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Redemption Stories


Love Thoughts

a lovers thoughts

Dear Darling my Love my shelterbless you as I was blessed the day you came into my troubled lifeyour constant wiliness to give of yourself to me leaves me speechlessyou always here talking to me never a harsh word. at times pleading for me to return to a...

New YorkSteve Bendarek couldn't believe his luck. A rudimentary night out in the local bar had taken an unexpected turn when this unbelievably attractive woman had bought him a drink. Her name was Mireya – her features were an appealing mixture of Caucasi...


Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will always hurt me...

Oh Doamne, ce ai parasit tu ma? Oh Lord, why hast thou forsaken me? The gun slipped from my fingers, the digits slick with sweat and blood. The 'clack' it produced by striking the pavement reverberated in my ears, and a small noise escaped, unbidden from...