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Over 90 days ago
United States



Dessert, Anyone?

Don't get me started . . .

Pretty pastel pastries Sitting on a tray Around they come At meal's end Inviting me to say Let's get dessert Let's split it A bite or two won't hurt It's not like just a little bit Will pop the zipper on my skirt But will the sweetness trigger? Will I fee...

Score 5 5
140 Views 140
114 words 114 words

No Comment

Oh, the pain, the pain . . .

Danger! Danger! Screams my brain Like Robot From "Lost in Space" Grit my teeth And steel my jaw Words: don't escape Stick in that craw My ears are open Neutral face I will myself Only to say Nothing, nothing Not a thing Just sniffle once And twist my ring...

Score 8 8
151 Views 151
103 words 103 words


Our indulgence

Sit beside me at the play Your fingers laced with mine Kiss me as the lights go down Willing captives for a time Join me in this curtained world Created and made real Scenes portrayed and taking form Like stars at dark revealed Tendrils reach and wrap aro...

Score 6 6
165 Views 165
80 words 80 words

Dip a wick In liquid wax Warm and clear Thin coatings stack Again again It builds and dries Again again Solidifies A candle soon Sits slim and long Tapered to a single prong A touch of flame now at its tip Drops along its sides do slip Single light Steady...

Score 6 6
129 Views 129
62 words 62 words

OrdinaryVeryNot beautifulAt allSo what about herScares meInvadesMy inner calm?Disturbs my senseOf whatI amWho I thoughtMyself to beForced to faceAnd not avoidThe truth of what this means:If I outrivalOrdinaryYet itEclipses meThere is no wayI can competeHe...


True story!!

The old man coughedAnd thus were tossed Launched, then aloftAmid drops of spittle In flight, then alightUpon black and white With a clack and a clatterSkittering, then not Then stoppedIn a bathroom stall At the feet of oneWho had just begun To do his piec...

Bad Fruit

You know you want it . . .

Sweet taste of summer!Juicy fruitBeckons from the bins The siren song of “I’m in season!And low-cal!I’m what you want!You can’t NOT win!” Velvet curve of mounded peachThe touch gives me a rushYet I knowWhen I get homeIt’s sure to taste like mush And pre-s...

I see your eyes avertAs I cross your path Inside it makes me smileI know you had it planned Your feelings are so strong for meYou cannot stay away But you’re so shyAs you pass byYou dare not speak my name Each day you’re thereAnd so am II know you have it...

This hurtsAgainI wish it were gone It hurts againNo matter how long I thought it was betterBut it’s bested me Unable to hideIt tracks when I flee Focus on somethingSeal off the pain Wrap around and aroundIdle thoughts in my brain Distract with white noise...


It's not you, it's me . . .

You were just A challengeThat’s all you were To me I don’t think I liked you muchBut wished You wanted me And wanting it So badlyNeeding To prevail ThinkingPlanningPlottingDetermined not to fail Upset it was upsettingI couldn’t reel You in ApproachAfter a...

You sit across the tableNot looking at my handWhich rests upon formicaRevealing upturned palm Sweated glass of waterDrip-stained coffee cupsCongealed fat drops on a plateWitness us discuss our love Your eye catches the serverA check in tray arrivesYou rea...

At times, the heat was so intenseWe smoked right through the internetI dreamed of lightning when we touchedA laser’s gaze, the burn of lustNo matter what went on in lifeYou filled my mind, our limbs entwinedAnd not with love that’s tender, sweetBut graspi...