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Questions Stories



questions I cant find an answer to

Who can say what lies beyond tomorrowWill it bring Love and Joy or only sorrowOf all the questions in my mindThe answers to these I never findIs it because if I could seeWhat really lies ahead for meI would bring about an endThat loved ones simply couldn’...


Evocative, thunderous voices inside my head.

Sometimes I have to strain to hear.Sometimes they are loud and jeer. The things said, sometimes are bizarre.Sometimes cutting deep, leaving a scar. I don't know from where they come.They do at times make me feel glum. I ask where, or who they are often.Ne...

Opportunity Lost?

Disbelief and doubt are hard things to fight...

Forgotten on the breeze It slips past and is lost Opportunity comes to tease Says come and play Then dashes away Like a laughing child All gay and merry. You feel it slipping through your fingers Time... Life... Love You want to keep it Hold it close But...

Mum They Said I Killed Jesus

A girl starts a new school in the countryside and experiences prejudice for the first time.

Mum they said I killed Jesus I said as I came home from school How can they say that I’m only eleven What would it be 2000 years ago and I am not free To say I am different And play with the guys Who grew up in this Lovely countryside.   Go back and tell...

What did you see

When you looked at me, who did you see

What did you see when you looked at meThe woman who gave her heart, so young and carefreeThe woman who you claimed with a ring of diamonds and goldDo you see the woman you promised to love, honor, and holdYour words were sharp they cut like a knifeI dont...

Unanswered Questions

A couple a questions no one can answer with proper, justifiable responses that aren't just opinion

1: Why is pot illegal, but Beer and Cigarettes (two of the deadliest inventions known to man) are.2: Why does America still think it's the number one country?3: Why is it okay to tell a person they are too skinny, but it's considered not nice to call a pe...