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Beware of Barefooting: a cautionary tale

About the close encounter of the worst kind between my bare foot and a pile of chicken manure

Over on a web site for the blind I often infest, someone said the recently passed first day of May, in addition to being May Day and Beltane, had also been something called ‘Barefoot Day’. To this I felt compelled to reply as follows, sort of:As for that...

More Than Just A Kiss: Conclusion?

Is a door closing or opening on their time together?

Blurb: She felt excited, nervous, maybe even a little scared. Most of all, her mind kept spinning trying to figure out just how she’d ever gotten herself into this room, at this moment and, most of all, with this man. ### In Mark Cahill’s considered opini...

More Than Just A Kiss Part Four - Girl Talk

Sequel to 'In The Park' - fourth in a five-part series

“Ann, are you telling us our straight-arrow, nice-Jewish-girl-from-Queens, Gwen, took some guy she was fooling around with on her ward to the park where they did, God only knows what?” "Is this stuff animal, vegetable, or mineral?" Ann was cautiously exam...

More Than Just A Kiss Part Three - In The Park

Sequel to 'More Than Just A Kiss: Ann’s Story'

Mark stood and offered his hand. She smiled and accepted the help. In one gentle, fluid motion, he lifted her from the chair and then into his arms. The kiss that followed was long, natural, and perfect.  After her confessional the night before, Ann would...

More Than Just A Kiss Part Two - Ann’s Story

Sequel to 'More Than Just A Kiss'

"And while you're making out with this ‘Nam vet, I'm stuck on the urology ward with a bunch of old farts who can't pee, and jive doctors who keep hustling me." Still stunned by the patient’s unexpected kiss, Gwen Kaplan leaned against the wall outside his...

FOR: Matt, FROM: Becky, With Love

Becky’s given Matt her love and her body. Now he’s going back to war, what else can she give him?

I was halfway between Sears and flat broke, sitting alone in the mall’s noisy food-court, eating a tasteless salad, and wondering why I let my mother con me into getting dressed and driving into town with her to go shopping the day after Thanksgiving, the...

What Summer Means To Me

What I got to write on account of what Ms Carnahan, my teacher, claims I did yesterday in class.

WHAT SUMMER MEANS TO ME Summer means no school. Summer means having to mow your yard instead of going fishing or swimming. And to make matters worse, my tightwad father don't hardly pay me a thing for all that work. He claims riding around on a John Deere...

Dancing to Ray Charles: Ch 02, Hot Fries and Cold Beer

Cruising and talking about life, two women, and one mixed-up guy.

He’d left the dance early, needing to be alone, to think, to sort out his emotions. Then he got hungry. The one place still open was the all-night, Hilltop Café Motel and Truck Stop.With the country club dance still going on, the over air-conditioned, neo...