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Poignancy Stories


How I Lost My Wife: The Water Bed Disaster

A man recalls the tragic evening of his personal Titanic.

I always hoped when we were wedthat our humongous water bedwould be our special place of carnal passion.There whatever we might cravewe’d do upon a gentle wavesupping on our young libidos’ ration.And so it was that we’d make loveand I’d give you a gentle...

The Packing Error: A Spoiled Romantic Getaway

Two lovers can’t straigthen things out on a romantic holiday. Really poignant stuff.

The years had passed as had desire. We simply didn’t have the fire that once consumed us many years ago. But you still ached to feel that spark that once caused magic in the dark. To feel your passions rage and ebb and flow. One day you said it would be s...