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Shock Stories


To Purge

With grief comes trauma and then the purge

  Shock rushes through your very bones  To rise and fall like waves of a restless sea  Plunging your heart deep into the cavity of an abyss  Where all those go – that are amiss   You succumb to feeling numb  The present now out of place  No trace  No hint  Not a single glint  From what once felt so real   A tangible being  To touch  To smell  To hear  … Now you feel   As they persist to exist in your mind  You accept in v...

 Dancing to Ray Charles: Ch 07, S8ummer Inactivities “I guess it’s about time we had that little talk.” Jake Cahill stood in the doorway to the crowded laundry room, watching his son pull clothes from the dryer.“Oh, I already know all about that stuff,” said Mark. “The stork brings the babies and leaves them under a cabbage leaf.”“So that’s how it’s done. And all this time I thought Doc Miles brought them in his little bl...

We’re going up to the hospital to see Grandma Rae. I didn’t even know she was sick. As we step off the elevator, the smell of hospital engulfs me. I never like it but it is part of a visit. Hope she’s OK. A knock, ”Come in.” we enter and there she is. In bed, tubes everywhere, yellow with the jaundice of failing organs. Oh no! Grandma! You are never going to live, Death is already upon you! I can’t cry, maybe I mumble a f...

Crow a Love Story

miss guided love

Crow a Love Story A friend told me about all the noise by the flocks of Indian house crows. Of how the British had brought them from India to their colonies in Africa, to be scavengers, and like most man- made solutions that can backfire, it did with the crows in eastern Africa. Crows are known bullies and will, given the time, run off all other. They will eat the local birds eggs, raiding the nests for chicks, and eat al...