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Infidelity. relationships Stories

infidelity. relationships

The Traveling Soul

Two souls connect without the restraints of context.

Is one's essence defined by the age of the body, their culture, economic status, or gender? What are we without the context of time, gender, and culture? Tara's mother underwent a metamorphosis. Mildred wore different costumes of the mind. Each costume was unique, stemming from a different time in her life and drawing upon various life experiences. Alzheimer's disease sponsored Mildred's time travel. Tara remembers Mildre...

Ginny sat reading the paper as I stared at her. Her cup of tea was well on its way to going cold as she engrossed herself in another Celebrity scandal. I didn’t break my gaze as I sipped at my own cooling brew. I quietly perused her visage, surrounded by her long raven hair. I tried in vain to get a glimpse of those killer blue eyes. But they were fixed solidly on the words she was reading. I wondered how many times I had...