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Integrity Stories


"Go to Guy"

The only compliment one ever needs to hear

He got his orders from his section chief. Then he went out and did what needed to be done. With the completion of each task he returned for the next set of orders. It went on all day with the usual breaks to chow down with mates and peers. At the end of each day it was finished, once again. He handed in the keys he checked out at the beginning of each day, looking to the chief. "You know, sergeant, you're the go to guy ar...

Yesterday I received a Friend request on Facebook. I didn't recognize the name. I didn't recognize the face. It was an old face. I happen to be a relatively old chap myself. This person shared one friend with me. That gave me a hint that she shared the same thing my other friend shared with me. Having gone to high school together. You understand, this was in the 1960s. So I went to her Facebook page and attempted some res...

It has not always been a subject that concerned me. I mean since I first got online and started finding people I called friends, or just acquaintances. The fact that these are disembodied people who may or may not be what they say they are. I am the trusting type. I always take people at face value until I am proved wrong. And I have been proved wrong. More than once, and most importantly, by people I had formed a deep an...

You will not pour ice on my mic Just because my lesson burns You’re not allowed to shame me‘cause your mind's too closed to learn I refuse to change my words around Or remove a single phrase‘cause my message is a mirror That reflects your naked face Race, religion, vices, or violence If it colors our existence Then my voice shall not be silent Still, you challenge my words And you work to smear and smother But what salts...

She is resting in the master bedroom. It has been a long day. They are all long days now. The medicines help. They do. They go away. She stays, as do I. Tomorrow will be like today. The medicines will help. Then they will go away. And we will stay Together As one, One More Day. I sit alone in the dining room, At the table we have seldom shared. A tray has most often sufficed. It did tonight On her bed. Her Master bed, For...

Lasting Legacy

They will be my lasting legacy

Lasting Legacy Looking up the word legacy: Something, From the past associated with. That is handed down or remains. From a previous generation or time. That is outdated or discontinued. Do I have a legacy, Never anything concrete. Have I done anything? Important enough, no. Not a lasting legacy. Of my accomplishments, Nothing stands out or screams. You have done this, To prove you were here. Not a lasting legacy. Thought...