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Eruption Stories


World Ashen - Chapter 2

Yellowstone erupts

Jensen Apart from waking up with a splitting headache, Ash’s crying woke me up. Even though I didn’t remember why I woke up in a sleeping bag on the floor of a church, I rushed over to my crying brother. “What’s the matter, buddy?” Ash sniffled and wiped his eyes with the back of his hands. “I just miss Mom and Dad.” I hugged and stroked his back. “Don’t worry, I miss them, too.” I rubbed my now itchy and dry eyes which w...

World Ashen - Chapter One

Yellowstone erupts

Jensen I sat in my black Chevy Impala even though it was the newest model since my grandfather kept his old one in storage. Tapping the steering wheel and glancing at the clock on the dash reminded me of how late I was. My twin brother, uncle, cousin, and I followed each other from Fort Benning, but I made a detour to buy Jace’s birthday present and to have my friend’s mom wrap it for me. The wrapped autographed novel sat...