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Little boy Stories

little boy

Felix's New View

Felix overcomes his fear of heights, and apparently everything else, at the carnival

‘What a view.’ Felix never imagined that thought would ever cross his mind while looking down from a Ferris Wheel, probably because he had always kept his eyes shut. Earlier, the yin and yang of excitement and trepidation had pulled at him when he and his dad arrived at the summer carnival. Like any boy, he loved the atmosphere, essentially a kid’s version of Nirvana: the lights, the sideshows, the games, the rides, the j...

Blocks in the Pottery Room

Creative Writing piece in third person

He'd been swimming fine at first- perfectly fine- but there was a current and nobody was watching. He tried and tried to swim to the surface, desperate to get out, his lungs burning. He couldn't hold his breath much longer, he struggled, he could see the sunlight, but he couldn't reach it and his mouth opened and he felt the water clog his lungs and run down his throat. He was choking and he could stop it. Jeremy thought...