a cure for Princess Poubelle’s Ghoulish Mouthus.

It happened on the very day Princess Poubelle was to meet her intended, the handsome Prince John Don Ron von Finkleshteen. She came down with a wicked case of ghoulish mouthus. This frightful illness made it so everything the princess said was ill-mannere...

The Power of Praeyer

An agnostic praying mantis embarks on a strange quest for the meaning of prayer.

High up in a tree a large and important insect, known by all as the Grand Poopah, said in a deep voice: “Moses.” “Yes, Most Honorable Grand Poopah, what is your bidding?” said a somewhat smaller insect. “Oh, and by the way, feel free to call me Moe.” “Ple...

The Balloon from La Mancha

A deflating balloon makes a quixotic attempt at relevance.

There was once a balloon that belonged to two little brothers. He floated against the ceiling in the corner of the boys’ room, his string hanging down. When the brothers brought the silvery balloon home from the birthday party, they fought over him. Their...

Daddy No Legs

A daddy long legs discovers there is life after legs.

You think your life is bad? Consider me. I’m a daddy longlegs with no legs. That’s right, no legs. A Daddy No Legs. Here’s my story: I’m creeping around one day, minding my own business, when I run into some kids. “AAAAAAAAHH!!!” they scream. “A spider!!!...