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Micro Fiction Stories

As with our Flash Fiction category, the aim of micro fiction is to tell a complete story within a limited number of words.

Where Flash Fiction generally ranges from 100 to 1000 words, Micro Fiction submissions should be under 100 words and can cover any of the fiction genres.

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Remember when we headlined at Alleycats, 420 East Street? Remember the heat, the buzz, the whole place packed to the rafters and reeking of liquor and cigarette smoke? Do you recall the spotlights cutting through the haze and the bone-shaking throb of the bass? Good times. The best. Our one chance to shine. Living on potato chips, cocktails, and laughter, we warbled passion to a lazy blues beat and the soulful crooning of...

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Importance of a Name

Every name has a meaning and importance to them.

I firmly believe names are very important and hold special meanings, including usernames. Names represent who a person is as an individual person. Epicellie was my former username. Most people do not recognize me now with my new username, Cora. In Latin, Cora is translated to, “Sacred Heart.” Cora is a beautiful word and fits me perfectly. I have a great devotion to the Sacred Heart. It is funny to receive “Welcome” messa...

The Observatory

A father and his daughter go stargazing

I sat with my dad on the verge of the road, near the car. The night was cold and clear and the stars were falling like rain. "I wonder if there are other worlds," said dad, "Or if this is the only one?" The next day we visited the observatory. We stood in line and, one by one, were allowed to look through the giant telescope. "The planet you can see now is four million light years away," said the guide, "We believe it is...

The Big Game

Last time I visited an old friend, I got drawn into a card game…

Taking her seat at the table, she kissed the deck for luck before handing them back to me. Nervously, I dealt the cards as she calmly gathered her cards into an orderly stack in front of her. Poker-faced, she slipped her first card face-up onto the table. Holding my breath, I placed my card next to hers. From the corner of my eye, I noticed her cheat by lifting the corner of her next card before slamming it onto the table...

Tax return

The best things in life are free! Eventually, the government will find a way to tax it!...

This morning, I received a letter from those lovely people down at the income tax office. They wrote to inform me, that my income tax return form was outstanding! Funny, I don’t even remember filling out a tax return form, let alone filling it out neatly!

Wikipedia says that A1 is a sauce. So we are under attack by a sauce? Which is short for Sausalito, a city in California. What does a steak sauce have to do with Artificial Intelligence? Can it spell Mississippi? I tried talking to a bottle of A1 and got nothing out of the one-way conversation. In fact, I had to look around and make sure that I wasn't being watched while dining at The Outback. I am more concerned as to wh...

How Many Partners?

Never ask a question you don’t want to know the answer to!

Although we’ve been together for a number of years, my other half is irritatingly obsessed with trying to find out about my past relationships and how many partners I’ve had. Always fishing and asking questions about my past, drives me insane! When questioned again last weekend, I announced, ‘I could count my previous partners on one hand, I’ll tell you from the beginning if you really want to know. I’ll count them out fo...

The Island

Their yearly trip to the island always soothes her soul.

The heat was staggering as she climbed the steps to the third level of the ferry that would take her to the island. Relief came as a cool breeze off the water once the vessel started moving. Freedom was across this lake; the closer she got, the sweeter it tasted. Allowing herself a full week of joy had its price. But he would touch and taste her until she was completely sated while taking what he needed. She made this tre...

It was love at first sight for me. The minute I saw her, I knew I wanted her. Her curves drove me crazy. She could stand out in any crowd. Alas, like most young men, I soon got bored and wanted to move on. It wasn’t long before I started jumping from one to another. Somehow, none were as satisfying as my first love. Despite her many faults, she was still my first. Now that I’m older; I would give anything to have her back...

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We have finally reached the twenty-first century. What a time to be alive! I never speak to my neighbours, and they don’t speak to me. An old lady, who lived down the road, died in her apartment and wasn’t discovered for three months. The city streets, once empty at night, are now busy. I can walk around freely and wear what I like; nobody looks up or makes eye contact. People go missing all the time. Nobody looks for the...

Late Night Sounds

Waiting can be stressful…

The pendulum swings back and forth as time ticks away. Every fifteen minutes its Westminster quarter chimes remind me that sleep is eluding me. Anxiety plagues me while I wait for a chime of a different sort, the first few whistling bars of Kesha’s “Crazy Kids,” which will put my heart at ease. When the phone finally sounds, it startles me. But I can finally breathe easy when I read the words, “Made it home safely. Love y...

Tomato Ketchup

Wine or Ketchup?

Hate those restaurants, where you have to taste the wine before accepting the bottle! Last time I went on a posh dinner date, I ordered Filipino-style roast pork belly! As the waitress served our meal, I couldn’t help noticing there was no ketchup on the table! I asked the waitress, “Excuse me, but do you have any tomato ketchup?” ‘I’ll fetch you some madame.’ Moments later the waitress re-appeared and placed a tiny dish...


Taking the sun, the moon, the stars and every thing good in me.

I am sitting with my morning coffee. My girl walks in and says "it's over." And just like that, she is gone. I watch from our kitchen window as she drives away. Taking the sun, the moon, the stars, and anything inside of me that is good. I am left a shell of the man she seduced five months ago. I stand frozen as my heart explodes. I think back to when she'd wake me as we slowly made love. But things change, and that's the...

Safe And Sound

It's possible to feel both grateful and guilty at the same time.

The sand squishes between my toes as I descend into the warm gulf water. The cloudless sky and little fish swirling make me smile. I continue until I cannot touch the bottom and swim the rest of the way to the sand bar. Turning back to look at my home, I am grateful. I could have lost everything, but here she stands, undamaged by the vicious storm. I feel guilty as well—so many lost, so much destruction. But I remind myse...

Lockdown Skills

How to survive the office Zoom meeting.

One of my friends asked me how I kept myself occupied during last year's Coronavirus lockdown? She asked if I had used my time wisely to study or teach myself new skills? The most important thing I learnt was how to drink wine from a coffee mug while taking part in the weekly office Zoom meeting! I would simply pour some wine into my mug, cut the string and label from a herbal teabag, then dangle it over the rim of my mug...


Finding traffic lights to prove I’m not a robot.

Last month, I paid my electricity bill over the phone using one of those automated payment systems. First, I was prompted to tap in answers to various security questions, including my password and the first and fourth number of my PIN. Then, to prove I’m not a robot, I had to identify traffic-lights from a set of pictures that I could hardly see clearly on my phone. I’m not complaining, I’m glad they take the security of...