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Dancing to Ray Charles: Ch 09, Darrell's Disaster

After Darrell Ray bungles, Mark get some man-to-man advice

Delmar Bullock wasn’t impressed, not one little bit. The three young farts standing just inside the door to his storage shed didn’t seem good for much, most of all a Klan job.At first, they tried to act cocky like this was no big deal. But none of  ‘em sa...

Dancing to Ray Charles: Ch 08, Boudreaux Family Values

This chapter contains racist dialogue, including the 'N' word, some may prefer avoiding.

 “Hey, good lookin’, what ya got cookin’ tonight?” At the sound of Darrell Ray’s cocky, teasing voice, Bebe gave him an unhurried glance. Then she took her time putting away an unread folder, turning off the fluorescent desk light and covering the typewri...

Dancing to Ray Charles: Ch 05, Trash Is Easier To Handle Than Life

After surviving his 'Peace Talk' with Amy, what next?

 xxxHauling trash isn’t that bad a job, thought Mark, as he drove away from the now-deserted American Legion Hall. Unbuttoning his sweat soaked shirt, he let the wind blow across his big, sweaty chest. Of course, loading and unloading all that stuff in th...

Dancing To Ray Charles: ch 01, Two Dancers

She needed the nice guy, but wanted her bad boy.

xxxIn the spring of ’68, it was the worst of times. Student protests raged from the Sorbonne to Berkeley. Civil rights demonstrations and anti-war rallies were turning violent. Martin Luther King was dead; Bobby Kennedy would be soon. Hundreds of other Am...

Dancing To Ray Charles: ch04, Peace Talks

Would he and Amy soon be fighting like that Blue Jay and squirrel in the backyard?

Sleep had been hard to come by. Mark’s mind kept going back to his bumping into Bebe at the dance last night and her agreeing to a date, then it would switch back two weeks to his kissing Amy, and how that changed everything, at least for him, then return...

Dancing to Ray Charles: Ch 03, Ailing Amy

Would learning the sexy little tramp she hated wanted to marry her best friend cause a relapse?

===The dream was back. So were those eyes. The ones that hovered in an angry sky, seeing everything but focusing on nothing.Amy knew those eyes—knew a time when they’d been filled with happiness and a love of life. But then her brother had returned from ...

A Week in the Nurses' Dorm

Thursday night everyone convened in Gwen'sroom for a final try at coming to grips with Pharmacology

A few week’s earlier, Gwen Kaplan had been struggling with the physical, moral, and emotional problems involved with having two men in her life at the same time.Since then her four-year romance with Johnny DeAngelo had come to an abrupt, dramatic, and non...

More Than Just a Kiss (prelude) Meeting in Manhattan

Sequel to "Anything Might Happen" and prequel to my, "More Than Just A Kiss" series.

The short-haired brunette named, Gwen Kaplan seemed a little taller than most girls and a lot prettier. Her eyes were a soft, almost liquid brown, the classic bedroom eyes, and that smile of hers managed to be both innocent and yet, somehow, inviting.  On...