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Cave Stories


Once upon a time, a long time ago, there was a little lamb called Ivy. You may think that’s a strange name for a lamb, and perhaps it is. Now, Ivy was a little different from all the other lambs. To be honest, Ivy lived in a world of her own. Ivy liked to bounce around the field exploring while the other lambs huddled together with the sheep. Such a happy little lamb; the world was just one big adventure for her. By the e...

The cave

Trapped while exploring a cave

The boy lay in the darkness, blacker than the darkest night. He had no concept of how long he had been there, only that the end was near. His arms were folded tightly against his chest and the walls of the narrow passage pressed against him like the weight of a whole mountain was upon him. The panic had long since gone and he had resigned himself to his fate. He knew he would probably not survive. He thought of what had b...

It took Angry Horse almost two days and nights to recover from his ordeal, even with the concoction Red Owl had brewed to assist with his healing. On the Morning of the third day he felt strong enough to rise and walk and he immediately headed to Chief Puma's tent. "It is good to see you up," the Chief intoned as he motioned for his brave to sit. "It is good to be up." Angry Horse then told his Chief his tale of how the t...

Gidealis Enigma Chapter 41

The betrayal by Moro was kind of anticipated, but is he thinking he is smarter than Demi?

Chapter 41 Escape into Waterfalls His eyes glow spectacular green ever so brightly, and I’m about to lose consciousness again, when I notice that the black stone lights up with a series of images. One image shows Ari, holding a small girl by her hand, walking up the ramp of his ship, followed by a dark-haired woman. The next one – Ari, that woman and the girl already inside of the ship, and Ari adjusts the screen to the g...

Gidealis Enigma Chapter 37

Demi is overwhelmed by the events, but there is only this much drama he can handle in one day.

Chapter 37 The Secrets of Black Stones The green domes of buildings are dimly lit with amber-yellow light. More and more kribers fly out and land around us. “How did you guys end up here?” Asmadis is so shocked, his eyes turn silvery-white. I’m beginning to receive a lot of information. “The ten Kom kribers were thrown in the cave with the entrance sealed by a huge rock. The Blisps that did it, left and subsequently died...