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Trembling Stories


Early warning

A new experience of fear

Early 1940. Siren’s mournful wailing, signalling, Our first air raid. Fearfully looking at me, she switched off all the lights Then she came to hug me close, her body trembling. I’d never seen her like this, so full of fear and worry. “It’s all right,” I reassured her. A distant bang, surely approaching thunder “Oh, God.” Her voice displaying her terror. “Down the stairs,” she urged. The steps down from our flat were soli...

first kiss

a young couple kiss for the first time

Tentative trusting and tenderly his lips lightly lingered on my mouth. Innocent and trustful I felt his body trembling against mine. Hopefully and hungry for love; I returned his kiss and love was mine. We clung to each other oblivious of the partying people around us.