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Light and darkness Stories

light and darkness

The chess match

The battle between two brothers, light and dark.

All wars have a beginning and all wars have an end, except for one. The war between the light that illuminates the world with all that is good and the darkness which fills our hearts, blinding us with pride. The fireplace glowed brightly as the logs of wood crumbled to ash and dust. The gray ash and dust was caught by the iron bucket under the fire place. Both halves of the room were decorated differently. The fireplace,...

Blood Oath

what we do in life,echoes into eternity

BLOOD OATH upon the field of honour we do stand tall and unwavering true to our one God banners whipping in the wind of discontent shields and battle axes at the ready to defend swords drawn as if waiting to draw evil blood a cry of FAHNENEID echos off the great walls tis time to beat back the darkness the evil before us will light extinguish the dark as the sun does the moon bringing all good men of pure heart and souls...